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Bio Rhythms: Duke's Georgia Schweitzer

You can bet that Georgia Schweitzer loves those Cameron Crazies.

Georgia Schweitzer
Schweitzer was the 2000 ACC Player of the Year.

Name: Georgia Schweitzer
School: Duke
Year: Junior
Position: Guard-forward
Honors: 1999-2000 ACC Player of the Year; started on 1998-99 NCAA championship team.

But when the Duke junior thinks back to her best memory on the court, it's nowhere near the Blue Devils' campus.

"Whenever we play a high-pressure game or things are not going right, I think back to playing on the court my dad built in our backyard -- a half court, paved, with a huge street light," Schweitzer wrote. "I would play all night by myself and it would be so quiet and peaceful, time to just be alone."

Schweitzer shared memories of that court while completing a survey for More than 20 players were asked to participate, and the Tournament Dish will continue to roll out the Bio Rhythms -- a fun and humorous look at the athlete by the athlete -- throughout the women's NCAA Tournament.

For more on Schweitzer, check our her responses below:

Favorite food: Pepperoni Pizza.

Favorite TV show: The Sopranos.

Favorite movie: The Matrix.

Favorite book: The Awakening.

How did you get started playing basketball? I was in the second grade and had two older brothers. I wanted to do everything they did so I had to practice a lot so they would let me play.

What is your best memory or moment on the court? Whenever we play a high-pressure game or things are not going right, I think back to playing on the court my dad built in our backyard -- a half court, paved, with a huge street light. I would play all night by myself and it would be so quiet and peaceful, time to just be alone.

Do you have any pregame rituals? We eat a meal about three hours before game time as a team, then we have some down time. I usually study and always take a nap. I have never been big on superstitions because I do not want to count on something that may not always be there.

Who is the best player you've ever faced? Mychal Harrison, the guy I play against every day in practice.

Person you'd most like to meet? Abraham Lincoln.

Tell us something we don't know about you: I can eat a whole pizza by myself.

Finish the following sentences:
Other than the Final Four, when I think of Philadelphia, I think of: The Libety Bell.
If I wasn't a basketball player, I'd be: A hard-core Cameron Crazy.

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