Are Mike and Mike metrosexuals?
By Mary Buckheit
Page 2 staff

When it comes to style, some guys got it ... and some guys don't. Some brothers can rock fashion with a flair while others just have a "face for radio." A case in point: ESPN Morning Show hosts Mike Greenberg and Mike Golic.

Page 2's Mary Buckheit sat down with the two dissimilar personalities to scrutinize their manhood and find those faint feminine feelings. As you may imagine, some were easier to spot than others.

Still questioning your metro-sexuality? Check the Page 2's litmus test. If you find yourself identifying with Greeny's grandeur of chic -- you're probably a metrosexual. If you seem to stick to Mike Golic's rough-round- the-edges school of hygene -- you're still just a gruff guy's guy. Read and learn, fellas.

Mike GreenbergMike Golic

1. How much money should a man spend on a haircut?
As much as it takes to get it right. I put $180 into the cut I got last week.

Where do you get your hair done?
Do want me to actually name the salon?
Well that might say it all, right there.

You're not a barbershop guy?
Oh no. Absolutely not. Salons are the only way to go.

As a rule, I actually recommend visiting multiple salons and doing some sort of fact-finding tour or salon seeking mission. You should also definitely get some references before you head in there.

2. What "products" do you need to get ready in the morning?
Well let me go to the bag, I've got a bag of product right here. For hair I use Bumble and Bumble "Sumo Tech."

Ooh. A high-performance molding compound. Ok, go on.
I also use Bumble and Bumble styling crème.

Wise choice -- a little control and shine without weighing hair down.
You know it.

What about non-hair products?
Ok, I use Crème De La Mer lotion. I highly recommend it.

Yes, so does In Syle Magazine. They named it the "Best Moisturizing Product" line last year.

Yes, that does not surprise me, it's great, BUT, I do have a new lotion that I'm becoming a fast fan of, it's made by a company called Kiss My Face. Let me find it in here ... it works great, it smells great. Ahh, here it is, it is an aloe and olive oil base -- I love it.
An organic blend. Very nice, Greeny.
Yes it goes very well with my Vitamin C cleanser.
Wow! I'm impressed! Good combo.
Yes, I'm practically a woman. I'm as close to being a woman as you can possibly get.

How long does it take you to get ready each morning?
Umm ... No more than an hour.

3. Where do you buy most of your clothes?

4. Should a man engage in any of the following activities:

Why not?!

5. Is it acceptable for a man to own a loofah?
I have to admit, I do not own a loofah, but it is certainly acceptable.
(Gasp) Mike! You don't exfoliate?!
No, I didn't say that. I just prefer exfoliation products over bulky tools, such as the loofah.
Phew, you scared me.

Do you own a "man bag"?
I do and I carry it proudly.

Is it ok for a guy to wear a salmon pink shirt?
I'd have to see the pants.

Assuming he could match it up sharply with some plain front gray tweeds and a snappy pair of black loafers.
That's permissible.

6. What are mauve and taupe?
They are colors. Mauve is sort of a purplish color and taupe, hmm, I have several suits in taupe, it comes in a lighter and darker version. To me it is sort of a greenish/brownish/tanish blend.
That is correct.

Do you know what Zirh is?
I do not know what Zirh is. Is it a food product of some kind?
Nope, it's actually a line of men's shaving and skin care products ... but ... you seem to prefer the unisex goodies.
Hey, they are unisex for a reason.

7. What dish gives you the most satisfaction to prepare and serve?
Whatever the chef prefers. I don't believe in cooking … I believe in ordering.

8. What type of drinks do you order at the bar?
It depends exclusively on what I am eating.

9. Given these four cars which would you prefer to own? A Ford F1Pick Up, a Mini Cooper, a Volkswagan Cabriolet or a Honda Accord?
Give the option of those four vehicles I would prefer to walk.

10. Last question Greeny. How often do you look in a mirror?
As often as I can find one.


1. How much money should a man spend on a haircut?
Uhh, I would say no more than 15 bucks and that's even pushing it.

Where do you get your hair done?
I don't get my hair "done".
Where do you get your hair styled?
Nope. Style does not even enter into it. I get my hair cut at a barbershop. I don't get it moussed, I don't get it blow-dried, they might spray a little water on it, but that's all. They just cut it and I pay 'em 15 bucks -- which I think is a little bit too much money -- and I leave. In and out.
You're all business.

2. What "products" do you need to get ready in the morning?
What products? Uhh … products. Deodorant and toothpaste. Is that what you mean?
Yeah you know, any kind of toiletries you use everyday.
Oh geez. Did you ask Greeny this question? He's got lotions and hair gels and stuff.
Yes I did, we actually had a few in common.
Well, see! He's a woman! I brush my teeth, I put on deodorant, what else is there? Sometimes I don't even comb my hair because it's fine.
How long does it take you to get ready each morning?
Well, probably about three and a half to four minutes. If I'm in a rush I can do it all in two minutes, pretty easily.

3. Where do you buy most of your clothes?
Well, I don't buy my clothes. My wife buys my clothes because I don't really have a clue. Where does she get 'em? Umm, I don't know, lemme ask her.

"Hey hun, where do you get my clothes?" ... Filenes or something like that. Just a department store. My on-air stuff -- the suits -- I have to go to like Omar the tent maker to get stuff big enough to fit me. I think stores are bias against us big people.
Petite is in, Mike.
I guess so! Everything is made for the Greeny types.
Chicks dig it.
Oh my God, what is this world coming to?!

4. Should a man engage in any of the following activities:
Like on purpose?
Yeah, like in a booth or a bed.
No, never. That is not ok, no.
Pedicures?! No! Never! There is no one touchin' my toes!
How bout your hands? Manicures ok?
No, my hands are softened up by cleats steppin' on them. Are you kidding? There is no hand care for me.
Do you clip your nails?
I bite my nails, basically. I don't know. They just take care of themselves.
No facials. Definitely not. I have to admit -- I do like a good massage every once in awhile. But facials -- no. All those crèmes and salts and moisturizers and …
Yes, exactly, I just can't deal with that.

5. Is it acceptable for a man to own a loofah?
Is it ok for a man to own a loofah?! No! It's ok for somebody to loofah a man, but he shouldn't just have one lyin' around.

Are "man bags" allowed?
What the hell is a man bag?
Some kind of tote to hold your products, if you need a touch up during the day or something.
So some sort of thing that would be considered a purse for a man! No way! There is no reason a man needs a bag of any kind. That's what pockets are for!

Can guys wear salmon pink colored shirts?
No. The only salmon pink should be on your plate because you're eatin' it.

6. What are mauve and taupe?
I do know they are colors, but I don't think that if you had like three colors in front of me I couldn't pick out those two. I'm not real good at recognizing those things.

Do you know what Zirh is?
I have no clue. What is it?
It's a high end of men's shaving products. You strike me as more of a Colgate guy.
Acutally, here you go, I like the gel more than I like the white stuff. How about that. Does that qualify me as high-end.
Almost. You've got potential.

7. What dish gives you the most satisfaction to prepare and serve?
Cheeseburgers on the grill. I can grill with the best of 'em.
Strictly a grill man? Ever dabble on the stovetop?
Yeah, yeah, I know my way around the kitchen a little bit, I can cook up some eggs. Nothing too fancy but you know -- the basics.

8. What type of drinks do you order at the bar?
What else?
More beer.
Never stray from the barley and hops?
Well, if I'm looking to power drink I'll mix in a few shots of tequila or something. But that's about it.

9. Given these four cars which would you prefer to own?
A Ford F1Pick Up, a Mini Cooper, a Volkswagan Cabriolet or a Honda Accord.

I'm gonna go with the pickup -- but I don't know what two of those are.

10. How often do you look in a mirror?
Once in the morning when I'm getting ready … and that's really about it, unless I'm doing TV then I'll check in one real quick after I put on my coat and tie before I go on. So, a day with no TV - once, on a day with a TV appearance - twice. That does it.

You're a simple man, Golic.
Hey, that's the only way to go.



Mary Buckheit Archive

Quiz: Are you a metrosexual?

Pressman: Bring back men

Photo gallery: Sports' metrosexuals

Photo Gallery: Sports' non-metrosexuals

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