Take a Run with a X Athlete

Ever dream of taking a run with Barrett Christy? Railsliding with J.P. Walker? Carving turns beside Megan Pischke or hucking off a booter with Gian Simmen? Well, so have we. But since all of these pros would leave us in their tracks before we even strapped in, we came up with this feature.

With the miracle of Be Here 360° i-video you can ride beside an X athlete and view them as you would from the privacy of your own board. Look up, look down look all around. You're charging the slopestyle course. You can scope the fall line or check out the X athlete beside you. Just pick a riding partner and drop in.

Safety tips: To rotate left, right, up or down, place your cursor on the video screen, click, hold and drag the direction you want to go (dramamine not included). To get a closer look hold down the 'shift' key. To pull your view back hold down the 'control' key. behere

Barrett Christy
Accept no substitutes. She's won nine medals at the X Games four of them in the slopestyle event. Good luck keeping up.
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Gian Simmen
Olympic gold medalist in the half-pipe. 'Nuff said.
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Jaime MacLeod
Jaime received a bronze last year and a silver this year in slopestyle. Looks like she's due for a gold. Take a practice run with her.
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J.P. Walker
Pay close attention. J.P., the technical guru, will show you the ropes on the slopestyle course.
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Megan Pischke
You're not done until you've hit the slopes with Megan.
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X Games 360° WebCam