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We were a bit confused by what we saw Tuesday at Bank One Ballpark in Phoenix, so we asked you to help us figure things out.

Mystery Photo
Page 2 asked its readers to send us caption ideas, and you filled our mailbag with nearly 1,400 responses.

Here's a look at some of the best caption suggestions from your readers.

An Extravagant Bet: These Phoenix-area residents rented tuxedoes, wedding gowns and Bank One Ballpark to settle a bet among friends. Their bet? To see how many "score" puns that's Page 2 would publish in its Mystery Photo response column.
Chris Kimmel
St. Peter, Minn.

The next groom wasn't nearly as lucky as the visiting catcher had the plate perfectly blocked and delivered a punishing tag.
John Backstrom
Lafayette, La.

Groom Jeremy Lipschitz is seen scoring the go-ahead run in the Lipschitz-O'Halloran wedding party's 6-2 victory over the Tampa Bay Devil Rays. Bridesmaid Colleen Donahue struck out the side with her baffling underhand delivery in the ninth to earn her first save.
Marty Craddock

Thompson Wedding Party 7, Boston Red Sox 1
Ron Erdmann
New York

The Broadway Triple-A team's new uniforms seemed like a good idea before the dry cleaning bill arrived ...
Ed Ruane
Rochester, N.Y.

A happy groom crosses home plate only to find his wife was held up by the third-base coach.
Dan Mastriano
Kearny, N.J.

This guy got exactly what he wants: Proof he scored on his wedding night.
Dan Montalto

Just like in the bedroom, this man rounds the bases before his wife does.
Fahad Akhtar
New York

Although most couples were well aware "how far" they were allowed to venture on the wedding night, their newlywed counselor always had a thing for the elaborate visual aid.
Ryan K.

Ironically, Bob will only get to third base on his honeymoon.
Columbia, Mo.

Fox's new TV special: "Who Wants to Marry Alex Rodriguez?"
New Jersey

The newest reality show this fall on Fox: "Who Wants to be the Poor Woman Who Marries the Dork That Takes Her to the Ballpark for Their Wedding, Then Proceeds to Run the Bases Like a Complete Loser?"
John Vecero III
York, Pa.

Spurred on by the support of his exes, Steve Garvey celebrates his triumphant return to baseball.
Mike W.
Jackson, Miss.

The Mariners unveil their new promo, Al Martin wife day!
Adam Shprintzen
Port Chester, N.Y.

The Rev. Moon crosses the plate for the winning run in his annual Mass Wedding/Cult Picnic Softball game.
Cary Farris

What I should have done on my wedding day, run!
Brooklyn, N.Y.

It's "Worst Mistake You'll Ever Make" Night at Bank One Ballpark. These festivities were soon followed by everyone in the stadium buying a used Pontiac.

The groom scores the go ahead-run on the bride's double to the gap off a tired Arizona bullpen, temporarily stalling the Diamondbacks' drive for the NL West title.
Jimbo K.
Pleasant Hill, Calif.

"No, Ichiro, I said you need to carry the team tonight!"
Bret Hern

Special Promotion: Run around the bases and get a free bobblehead wife.
Seth McBee

Big-league ballpark trip ... $250

Marriage at Big League ball park ... $1,000

Making the biggest mistake of your life along with making a total ass of yourself in front of millions ...

Eutaw, Alabama

George Brett crosses home in the debacle that will later be known as, "The Pine Tar Wedding."
Len Hoover
Kent, Ohio

Bobby was outraged when he was the 1,001st fan on "the first 1,000 fans get a free bride night."
Chris Dolan
Williamsburg, Va.

Couples take part in the annual "Turn Your Wedding Day Into a Cheap Gimmick You'll Later Deeply Regret" promotion at the ballpark.
Josh McElhattan
Belmont, Mass.

Bob had just been married to Pamela Anderson and was scoring the winning run in Game 7 of the World Series all in the same day, when suddenly, he awoke in a pile of empty bottles and stale Doritos.
Grant Bailie
Brandon, Fla.

New penalty for indiscretion with female groupies on the road handed down by Frank Robinson: Shotgun Weddings.
Mike Manahan

Tonight, on "How To Ruin a Marriage Before It Begins ..."
Bob King
Norwood, Mass.

It all went smoothly until Randy Johnson tossed the bouquet ...
Greg McGarry
Cambridge, Mass.

And here is the real caption from The Associated Press: A new groom crosses home plate after 28 couples were married on the diamond Sept. 25, 2001, at Phoenix prior to the Diamondbacks game against the Milwaukee Brewers. (AP Photo/Roy Dabner)

Mystery Photo responses Sept. 21: Coming up short

Mystery Photo responses Sept. 18: Hat tricks

Mystery Photo Sept. 7: Tough shot

Mystery Photo Aug. 31: Oh, Danny boy!

Mystery Photo Aug. 24: Baby doll

Mystery Photo Aug. 17: Wild night at the ballpark

Mystery photo Aug. 10: Doubles divas

Mystery photo Aug. 3: Hoops, I did it again

Mystery photo July 27: I've got it!

Mystery photo July 20 extras: Fiddling with captions

Mystery photo July 20: The Devil you say?

Mystery photo July 13: The BoSox Boys

Mystery photo July 6: Reunited...

Mystery photo June 29: This just in ...

Mystery photo June 22: Caught in the act

Mystery photo June 18: What's up with Bobby Cox?

Mystery photo June 8: Kobe Bryant plugged

Mystery photo June 1: Something about Shaq

Mystery photo May 25: Two wild and crazy guys

Mystery photo May 17: Nothing but net

Mystery photo May 11: Tim and Jerry

Mystery photo May 3: Drop 'em

Mystery photo April 27: Great seats, eh?

Mystery photo April 23: Ready, aim ...

Mystery photo April 16: Hey, buddy

Mystery photo April 9: Gone fishin in Florida

Mystery photo April 2: Getting kissed off

Mystery Photo responses: March 26

Mystery Photo responses: March 16

Mystery Photo responses: March 9

Mystery Photo responses: Feb. 28

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