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Monday, February 10
Updated: February 14, 2:29 PM ET
Olympics in 2006? Molto bene

The Hockey News

Do you think the NHL should participate in the 2006 Olympics in Turin, Italy?
Yes 28 (93 percent)
No 2 (7 percent)
Anaheim: Paul Kariya - Yes
"As a player, I would love to play in the Olympics every year. There's no question about that. I think I speak for every player in the league. Guys love the experience, but they're shrinking the schedule as it is, without playing in the Olympics. If they're going to shrink it even more, I mean, it's tough when you're playing that kind of a schedule. So if there's a way we can do it properly, especially when it's over in Europe, if they give us the right amount of time that's the big issue. You want to do it, but if guys are going to be injured all year because of the schedule, then it's not worth doing, especially if we're going over to Europe and need even more time. If we can do it and do it properly (I want to do it)."

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Atlanta: Anonymous - Yes
"Sure. You've got the best athletes in the world at the Olympics and the NHL has the best hockey players in the world. Obviously, it's going to take a little bit away from the NHL for the first couple of weeks for the guys who are over there. But I still think it's for the best athletes in the world, and NHL should be involved."

Boston: P.J. Axelsson - Yes
"Yes. Even if we had a disappointing tournament last year, I think it (Olympic participation) was good for hockey. I think a lot of fans really appreciated it."

Buffalo: Miroslav Satan - Yes
"Yes, I think they should. It's a very special event. It goes back in history. It's athletes on the highest level of our sport. We should participate in the event and promote the sport all around the world. To see the competition in different countries, it brings patriotism to every country. For fans, it's very interesting."

Calgary: Craig Conroy - Yes
"It's good for hockey, it's good for the NHL. People want to see the best players in the world compete against each other. It gives guys a chance to win a gold medal. I don't think you can beat it. Plus, the long break's nice for the guys who aren't going. You get 13, 14 days so you can heal. I thought the playoffs were unbelievable last year."

Carolina: David Tanabe - Yes
"Yes, but you have to do either the Olympics or the All-Star game, not both. It's good for hockey in general."

Chicago: Anonymous - Yes

Colorado: Peter Forsberg - Yes
"I think they should. I think it's good for the game and good for the fans. It makes the regular season harder, but overall I think it's good for the fans."

Columbus: Tyler Wright - Yes

Dallas: Anonymous - Yes

Detroit: Nicklas Lidstrom - Yes

Edmonton: Ryan Smyth - Yes
"Absolutely. It was a great experience."

Florida: Olli Jokinen - Yes
"I would really like it. I think all the players would love to play. It's only once every four years. The last Olympics, I only have good things to say about that experience."

Los Angeles: Anonymous - Yes

Minnesota: Dwayne Roloson - Yes
"Yes, definitely. I think it has been great."

Montreal: Chad Kilger - Yes
"It's going to end up being negotiated in the next CBA. But the last time, in Salt Lake City, it gave the NHL good exposure and created interest. It's a great opportunity for the guys."

Nashville: Karlis Skrastins - Yes
"I think so. I think it is good for everybody if all the best players can get there. (The NHL season) is another side of it. If they give us one week off or a two-week break, it should be fine. I think it's great if they let the guys play, but it's not my decision to make,"

New Jersey: Joe Nieuwendyk - Yes
"Yes. I'm a big advocate of it because of the two Olympic experiences I had. The popularity it creates for hockey would, alone, be reason enough. The fans were into it and it created a lot of energy. You can't argue with that. I can't find a negative. I'll remember the two experiences I had forever. I think the players would love it participate in the Olympics again. There is no negative side to it."

N.Y. Islanders: Kenny Jonsson - Yes
"I hope we do, but I don't think we will. I just think there was too much complaining about how hectic the schedule was for them to keep doing it."

N.Y. Rangers: Brian Leetch - Yes
"I've always believed that the Olympics should be a competition among the best athletes in the world. I think the NHL should keep going."

Ottawa: Anonymous - Yes

Philadelphia: Anonymous - No

Phoenix: Ladislav Nagy - Yes

Pittsburgh: Ville Nieminen - Yes
"Oh yeah. Of course. I think we should recognize the European effort in the NHL, too, and respect that. NHL players should be there."

San Jose: Teemu Selanne - Yes
"Absolutely. It (the travel) wasnąt a problem in Japan, it shouldnąt be a problem now. I think itąs a great experience and a lot of these players arenąt going to have this opportunity again. And I think for hockey it's a good thing. It can be tough on the players, but as time passes you appreciate it."

St. Louis: Brent Johnson - Yes

Tampa Bay: Anonymous - No

Toronto: Anonymous - Yes

Vancouver: Sami Salo - Yes
"Yes. i think they should. I had a great experience in Salt Lake City and I think it was a good thing for the hockey world."

Washington: Anonymous - Yes

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