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Monday, April 14
Updated: April 22, 4:26 PM ET
Players: Wild have best chance at upset

The Hockey News

Which underdog team do you think has the best chance in the playoffs?
Note: Players can't pick their own team; "underdog" is defined as any team seeded sixth or lower in either conference. Question asked when N.Y. Rangers were still in contention.
Minnesota 13 (43 percent)
Anaheim 4 (13 percent)
Boston 4 (12 percent)
Washington 4 (13 percent)
N.Y. Islanders 2 (7 percent)
Edmonton 1 (3 percent)
N.Y. Rangers 1 (3 percent)
Tampa Bay 1 (3 percent)
Anaheim: Dan Bylsma: - Boston "Boston. They've had a disappointing season. I think they expected much better things. Their roster is pretty deep. Their forwards are deep. Their defensemen are deep. They haven't gotten the goaltending they expected. They lost in the first round last year. They're not going to get caught sleeping in the first round this year."

Atlanta: Yannick Tremblay - Washington "I think Washington could surprise some teams and go a little further than most people would expect. I don't believe that they are regarded as one of the premier teams in the playoffs, but they have a few things going for them. They are playing well as a team and hitting their stride at the right time. Goaltending is huge in the playoffs and when Olaf Kolzig is on, he is one of the better goalies in the league and he can help steal some close games. They play a solid defense in front of him and have one of the best offensive "d" in the league in Sergei Gonchar. Another important piece of the puzzle is Jaromir Jagr. When he plays a determined game, he can be one of the toughest and most dominant players in the league."

Boston: Anonymous - Minnesota "They're well coached, well disciplined and they have a great crowd behind them."

Buffalo: Rhett Warrener - Minnesota "They've played good all year. They played good defensively, and they're responsible."

Calgary: Jarome Iginla - Minnesota "They can clamp it down and make it tough to score goals. In the playoffs, it's pretty hard to score three goals in a game. So now, what if you play them? They can get one or two. I just like the fact that they can turn it into a different style of game."

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Carolina: Josef Vasicek - N.Y. Rangers "If the Rangers can make it they can really do some damage. They'll be tough to beat."

Chicago: Anonymous - Minnesota

Colorado: Anonymous - Minnesota "I think Minnesota has a shot. They're young and real fast."

Columbus: Anonymous - Anaheim "I'll go with Anaheim. J.S. Giguere can steal a series if he gets hot, plus he's got some good guys around here."

Dallas: Lyle Odelein - Minnesota

Detroit: Darren McCarty - Minnesota "Minnesota, just because of the style they play."

Edmonton: Anonymous - Washington "There's a lot of pure talent on that team and Mike Grier is a good addition for the playoffs."

Florida: Roberto Luongo - Anaheim "They've got a good team, solid at every position."

Los Angeles: Anonymous - Minnesota

Minnesota: Anonymous - Anaheim "If not us, I'd say the Ducks. They're well-coached, they've got some guys who have been there before like Oates, Sykora and Thomas, and they're hungry because they haven't been there in a while."

Montreal: Donald Audette - Tampa Bay "Tampa Bay, because of who they'll play against. They have young players and it has been a while since they were in the playoffs, so they'll be hungry."

Nashville: Anonymous - N.Y. Islanders "I like their team. They have good lines and a lot of guys playing well. When they get their number-one goalie back they'll be set, even though Snow has been unbelievable the last little while."

New Jersey: Jamie Langenbrunner - Minnesota "I like Minnesota because they're so sound defensively. They're not going to give up a whole lot. In the playoffs, that at least gives you a chance."

N.Y. Islanders: Anonymous - Washington "If I can't say us, I'd say Washington if they don't win their division. Kolzig's already gotten them to the finals and Jagr can win games by himself."

N.Y. Rangers: Anson Carter - Edmonton

Ottawa: Anonymous - Washington

Philadelphia: Anonymous - Minnesota

Phoenix: Radoslav Suchy - Boston

Pittsburgh: Mathias Johansson - Boston

St. Louis: Anonymous - Minnesota

San Jose: Anonymous - Boston

Tampa Bay: Anonymous - Minnesota

Toronto: Anonymous - Minnesota

Vancouver: Henrik Sedin - N.Y. Islanders

Washington: Anonymous - Anaheim

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