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Monday, April 14
Updated: April 22, 3:39 PM ET
Players: Speeding along just fine

The Hockey News

In your opinion, has the hurry-up faceoff rule been consistently enforced this season?
Yes 17 (57 percent)
No 13 (43 percent)
Anaheim: Jason Krog - Yes
"I'd say, yeah, overall, in most games. It definitely has sped up the game. You have to make sure you're changing quicker and getting in there and getting set quicker. There is the odd game when it might not be enforced that much, but as a whole, it's been pretty good."

Atlanta: Marc Savard - Yes
"Yeah, I think they've done a great job in that area. It's worked out well. I think they've kept it to a good time limit."

Boston: Brian Rolston - Yes

Buffalo: Daniel Briere - Yes
"Yes. Pretty much all year, they've kept it going. You look at the games before and they were three hours. Now, it's two hours, 30 minutes and we're back in the dressing room. It was one of the best things they've done in a while."

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Calgary: Scott Nichol - Yes
"It may be one of the rules they have enforced all year. Even with the line changes there, a few games ago, we had a few warnings for late line changes. Even last game, we were a little late and I got kicked out of the faceoff circle because of it. It has speeded up the game a lot."

Carolina: Ron Francis - No
"It's been better in the East than the West. I remember [Brett Hull] said it wasn't being enforced out there and I didn't really think that until we got out there and played."

Chicago: Anonymous - Yes

Colorado: Joe Sakic - Yes
"I think it has. The games are still getting over in about 2 hours and 20 minutes, so it must be the same."

Columbus: Tyler Wright
"No way. Not even close, not even at the start of the season."

Dallas: Mike Modano - No

Detroit: Brett Hull - No
"No. There's no such thing as a fast faceoff. There were games at the start of the year with the fast faceoff. The exhibitions and that were 2:10. The only fast games now are the ones without TV."

Edmonton: Anonymous - No
"It was at the start, but after a couple of months they pretty much gave up on it."

Florida: Olli Jokinen - Yes
"If you don't line up, they drop the puck. It's happened a couple of times to me. It happened in the last Colorado game -- Forsberg wasn't there and they gave the puck to me. It's been a good rule."

Los Angeles: Anonymous - Yes

Minnesota: Darby Hendrickson - Yes
"I've heard a lot of whistles before the draws, so I think they've been pretty diligent about it."

Montreal: Yanic Perreault - Yes
"I think they did a good job...It was a little crazy during the preseason games to make their point. Then there was a little layoff, which made more sense. They're trying to improve the pace of the game, but it makes no sense to drop the puck when no one's at the dot."

Nashville: David Legwand - No
"At the start they were consistent but it obviously has slowed down a little. Overall they've done a pretty good job and it has sped up the game."

New Jersey: Scott Gomez - No
"No. Although it depends what game you're in, probably not like they wanted. You can tell there is more of a rush than in past years, but what they really wanted hasn't been enforced. There has been a slowdown since the beginning of the season."

N.Y. Islanders: Alexei Yashin - Yes
"I think it's been very inconsistent. Some (officials) seem to do it and some don't."

N.Y. Rangers: Anonymous - Yes

Ottawa: Anonymous - Yes

Philadelphia: Marty Murray - No
"It has gone downhill later in the season."

Phoenix: Mike Johnson - Yes
"There's been a few nights where the linesmen have taken their time, but for the most part, I think everybody's on the same page."

Pittsburgh: Martin Straka - Yes
"I think it has worked well. The game has speeded up a little bit, and that's a good thing."

St. Louis: Anonymous - No
"No. I thought it was working well at the beginning of the season and that it was going to stick around, but now you see guys waiting for the change and not as willing to drop the puck with nobody there. Sometimes it's like, 'C'mon, drop the freaking thing.' It just seems they're more willing to wait."

San Jose: Adam Graves - Yes
"Of the new rules introduced the last couple of years, I think this is one of the best. It's sped the game up and I think both the players and fans like it."

Tampa Bay: Anonymous - No

Toronto: Shane Corson - Yes
"I think they're doing a pretty good job with it. You used to be able to do all kinds of things before getting kicked out, but now they kick you out right away."

Vancouver: Trevor Linden - Yes

Washington: Anonymous - No
"There has been very little consistency."

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