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Wild night at the ballpark
From the Page 2 mailbag

The Oakland A's organization prides itself on creative game-day promotions, but lately things have gotten out of hand -- it seems they'll let anybody into the ballpark these days.

We know baseball fans can be real animals, but we just couldn't figure out what was going on here, so we asked for your help.

Here are some of the best caption suggestions from more than 800 responses from Page 2 readers for this week's Mystery Photo.

Oakland A's attendance continues to skyrocket due in part to such promotional events as Impersonate Your Favorite Animal from the Chernobyl Petting Zoo Day.
Kev. E
New York

The straw that broke the camel's back: Jimy Williams' last lineup card had these guys batting 7, 8, 9.
Ed Ingraham

"I'm tellin' ya ... chicks dig the odd balls!"
Ryan Hutchinson
Saskatoon, Saskatchewan

"Boy, this witness protection program stuff is pretty wild, huh?"
Tim Olnick
Lexington Park, Md.

Drink till they're cute.
Kevin Thomas
Sevierville, Tenn.

Bud Selig, Pete Rose, and an unidentified bookie take in the A's-Yankee's game.
Robert Williams
Holbrook, Ariz.

Back-to-school time finds several local universities' newest Greek pledges in attendance.
Steven Holscher
Boiling Springs, S.C.

Gator: "OK, those two guys went to the bathroom, let's grab their sodas."

Albino Monkey: "That's kinda rude, don't you think, chicken?"

Chicken: "Hey, man, maybe albino monkies are rollin' in dough these days, but I know I can't afford a $14 Pepsi!"
Jason Dalton
Dover, N.H.

The 21st century version of "The Three Wise Men" -- Bite, Boo and Beak no evil.
Fountain Valley, Calif.

"Dude! Check out the wolverine back there in the tube top!"
Jeffrey Staggs

"Hey, guys, we can take the disguises off now, the A's are winning again!"
Jim Ray
Columbia, S.C.

Just another day in the Oakland cheap seats.
Meherab Amaria
Broomfield, Colo.

Filming for the upcoming film, "Ferris Gorilla's Day Off."
Len Hoover
Kent, Ohio

Jason Giambi's weightlifting partners religiously cheer him on.
Matthew Perry
Malden, Mass.

Clip from an episode of ESPN's, "Behind the Mascot -- The Philly Phanatic Story":

Florida Gator: "Yeah, that guy's a real jackass. Ever since he got that gig, his head has just blown up. People think he's just a loon naturally. No way, man -- it's the drugs, the booze, and the women."

Abominable Snowman: "Totally, man, we used to all play poker every Friday night. Now it's always, 'I gotta go to that mascot convention in the city' or 'I'm hanging out with Mr. Marlin at his beach tonight, maybe some other time.' Yeah, he's real jerk now."
Los Angeles

Bobby Valentine and friends, at it again.
St. Louis

"So, Charlie, where did you tell your wife you were going?"
Dale Pullen

George Steinbrenner (gator), Joe Torre (white thing), and Don Zimmer (mud hen) were identified by an ESPN photgrapher while secretly scouting Jason Giambi. Steinbrenner reportedly offered the photographer a $17-million contract to quit shooting football, commit solely to baseball, and never mention the incident to anyone. The offer was rejected.
Ryan Ford
Toledo, Ohio

"OK, OK ... so an alligator, a polar bear and a chicken walk into a baseball game ..."
Tim Scott
Norwood, Mass.

"If that guy back there doesn't shut up, I'm going to bite his freaking head off!"
Shawn T.
Tallahassee, Fla.

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