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Case No. 11,
David Duval

Page 2 staff

Poll Results

So, it turns out the secret to David Duval's major success is Scooby snacks.

David Duval
Perhaps they could inscribe David "Scooby" Duval on the Claret Jug.
In the latest case of The Berman Files, 31.1 percent of Page 2 voters chose "Scooby" Duval as the best nickname for British Open champion David Duval.

"Scooby" picked up more than 1,000 of the more than 3,200 votes to outdistance second place "Stone Wall" Duval (18.8 percent) by nearly 400 votes.

Rounding out the top five nicknames for Duval were "Liberty and Justice" Duval (430 votes, 13.2 percent), "Slim Shady" (361 votes, 11.0 percent) and David "Overdue-val" (334 votes, 10.3 percent).

And "Scooby" was one of the favorites of cartoon-loving Page 2 editors, along with "Slim Shady" and "Stone Wall" Duval.

Thanks for voting, and check back next week for another edition of The Berman Files to affix a good nickname on athletes in desperate need of monikers.

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