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Tuesday, September 12
Updated: September 15, 11:02 AM ET
Team cuts, a lost dog and a long day

By Scott Pellerin
Special to ESPN.com

Throughout Minnesota's inaugural training camp, Scott Pellerin will give ESPN.com users an up-close look at the Wild. Pellerin, a seven-year NHL veteran who might be the team's first captain, checks in with Day 6, which featured the first cuts of camp and helping a lost dog.

If you want to ask Pellerin a question or send him a comment, click here. When Pellerin finds some time between skating, naps and his family he'll try to answer a few of the best ones.

I didn't know what to expect at practice Tuesday. We had broken into two groups, and we were all wondering if they would make some cuts. My group was the second on the ice. It was a little tough having so many guys on the ice. We did drills, then played a scrimmage and then some one-on-one drills.

When we got off the ice, some of the players from the first group were leaving with their bags, and others were already gone. We found out they had sent some of them to the minors in Cleveland, and some were released. I have never seen that many cuts made so fast at a training camp. We have all been together for the past week, and the rookies have been here since rookie camp. The coaching staff really got to see the young players a lot before camp even started.

I feel bad because some really good players got released. I didn't even get a chance to say goodbye or good luck to Cory Lorose and Brendan Walsh, who also played at UMaine. They had a great camp, and I know they will do well in Cleveland.
Pellerin on the first cuts

I guess with an expansion team you want to get to your core group of players as soon as possible. Then, you can start working on systems and get a good feel for your team. I feel bad because some really good players got released. I didn't even get a chance to say goodbye or good luck to Cory Lorose and Brendan Walsh who also played at UMaine. They had a great camp, and I know they will do well in Cleveland.

I had to do a photo shoot after practice. It was for a free newspaper that circulates in the Twin Cities. They made me skate up to the photographer and stop, spraying snow in the air. Just like in Slap Shot. They must have taken a whole roll of film, so I got a good workout doing all of the stop-and-starts.

The picture will promote the Wild's inaugural season, and I got razzed by a lot of the guys for that one.

I got back to the hotel and was surprised to see that while I was gone, my wife had taken in a dog. People around the hotel had spotted a lost dog over the last few days, but it would run from anyone who tried to approach it. Jen set out with a spare leash and a bowl of food, determined to catch him -- a task that even animal control had failed to do. She and a couple of staff members from the hotel finally captured the dog, and he came back to our room to wait to see if they could contact the owner off his tags.

His name was Pauly, a beagle mix. He was extremely afraid of people but got along well with our dog. After a big meal, lots of water and a nap, he started warming up. His owner came to get him a few hours later, and as it turns out he was lost for two weeks, and they had given up any hope of finding him. It was wonderful to see the reunion of owner and dog. We were so happy to help Pauly find his way home.

After all that excitement, I am ready to turn in, more tomorrow.

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