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Monday, June 10
Updated: June 10, 10:52 PM ET
Detroit's killer instinct taking over

By Brian Engblom
Special to

ESPN's Brian Engblom on Detroit's 3-0 win over Carolina in Game 4 of the Stanley Cup finals:

The Red Wings are starting to look like the machine they were during the regular season. I think they're getting stronger and stronger as they go on. That was a good killer-instinct game for them. They got a little luck when Ron Francis hit the post, which would have given Carolina much-needed life.

The game was going for them. They knew it. They made some great plays. Their big guys have come through for them -- Igor Larionov has three goals in the last two games, Brett Hull has two goals in the last two games -- it's what Detroit is all about.

I really think they've looked better every single game. There were times in Games 1 and 2 you thought, "Geez, they don't look like the powerhouse they were in the regular season," and I think they would admit to that. Maybe it's a little lack of focus early on. Maybe it's being a little bit tentative. It's hard to say. Because of their experience level, they get better when the pressure is on. That's what you take pride in when you're a great team and you have all these great players who are going to be in the Hall of Fame. They take great pride in the fact that when the game is on the line and when the series is on the line they really bear down. And that's what they want to be known for.

This series features two teams going at it from diametrically opposed viewpoints. Scotty Bowman has always coached by changing the environment. Teams are so well coached, and in a seven-game series, so many adjustments are made, if you only have one look, teams are going to find a way to beat you over and over and over. During the regular season, he'll switch things up. People think it's for no reason, but he does it so when it happens in the playoffs, his players are used to it.

The Hurricanes are less able to adapt. They've pretty much said it: We play our game. And their game has been very good and it's been very solid, but they've come up against a team now that has the capability of playing against the trap and being patient enough to win against it. The Hurricanes haven't met a team that has the talent and the patience and the knowledge to stick with it. Detroit can do that.

Detroit's energy level in Game 5 on Thursday is going to be fantastic. They say all the right things and feel all the right feelings, but part of those right feelings is knowing that you're one win away from winning the Cup and you have a chance to finish it up on Thursday. When you have a great team that is in a situation like this -- on the verge of winning -- that great talent takes over. I think you'll see a smooth, well-oiled machine.

Former NHL defenseman Brian Engblom, who won three Stanley Cups with the Montreal Canadiens, is a hockey analyst for ESPN.


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