Thursday, May 3
Updated: May 5, 12:42 AM ET

Tie Domi, not his hit, defended by Leafs

TORONTO – When the Leafs' Tie Domi drew a penalty less than two minutes into Thursday's Game 4, it should have been an omen – a bad one.

After he cross-checked Devils goalie Martin Brodeur five minutes later, drawing another minor, it was an official warning: Domi was going to be trouble.

Tie Domi
Scott Stevens, left, was sent to the penalty box for the last two minutes of the game after sending Tie Domi into the net in Game 4 on Thursday.

However, no one expected him to knock an unassuming Scott Niedermayer out cold late in Toronto's series-tying 3-1 victory. Domi got the wrong Scott because he had battled with Devils captain Scott Stevens throughout the game.

"Tie is cut from the same mold as Scott Stevens. They're warriors," said Maple Leafs goalie Curtis Joseph. "They get that mentality, kill or be killed. But we're all remorseful."

Domi left the arena without comment. According to sources close to the team, Domi didn't want to make a statement because of his pending hearing with NHL disciplinarian Colin Campbell on Friday.

Most Maple Leaf players said they didn't see what Domi did to Niedermayer. Few in the entire Air Canada Centre saw the play as it happened – Domi elbowing the Devils defenseman in the head well behind the play with less than 20 seconds left to play.

But the replay clarified it – 100 times over.

"I saw the replay. It's tough. He's a friend," Maple Leafs forward Steve Thomas said.

Toronto players expressed concern for Niedermayer, but wouldn't condemn their teammate.

"Tie played a great game, and I thought he was the No. 1 star," Joseph added. "Tie took a beating tonight. (But) I'm not defending him because I didn't see it."

The incident cast a shadow over what was a great victory for the Leafs. Instead of taking that momentum back to New Jersey, the Leafs must deal with Domi's pending suspension, the added media scrutiny and an incensed Devils team.

"It was a great game. Things like that bring the game down," Dimitri Yushkevich said.

"We're going into New Jersey and the rink will be fired up. We expect nothing short of a war Saturday night," said Darcy Tucker.

"We're going to go in there and try to win the hockey game," said Toronto captain Mats Sundin. "We're not worried about anything else.

"I know Tie. He's a passionate player and plays with a lot of emotion. But I don't think he's the type of player who would try and hurt someone."

Unfortunately, Domi hurt Niedermayer, and it likely altered the landscape of the entire series.

Brian A. Shactman covers the NHL for He can be reached at

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