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Kobe Bryant plugged
From the Page 2 mailbag

We couldn't explain what was going on with Kobe Bryant, so we wanted you to help us figure it out.

Kobe Bryant
Here are some of the best caption suggestions from Page 2 readers.

"Hello, I am Kobe and this is 'Sprockets!' Now is the time we dance!"
Lenny Reid
Jackson, N.J.

"On second thought, guys, maybe I will wear the garter and breathe through my eyelids."

Apparently, Shaq and Kobe have the same movie agent.
Kevin Wiehe
Gladstone, N.J.

First "wax on, wax off" -- now this!
Tucson, Ariz.

Shaq attempts to program Kobe to "pass" the basketball.
Matthew E. Johnson
New York

It's amazing what lengths Kobe's new wife has gone to to keep tabs on him.
Eddystone, Pa.

Kobe's attempts to be the next Mike have caused him to break out in freakishly large white hives.
Travis Theiss
Hamilton, Ohio

Jerry West to Phil Jackson: " I can rebuild you MJ. We have the technology."
Steve Snook
St. Petersburg, Fla.

Yeah, I know this get-up looks weird, but guess who's getting paid 10 mil for this?
Joe Paolone
Birmingham, Ala.

"Mission Impossible 3: Fix the NBA Finals."

Undaunted by his recent case of chicken pox, Kobe Bryant continues to play basketball.
Will Kiser

Kobe: "Phil, I know you said that if I do everything you tell me to, we will win the championship. But wearing a wet suit to practice? C'mon, this is ridiculous."
Kevin Harwood
Trussville, Ala.

Kobe: " Lets see ... 1 ... 2 ... 3 ... 4 ... 8 dots. Oh, I get it -- one for each time I have passed the ball in my career."
Brendan Smith
Cedar Hill, Texas

"Man, at least I don't have to wear that midget camera guy on my back like Webber did."
Sean Lewis
Ogden, Utah

Kobe Bryant showing off his new line of clothes from adidas.
Pono J.
Corvallis, Ore.

After renting the video "Spacecamp," Kobe decides to give NASA a whirl, and takes time from his busy spacewalk-flightsuit-thingy to play a pick up game with Sen. John Glenn.
Ed Corfman
Lexington, Ky.

If Chris Webber can wear these, so can I!
Brad Hutt
Papillion, Neb.

Even the simple act of making s'mores is a spectacle, as Kobe Bryant prepares to dribble through a 40-foot wall of fire in his marshmallow-covered Nomex suit.
Greg Beckley

Kobe gets into uniform before he takes to the pool to practice up for the newest summer X-Game -- Scuba Basketball.
Dave Valenzuela
Buffalo, N.Y.

NBA 2005: The league fits Kobe with the new "electroshock punishment suit" that activates when he becomes too dominant, in an effort to make the league more competitive.
Hoe McCoy
Operation Joint Force, Bosnia

After a somewhat lackluster performance in Game 1 of the Finals, Jerry West will be operating Kobe via "remote control" in Game 2.
Los Angeles

Kobe Bryant on the set of "Kazaam 2, The Revenge."
Felipe Cruz
New York

But Tiger looked soooo cool wearing the ping pong ball suit a few weeks ago.
Matt Simpson
Neosho, Mo.

Trying to come up with a persona equal to Shaq's "Superman," the best Kobe could do was "Ping Pong Ball Man."
Kevin Kurz

And finally, here is what The Associated Press said was happening: Los Angeles Lakers star Kobe Bryant runs through his signature moves and dribbling techniques during a motion-capture session for the upcoming Nintendo GameCube video game "NBA Courtside 2002." The motion-capture suit allows video game makers to put Bryant's exact moves into the game and let game players experience NBA-caliber competition. The 3D suit features high-reflective balls which are captured by six different cameras from different angles to produce a 3D motion-capture image. (AP Photo/Nintendo of America, John T. Barr)

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