X Games 360° WebCam
Catch our Be Here 360° WebCam, a streaming, immersive 360° i-video that allows viewers to experience the Winter X Games and look around as if they were at the venue. Site visitors can control the viewing direction of their own virtual camera, completely independent of any other web visitor.
Safety tips: To rotate left, right, up or down, place your cursor on the video screen, click, hold and drag the direction you want to go (dramamine not included). To get a closer look hold down the 'shift' key. To pull your view back hold down the 'control' key. |
Check out the Be Here 360 webcam from ESPN's broadcast set. 56.6 +
Here's a bird's-eye view of the superpipe. 56.6 +
You judge who won. Take a look from the finish line of the UltraCross course 56.6 + | T1
Minimum Requirements To access the Winter X Games' Be Here 360cam, you'll need a 56.6 kbps or faster internet connection and we recommend the latest version of RealPlayer. RealPlayer G2 versions 6.0 and higher: Your player will
automatically download the necessary Be Here iVideo extension (41k) and a RealNetworks plugin (350k). If you have RealPlayer 7, your player will automatically download the Be Here iVideo extension (41k).RealPlayer versions older than 6.0: Please upgrade to RealPlayer7 and your player will automatically download the Be Here iVideo extension (41K).
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