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Thursday, June 19
Red Wings have until July 15 to make deal

Associated Press

DETROIT -- Dmitri Bykov signed a contract to play next season in Russia, but his agent said the defenseman did it just in case a new deal cannot be reached with the Detroit Red Wings.

"In his heart, he expects to play in Detroit next season and my instructions from him are to make that happen. It's now up to me and Ken Holland to work out a deal," Don Meehan, Bykov's agent, said Wednesday.

Holland, Detroit's general manager, said he has offered Bykov two different contracts.

"We made a one-year offer and a three-year offer that we think are fair," Holland said. "We want him back at the right price. If we can get a deal done before July 15, our contract would override any contract he has to play in Russia."

The 26-year-old Bykov was not a spectacular player as a rookie last season, but he was good enough to be in the lineup for 71 games, notching two goals and 10 assists. He played in the Russian League for the previous three seasons and was drafted by Detroit in the eighth round in 2001.

Holland said Wednesday there was nothing new to report on negotiations with free agents Sergei Fedorov, Steve Yzerman, Darren McCarty and Igor Larionov. He wants to bring all the players back, but at "the right price."

Holland said there was good news on prospect Igor Grigorenko, who was in a serious car accident in May. He was released from a Russian hospital last week after having operations on his left leg and hip. Grigorenko developed an embolism in his left lung, lost consciousness and spent several days on a ventilator under heavy sedation.

"It was a major step to even have him leave the hospital because we thought he was fighting for his life,'' Holland said. "Once he recovers in three or four months, we're going to fly him here so that our doctors can evaluate him."

Before the accident, the Red Wings planned to sign the talented forward in the hopes he would be able to contribute next season in the NHL.

"After the accident, we all agreed that it would be best for him to spend another year in Russia," Holland said. "We still think a lot of him, and we're going to do everything we can to help him, but it will be a long road back for him during his recovery process."

Grigorenko's agent, Mark Lapush, said he hopes the 20-year-old player will be able to play in five or six months for his team in Russia.