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Monday, April 28
Updated: April 30, 4:16 PM ET
Fraser's calls as consistent as coif

The Hockey News

Who's the most consistent referee in the NHL?
Fraser 13 (43%)
Stewart 6 (20%)
Devorski 5 (17%)
Koharski 2 (7%)
McCreary 2 (7%)
Walkom 1 (3%)
Van Massenhoven 1 (3%)
Anaheim: Keith Carney - Paul Stewart
"I'm biased to the older guys. You know what to expect from them. You know what they're going to call, guys like Paul Stewart, Dan Marouelli, Don Koharski." Pressed to pick just one, Carney chose Stewart.

Atlanta: Anonymous - Paul Stewart
"I like him. I get along with him. He adds a little flavor to the game."

Boston: Hal Gill - Kerry Fraser
"Kerry Fraser. Fraser's pretty consistent. He lets us play for the most part."

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Buffalo: J-P Dumont - Paul Stewart
"Paul Stewart. He's been in the league for a while. He knows what to call, and he doesn't take any crap from anybody. It doesn't matter if it's Buffalo in last or Colorado in first. He calls both sides."

Calgary: Anonymous - Paul Devorski
"He lets guys play. In the past, when I was in the East, he lets us play and that's the way the guys want it. This two-referee system is kind of goofy. Guys make calls just to make calls and you can't have that. With the one-referee system, maybe guys just can't keep up anymore. The game is getting pretty quick."

Carolina: Anonymous - Paul Devorski

Chicago: Anonymous - Kerry Fraser

Colorado: Anonymous - Bill McCreary
"By far."

Columbus: Mike Sillinger - Kerry Fraser

Dallas: Anonymous - Don Koharski

Detroit: Anonymous - Kerry Fraser

Edmonton: Anonymous - Kerry Fraser
"I don't know. Put down Fraser, I guess."

Florida: Olli Jokinen - Kerry Fraser

Los Angeles: Anonymous - Paul Stewart

Minnesota: Jason Marshall - Kerry Fraser
"I'd say Kerry Fraser. He always seems to be fair out there."

Montreal: Donald Audette - Kerry Fraser
"He's fair and he runs the game the way he wants to run it. You have to adjust to his style."

Nashville: Anonymous - Bill McCreary
"Even though we don't get him too much."

New Jersey: John Madden - Kerry Fraser
"You don't really notice him one way or another. You know what you can and can't do and he's pretty honest about it."

N.Y. Islanders: Anonymous - Kerry Fraser

N.Y. Rangers: Anonymous - Paul Devorski

Ottawa: Anonymous - Paul Stewart

Philadelphia: Justin Williams - Kerry Fraser
"I think he's fair."

Phoenix: Todd Simpson - Don Van Massehoven

Pittsburgh: Joel Bouchard - Kerry Fraser
"He's not pretentious. If he makes a mistake, he says, 'My fault,' and you move on."

St. Louis: Anonymous - Stephen Walkom

San Jose: Vincent Damphousse - Kerry Fraser

Tampa Bay: Anonymous - Paul Stewart

Toronto: Anonymous - Paul Devorski

Vancouver: Ed Jovanovski - Paul Devorski

Washington: Anonymous - Don Koharski

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