ESPN Golf Online
Sunday, August 20

LOUISVILLE, Ky. -- Here is a shot by shot recap of the three-hole playoff for the PGA Championship title between Bob May and Tiger Woods:

16th hole
  • May drives into left rough.
  • Woods drives to right edge of fairway.
  • May hits to right rough, 40 yards short of green.
  • Woods hits to middle of green.
  • May chips within inches of cup.
  • May taps in for par.
  • Woods makes 25-footer for birdie.
    Woods 3, May 4

    17th hole
  • Woods drives into right rough.
  • May drives into left rough, just missing bunker.
  • May hits into greenside bunker.
  • Woods hits over green into collection area.
  • Woods putts to six feet past the hole.
  • May blasts to three feet from hole.
  • Woods makes par putt.
  • May makes par putt.
    Woods 7, May 8

    18th hole
  • Woods drives left of cart path.
  • May drives to left rough.
  • After drop from cart path, Woods advances ball to left rough.
  • May hits to right rough.
  • Woods hits to front bunker.
  • May hits to right side of green.
  • Woods blasts to within two feet.
  • May narrowly misses birdie putt.
  • May taps in for par.
  • Woods taps in for par.
    Woods 12, May 13 Help | Advertiser Info | Contact Us | Tools | Site Map | Jobs at
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    Woods pushed to limit in playoff win at PGA