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Case No. 11,
David Duval

From the Page 2 mailbag

Now that David Duval has finally won his first major, Page 2 figured he deserved a catchy nickname, and apparently you agreed. After we opened another case of The Berman Files, our readers flooded us with more than 1,000 suggestions for 2001 British Open champion.

David Duval
David Duval needs a nickname suitable for a winner of one of golf's majors.
Review some of the finest monikers for the mild-mannered, sunglass-sporting champ, and then be sure to vote in our poll at left for the nickname you think fits best. On Friday, we'll reveal the most popular choice.

David "Du-Validated"
Finally, his career is validated with the British Open major win, proving his elite status.
Jason Oben
Fort Myers, Fla.

David "Duval's Well That Ends Well"
The man's dorsal area is now primate-free.
Pete Tano
Laie, Hawaii

David "Du-valium"
Anyone that stoic must be medicated.
Clay Ostrom
Ann Arbor, Mich.

David "Overdue-val"
His first major victory was a bit tardy.
Tom Gigliotti
Winchester, Mass.

David "Scooby" Duval
He would have won a major sooner if it hadn't have been for that meddling kid and his driver.
Greg Pfiffner
Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio

David "Stone Wall" Duval
His play, his personality ... nothing fazes this guy.
Tom Sampair

David "Duv-All That and a Bag of Chips"
"I'll have the trophy case supersized please."
Kevin Garrick

"Darth" David
The dark sunglasses, the dark clothing, and the fact that the man doesn't smile pretty much sums it all up ... he is monochrome.
John Gromadzki
Euless, Texas

"Slim Shady"
He has slimmed down to a new playing weight, and the sunglasses, of course, are signature.
Los Angeles

"Double D"
Because he is ready to bust out, and win a lot more majors.
David McCann
Champaign, Ill.

Not much to this guy. Watching him play is like having a stare-down contest blindfolded. Something this simple and bland would suit his personality.
Central, Penn.

David "Just Do-val It"
He might be the only guy in professional golf to walk around with one (and only one) corporate sponsor (Nike) ... clubs, shoes, ball, clothes, hat, bag, you name it! And who does he thank in his post Open victory presser? ... Nike!
San Francisco, Calif.

David "Deux-val"
Fighting off has-beens (Woosie, Langham), who-ares (Fasth, Jiminez) and other have-nots (Montie, Phil) is enough to convice me that he is in fact No. 2 ... but still a far cry from No. 1.
Andrew B
Noblesville, Ind.

David "With Liberty and Justice" Duval
You gotta root for a yank to win at the British (and deserving Duval taking his first major win, justice has finally been served).
Andy Wolf
Somerville, Mass.

David "Be the Ball" Duval
This weekend Dave took Ty's advice. (You can't talk golf without a Caddyshack quote).
Earl Jackson
Hoopa, Calif.

His large dark sunglasses make him one of the most recognizable golfers on the Tour and perfectly reflect his relatively private personality.
Jeff Stein
New York

For his initials and, just like a robot ... no emotions till the end.
Jose A. Perez
San Antonio

David "T'Hell with Y'all" Duval
He's a Southerner, and a master at ignoring the media and shunning his critics. He just focuses on his goals and continually proves he's able to get the job done, never being affected by what anyone says or does. This nickname also reflects his attitude toward those critics who label him as "second chair" to Tiger Woods, as well as alluding to his confidence in his ability. He knows how good he is, and how could he can be.
Breck Saucier
Boulder, Colo.

"The Shadow"
He always sneaks up the leaderboard, and it seems he will always be in Tiger's shadow.
Anuj Vedak
Columbus, Ind.

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