Hanky panky
From the Page 2 mailbag

After Game 5 of the ALCS, the Twins' high hopes and Homer Hankies lay lifeless in the arms of the Angels. Autopsy and all, we still weren't able to confirm the cause of this picture, so we asked our readers in this week's Mystery Photo.

You flooded the mailbag with more than 600 explanations. Here are the best of them all.

Paul Ridgeway

The Angels have stolen the Twins' MoJo!
Doug Kraus
Anaheim, Calif.

Carl Pohlad's table cloth gives birth to an illegitimate child after its illicit love affair with Bud Selig's hairpiece.
Mike Heinlein

"The contractions are getting closer ... we'd better deliver a pennant soon."
Brian Stewart
Sarasota, Fla.

Surgeon: "This patient has undergone extreme trauma -- inferiority, neglect and near contraction -- but he will live."

Officer: "So what are you handing him over to me for?"

Surgeon: "He's under arrest for breaking his MLB playoffs restraining order."
Chapel Hill, N.C.

Congratulations, Mr. Selig, you have Twins!
Michael McDonnell

The Rally Monkey was rushed to the emergency room where doctors eventually found this lodged inside the little critter's throat ... Torii Hunter has been detained for questioning.
Brandon Lewis

"Quick, get the difibrilator! Our postseason is flat-lining! Zap the hanky!!! Zap the hanky!!!" "Doc, I'm sorry, but it's gone."
Van Aylward
Somerville, Mass.

"We just finished working on Mr. Selig. We found 60,000 of these stuffed down his throat."
Andrew Crane
Green Bay, Wis.

See, you can revive a dead icon after an 11-year cryogenetical freeze!
Patrick Clevenger

When you see Selig, wet the tip, roll it up, and give him a quick snap!
Scott Miles
Centennial, Colo.

"Ahha! Here's what the A's were choking on!"
Eric Gibbs

Twinks fan? Here, go ahead, blow your nose.
Will Lerner
Kingston, N.Y.

Doc: "OK, this is an abstract X-ray of a Twins fan's heart.

Other dude: "Oh, I see."

Doc: "Now, would you happen to have a dollar bill?"

Other dude: "Why?"

Doc: "I want to show you what Bud Selig's would look like."
Robert Hulse
New York

"Hey, Rob, remember this? You left it in my couch cushions back in 1991 ..."
Christopher Lynn
Springfield, Mo.

In a show of support, Minnesota's state flag has been replaced with the "Homer Hanky."
Steve Ulitto
Staten Island, N.Y.

Contraction?! It will take a lot more than this to cover Mr. Selig's butt.
Bay Area, Calif.

Upon his request for a blindfold, Bud Selig was given this to wear while the "Contraction Kids" battled the Angels.
Chris Casilli
Burlington, Mass.

I don't care if your security blanket means that much to you, John Henry, you can't just put everything on deep freeze!
Steve C.
Salem, Ore.

Tests reveal the ether-soaked Homer Hanky given to Carl Pohlad upon his attempt to enter the victorious locker room after Game 1.
Mark Davidson
La Jolla, Calif.

"New York and Oakland are still sniffling? We ran out of Kleenex but you can use some of Bud Selig's toilet paper."
Shad Roundy
Louisville, Ky.

And here is the real caption from The Associated Press: Paul Ridgeway, right, shows a newly ironed homer hanky to an ambulance attendant Oct. 8 outside the Metrodome in Minneapolis, where the Minnesota Twins were playing host for Game 1 of the American League Championship Series against the Anaheim Angels. It was all part of a "Homer Hanky Hospital" set up for fans who need their tattered old hankies from the 1987 and 1991 World Series victories mended and ironed. (AP Photo/Jim Mone)


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