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Monday, June 23
Report: Guerin's agent says club is trying to deal star

ESPN.com news services

Although winger Bill Guerin has a no-trade clause, his agent said the Stars are shopping him in an effort to "resolve their economic situation," according to a Dallas Morning News report.

Guerin's agent, Bob Murray, told the Morning News that the Stars have advised him that they are trying to move the $45 million man but that the team has not asked him to waive the no-trade clause. Murray told the paper that Guerin hopes to stay with Dallas.

Guerin, who has completed just one season of a five-year, $45 million deal, would have to agree to any trade. Though the Stars could send him through waivers, they wouldn't want to do that without being sure some team would pick him up.

Detroit Red Wings: The agent for Pavel Datsyuk says that the center's old Russian team has made his client a "huge offer" but that Datsyuk's goal is "only Detroit," according to a Detroit Free Press report.

Kazan is trying to lure back restricted free agents Datsyuk and Dmitri Bykov, teammates there and in Detroit, agent Gary Greenstin told the Free Press.

Bykov has signed a two-year, $1 million contract with Kazan, but his agent, Don Meehan, told the paper it was just an insurance policy in case things don't work out with the Red Wings. The prospect could still re-sign with Detroit before July 15.

Greenstin told the Free Press that Kazan had offered Datsyuk "much more than Bykov" but that Datsyuk wouldn't sign a deal just to get negotiating leverage because he has too much respect for the Red Wings.

"Obviously I want to get him signed," Holland told the paper after talking with Greenstin at the NHL draft in Nashville, Tenn., this past weekend. "We're in no position -- I don't think any team in the league is in any position -- to pay somebody way more than what they're worth because they might have an opportunity to go back and play somewhere else in some other league. But I've made real offers. "We're talking a one-year deal. Where I'm prepared to go is way north of where I think I would normally with a player with no arbitration rights and no real leverage other than to withhold services."

Information from The Associated Press was used in this report.

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