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From the Page 2 mailbag

We didn't know what Texas Rangers shortstop Alex Rodriguez and Seattle Mariners manager Lou Piniella were discussing, so we asked you to help us figure out what the two old pals were saying.

Alex Rodriguez and Loug Piniella
Here are some of the best caption suggestions from Page 2 readers for this week's Mystery Photo.

"Hey, Alex, can I borrow some money? Ichiro's translator wants a raise."
Jim Hope
Colorado Springs, Colo.

"Get a hold of yourself, man! There's no crying in baseball! Just because you sold out and now are stuck on a last-place team 28 games behind us while we have the best record in baseball is no reason to ... oh wait, yes it is!"
Brian Cole
Conshohocken, Pa.

As Lou and Alex exchange token pleasantries, Lou's right hand slowly moves down Alex's back in an attempt to lift his oversized wallet.
Ben Schultes
Waterloo, Ind.

"Hmm, you look familiar. ... Wait don't tell me! ... Joey Cora? ... No. ... Luis Sojo? ... No wait."
Cory Acree
Watseka, Ill.

"OK, OK ... come October I'll see what I can do about getting Series tix for you, Junior, and Randy."
Tom Garrett
Alexandria, Va.

"Look, Alex, for the last time, I don't know where your pitching is."
Gus Ortlieb
Cedar Park, Texas

"No. 3, huh, Alex? Does that stand for the number of wins you're gonna get this season."
Andy S.
Skalkaho, Mont.

"Wow, blue is a wonderful color on you. It really brings out your eyes and gives off such a happy vibe unlike our ugly (first-place) gray!"
Michael Sanborn
Hampton, Va.

"$25 million a year and still wearin' Old Spice? Alex, we simply must talk."
Daniel Haithcox
Laurel Hill, N.C.

"Now, you know Alex, since we didn't sign a pre-nup, I do get half."
Derek Williamson
Hendersonville, Tenn.

Lou Piniella finishes taking A-Rod's measurements for his very own Ichiro jersey.
Tom Forbes

"Lou, have you put on some weight?"
"Nope, that is just 252 copies of the AL West Standings I like to have on me at all times."
Scott Lundin
Aloha, Ore.

"So, Rod, does Texas have room for Ichiro? We plan on going undefeated next season!"
Dave Dollar
Birmingham, Ala.

"Looks like you've had one too many Starbucks Frappucinos, eh, Lou?"
"Bite me, Ranger Boy. All that stinkin' money, and they can't even give you shoulders in this uniform?"
Christopher Mertes
Sun Prairie, Wis.

Don't worry, A-Wad, if things don't turn around, you can always buy first place.
Blake Koen
Moorestown, N.J.

"Sorry, Lou, this long-distance relationship just isn't working out."
"We can make it work if we try, Alex."
"Good bye, Lou. I'll always remember you."
Kyle MacDonald

Is it like my piggy bank, if I shake you money will fall out?
Silver Spring, Md.

"Sorry Alex, I'd love to go out for a bite to eat after the game, but I promised Ichiro we would go out for Japanese."
Mark J. Owen
West Deptford, N.J.

"Hey Alex, do you have a buck? I just need to buy a pack of gum."
"Sorry Skip, the smallest thing I got is a Benjamin."
Wilkes-Barre, Pa.

And finally, here is what The Associated Press stated was happening: Seattle Mariners manager Lou Piniella, right, and Texas Rangers Alex Rodriguez greet each other just before the start of their game Monday, July 2, 2001, in Arlington, Texas. (AP Photo/LM Otero)

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