Friday, May 4

Leafs coach grabs photographer by the neck
Associated Press

TORONTO – A photographer was grabbed by the neck and shoved by Toronto Maple Leafs general manager-coach Pat Quinn on Friday while he was photographing Tie Domi en route to an NHL disciplinary hearing.

Photographer Stan Behal & Pat Quinn
Toronto coach Pat Quinn, right, has a close encounter with photographer Stan Behal in the elevator as Tie Domi arrives for a hearing with the NHL.

Quinn grabbed the photographer and shoved him twice as he was entering an elevator of the NHL offices near the Air Canada Centre. Domi was on his way to a hearing called by the league over his vicious elbow to the head of New Jersey defenseman Scott Niedermayer late in the Leafs' 3-1 victory over the Devils on Thursday night.

Domi was later suspended for the remainder of the playoffs.

"I was walking backward shooting Tie Domi," Toronto Sun photographer Stan Behal said. "I followed him going into the elevator.

"I didn't realize that Pat Quinn and (team president) Ken Dryden were with him.

"Then, all of a sudden, there was a hand around my neck and I got shoved back. Quinn said, `Get out of my way.'"

Asked to describe the force of the contact with his neck, Behal said, "It was significant."

The scene was captured on video by cameramen.

Behal notified Sun management and said he was hoping for an apology from Quinn.

Quinn, who flew to New Jersey for Saturday night's Game 5, released a statement later in the day.

"I regret this morning's incident in which I made contact with a photographer while getting on an office elevator," Quinn said. "I would like to put the incident behind me."

An NHL spokesman said the league was looking into the incident.

"The league is certainly aware of the incident," Gary Meagher, the NHL's vice president of public relations, said.

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