Ahoy, Matey
From the Page 2 mailbag

Sports mascots are under attack. Or so it would seem.

We weren't sure what was happening with the Philadelphia Eagles and Tampa Bay Buccaneers mascots in this week's Page 2 Mystery Photo, so we asked you to tell us what's going on. After receiving more than 1,900 e-mails, we've chosen the best caption suggestions below.

See action like this and more in our "Mascots Gone Wild" videotape! Order now, and we'll also include "Mascots Gone Wild: The Locker Room," both tapes for just $19.95.
Dan Baker

Does Polly still want a @&%*#@* CRACKER?!
Hot Springs, Ark.

Captain Blye uses tactics learned from "The Sopranos" to collect child support payments from the alleged father of his parrot.
Kurt Oestriecher
Alexandria, La.

With no one looking, the Bucs mascot discreetly peels off the "I brake for endangered species" bumper sticker from the Eagles mascot's beak.
Chris Robinson
Georgetown, Texas

"Are you sure this is where the gasoline goes?"
Kenneth Sharp
San Antonio

The Eagle has landed.
Mickey Nuccio
Lansdale, Pa.

Swoop the Eagle is consoled by Captain Fear (the Buccaneer) after Swoop was unable to complete the truck lift event in the second round of "The World's Strongest Mascots" competition on ESPN6.
Chris King
Cartersville, Ga.

The new ad campaign for the Dodge Ram: "Sure the Bucs don't have a prayer of beating the Eagles in the cold. But with a new Dodge Ram, they can run over their sorry asses any time of the year."
New Haven, Conn.

"You like that, stool pigeon? The rest of us know it was you who told the Philly cheerleaders about the holes in the shower walls. You're singing a different tune, now, aren't you?"
Peter O'Malley
Reading, Mass.

"Y'argh, Matey. 'Twas that scurvy dog Jeff Kent that done fell on him says I. Y'argh."
Scott Bernberg
Los Angeles

It's obvious that the driver was not properly coached on pursuing his target. He had to settle for the single extra point, even though he had the chance to convert for two. Oh well ... one mascot down, so many more left to go.
Adam Pasternak

Following assaults on Santa Claus, puppies and spring flowers, Philly fans finally take their frustrations out on the Eagles mascot.
Joanna Hicks
Winthrop, Mass.

Following the sad trend of legal problems set by some of their players, NFL mascots Swoop and Captain Fear were charged Wednesday with grand theft auto after being caught red-handed prepping a truck for the chop shop. Police say Sir Purr, shown here looking on in approval, was also in on the conspiracy.

"That should teach you! Just because you're a bird, doesn't mean you can crap on my window! Stupid Bird."
Nick Puckett
Greencastle, Ind.

"I can't believe it's come down to this, eagle, but the owners said that either you agree to be our head coach next year or we run you over."
Subir Grewal
New City, N.Y.

An innocent night of alcohol and strip clubs turned ugly when McNabb and Dunn found the keys to the storage closet.
Bennett Acuff
Chapel Hill, N.C.

A re-enactment of the NFC championship game: Eagles are a Ram speedbump, and the Bucs could do nothing but watch ...
Brian Logan
Torrance, Calif.

Protests continue in Islamabad as Taliban supporters severely abuse a symbol of America.
Tim McNamara
Walnut Creek, Calif.

Joe Miller
Metairie, La.

The Bucs mascot punishes the Eagle for spying on the "booty."
Rachel R.
Mahopac, N.Y.

"I don't care about your 'friends' in south Philly, you took Indiana and the points. If I don't get the money by Friday, the next truck will be moving a lot faster."
Silver Spring, Md.

Fellow mascots look on in horror at this disaster outside the International Mascot Convention in Mulberry Ridge, Texas.
Hudson, Ohio

Tampa Bay finally sees somebody else on the ground besides their offensive line, quarterback, running back, wide receiver and Warren Sapp.
Jason T
Levittown, N.Y.

Kinda feels like getting tackled on the turf at The Vet.
Randy DuRoss

Despite repeated warnings and hours of practice, the Eagles mascot still couldn't master the art of looking both ways before crossing the street.
Irving, Texas

Just one more example of Mascot on Mascot violence.
Dayton, Ohio

This is the last time Halle Berry was allowed at an NFL game.
Robert Raymond
Los Angeles

One of those ESPN "This is SportsCenter" commercials goes terribly wrong.
Charlotte, N.C.

2003 Prediction: Teams take turns getting run over by the Rams.
Lech Czerski
South Boston

ARRRRrrrrrr stands for ROADKILL!!!
Wile E.
Honolulu, Hawaii

And thanks to the Tampa Bay mascot, instead of hitting George McFly with the car, Lorraine's dad hit the Eagles mascot, thus thrusting Marty McFly ... back to the future!
David Armati
Austin, Texas

And here is the real caption from The Associated Press: The mascot for the NFL's Philadelphia Eagles feigns being hit by a car as the Tampa Bay Buccaneers mascot comes to his aid March, 23 on Seventh Avenue in New York. The mascots are in town for a convention to discuss techniques, skits and various business topics. (AP Photo/Stephen Chernin)


Mystery Photo responses March 15: Duck, it's Costner

Mystery Photo responses March 4: Ohno, it's Katie!

Mystery Photo responses Feb.25: Pairs who share

Mystery Photo responses Feb. 6: Two minutes for stripping

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Mystery Photo responses Dec. 3: Swept away

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Mystery Photo responses Oct. 7: He shoots, he ...

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Mystery Photo responses Sept. 21: Coming up short

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Mystery Photo Sept. 7: Tough shot

Mystery Photo Aug. 31: Oh, Danny boy!

Mystery Photo Aug. 24: Baby doll

Mystery Photo Aug. 17: Wild night at the ballpark

Mystery photo Aug. 10: Doubles divas

Mystery photo Aug. 3: Hoops, I did it again

Mystery photo July 27: I've got it!

Mystery photo July 20 extras: Fiddling with captions

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Mystery photo June 1: Something about Shaq

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Mystery photo April 23: Ready, aim ...

Mystery photo April 16: Hey, buddy

Mystery photo April 9: Gone fishin in Florida

Mystery photo April 2: Getting kissed off

Mystery Photo responses: March 26

Mystery Photo responses: March 16

Mystery Photo responses: March 9

Mystery Photo responses: Feb. 28

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