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Cap'n Jimmy's
Fun Page III

Page 2

Hey, kids! Sure, reading your assigned schoolbooks is important but that doesn't mean you shouldn't spend more time reading your primary source of all pertinent information -- and the local sports pages.

Are you paying close enough attention to the news? Find out by taking Cap'n Jimmy's weekly quiz.

News Quiz
Doug Mientkiewicz
Mientkiewicz. M-I-E-N-T-K-I-E-W-I-C-Z. Mientkiewicz.
1. The Milwaukee Bucks suggested Thursday that the NBA and commissioner David Stern:
    A. Performed an autopsy on an alien in Roswell in 1947.
    B. Have JFK's brain in a petri dish.
    C. Invented a car that gets 100 miles to the gallon but the oil companies won't let them put it on the market.
    D. Are conspiring against Milwaukee so there will be a Los Angeles-Philadelphia final.

2. Sean Conley, a 13-year-old from Anoka, Minn., won the national spelling bee this week when he correctly spelled:
    A. Myocarditis, an inflammation of the heart's muscular tissue.
    B. Succedaneum, meaning one that succeeds to the place of another.
    C. The name of Minnesota Twins first baseman Doug Mientkiewicz.

3. The Levi's company paid $42,000 at auction this week for the oldest existing pair of denim jeans. The 120-year-old jeans were discovered:
    A. Riding very low on Allen Iverson's hips.
    B. In a Nevada mining town.
    C. In the closet of their original owner, Sen. Strom Thurmond, R-S.C..

4. A federal court ruled this week that the Boston Red Sox own the copyright to:
    A. The Green Monster.
    B. The slogan, "Wait 'Til Next Year!"
    C. The phrase, "No-peat."

Katarina Witt
What was found in Katarina Witt's Stasi files?
5. Indianapolis 500 winner Helio Castroneves delighted gearheads with the unusual motor racing act of:
    A. Climbing the 20-foot fence at the Brickyard and pumping his fist to celebrate his win.
    B. Not being killed during the race.

6. Skater Katarina Witt has asked for a temporary injunction to prevent the release of the file that the Stasi, the secret police of the former East Germany, kept on her. In addition to reportedly showing that Witt received significant support from Stasi, the file includes:
    A. An East German plot to club Roslyn Sumners with a tire iron before the 1984 Olympics.
    B. Naked photos of Witt and Ichiro.
    C. Copies of her love letters.

Answers: 1, D; 2 B; 3, B; 4, A; 5, A; 6, C.

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