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Getting kissed off
From the Page 2 mailbag

We noticed this The Associated Press photo and were nearly as confused as this guy.

So we asked Page 2 readers to provide captions for this photo, and they came through again.

The latest victim of the dreaded mouth-on-cheek disease ...
John Devine
Austin, Texas

Do you think they will still go out with me when they find out it's not my car?
Michael Haugh
Los Angeles

OK, whatever you do,don't pinch me! This must be a dream and I am loving it!
Michael Burleson
White Hall, Ark.

OK, Santa, that's one thing off my list. Now where's the rest?
Mike Blinn
Andover, Mass.

See what happens when you look good in spandex?
Brooks Peresich
Muscle Shoals, Ala.

Representatives from both the Vancouver Grizzlies & the Charlotte Hornets are making it difficult for this Memphis citizen to choose which team he wants in town.
Drew Gulan
Apple Valley, Minn.

Vince McMahon's XNASCAR is off to a rousing start.
Mark Schofield
Williamsburg, Va.

Double your pleasure with Double Mint Gum.
Bryon O'Connell
Prairie du Chien

Two referees in the Maryland-Duke game showing just how much they like to kiss up to Duke.
Jeff Zelinske
Lebanon, Pa.

The cheerleaders of Texas Tech kiss one more of their players goodbye, as Bobby Knight has struck again!
Dan Goldberg
Sharon, Mass.

This first time viewer of Page 2 is shocked by all the information it gives the real sports fan.
Dan Wellik
Forest City, Iowa

The racing leagues finally found a head restraint system that the drivers can wholeheartedly get behind.
Tucker Greer

Cleetus was unsure what his next move should be, until he looked down at his W.W.W.C.D. (What would Wilt Chamberlain do?) bracelet. Suddenly, a truly alarming number of possibilities came immediately to mind.
John Rak
Cranbury, N.J.

Lenny was dumbfounded that his 'Kiss Me I'm Irish' bumper sticker paid such immediate dividends.
Jimmy M.
Brooklyn, N.Y.

Dude ... where's my car?
Mike Estevez
Freehold, N.J.

They were right, the guys with the cool cars always get the chicks.
Joshua Barnhardt
Barstow, Calif.

It's nice to win, and you girls are nice and all, but you're covering up $50,000 worth of advertising on my uniform!
Greg Hager
Lexington, Ky.

Just another day on Temptation Island.
Jon Bowers
Oak Park, Calif.

"Oh my God, any second now they're going to realize I'm not Nick Bakay!"
Jim Hartman
Conshohocken Pa.

This is better than that drinking milk tradition.
Bill Rigney

Jeff Gordon? No ... Yeah, yeah, I'm Jeff Gordon.
James D. Holley

And finally, here is what the actual AP photo caption stated: Italian rider Danilo Di Luca, center, receives kisses from the hostesses on the podium after winning the fourth stage of the Tour of Catalonia cycling race in Berga, northeastern Spain, Thursday March 29, 2001. (AP Photo/Cesar Rangel)

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Mystery Photo responses: March 26

Mystery Photo responses: March 16

Mystery Photo responses: March 9

Mystery Photo responses: Feb. 28

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