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Sport Sections
Friday, February 9
Florie makes return to the mound

FORT MYERS, Fla. -- Bryce Florie took another step toward a return to the Red Sox, throwing off a mound for the first time since a line drive broke his eye socket last season.

Florie had no problems as he tossed with Red Sox minor league catcher Steve Lomasney Tuesday, easily hitting the targets Lomasney set for him.

"Any time you go out there for the first time, it's a big step for the next year," Florie said.

The last time Florie took the mound was Sept. 8 in a game against the New York Yankees. A line drive off the bat off Ryan Thompson struck Florie at 100 mph, and blood streamed down his face.

Surgery corrected his vision to around 20-60. Doctors say that if it can be corrected to 20-50, he can pitch.

In the meantime, Florie prepares, both physically and mentally.

"I want this to be a situation where I feel confident that when I do get out there, the eyesight is not a problem," he said. "There's going to be a time when that happens, hopefully."

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 Red Sox pitcher Bryce Florie is excited to be back on the hill.
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