skiboardingXspeak: Snowboarding

Here is a glossary of Snowboarding terms:

  • AIR TO FAKIE - Any trick where the wall is approached riding forwards, no rotation is made, and the snowboarder lands riding backwards.
  • ALLEY OOP - A term used to describe any maneuver in the halfpipe where one rotates 180 or more degrees in an uphill direction; that is, rotating backside on the frontside wall or rotating frontside on the backside wall.
  • ANDRECHT - A rear handed backside handplant with a front handed grab.
  • BACKSIDE AIR - Any air performed on the backside wall of the halfpipe.
  • BACKSIDE RODEO OR BRODEO - Take off from the heel edge, throw back over your shoulder and spin backside all in one motion. The shoulders and back lead the rotation.
  • BACKSIDE ROTATION - Rotating clockwise for a regular-footer and rotating counter-clockwise for a goofy-footer (e.g. backside 360) When riding switch stance the exact reverse applies and a regular-footer will rotate counter-clockwise and a goofy-footer will rotate clockwise.
  • BACKSIDE WALL - If you ride straight down the center of the halfpipe, your backside wall is behind you.
  • BEVEL - The degree of angle to which the edges of a board can be tuned. Snowboards used for racing and carving should have a greater bevel than say a board used in the halfpipe.
  • BLINDSIDE - A term given to any rotation where the snowboarder has oriented him/herself "blind" to his/her takeoff or landing. Such a technique usually increases the difficulty.
  • BONED - A term used to explain the emphasis of style in a trick. In other words, if someone "boned out a method" they would grab hard and create an emphasis of the maneuver such that his/her legs or arms extend or stretch to a maximum degree. The "Bone" means to straighten one or both legs.
  • BONK -The act of hitting an object with the tip or tail of the snowboard.
  • CABALLERIAL (CAB) - A trick in the halfpipe which begins fakie, spins 360 degrees and lands riding forward. Named after skateboarder Steve Caballero.
  • CHICKEN SALAD AIR - Back hand grab on the heel edge between the legs. The wrist is rotated inward with the thumb pointing towards the tail.
  • COPING - A reference to the edge of the lip which runs the length of the halfpipe wall.
  • CORKSCREW OR MISTY FLIP - The rider takes off strongly on his/her toe edge to spin backside and down. It's like a McTwist off a straight jump. The board spins more than it flips.
  • CRAIL AIR - The rear hand grabs the toe edge in front of the front foot while the rear leg is boned.
  • CRIPPLER - An inverted aerial where the rider performs a 180 degree flip. The athlete approaches the wall riding forward, becomes airborne, rotates 90 degrees, flips over in the air, rotates another 90 degrees, and lands riding forward.
  • CROOKED COP AIR - Tuck kneed backside grab.
  • DISASTER - A lip trick where one lands on the coping, most often with the board perpendicular to the coping.
  • DOUBLE GRAB - Basically, doing two separate tricks while in the air. One goes off of a jump, grabs the board one way, then grabs it in another way, then lands.
  • DUCK - A term used to describe stance angles with toes pointing outward.
  • EFFECTIVE EDGE - The length of metal edge on the snowboard which touches the ground; it is the effective part which is used to make a turn. It does not include the edge of the tip and tail.
  • EGGFLIP - An Eggplant where the rider chooses to flip over in order to re-enter the pipe instead or rotating 180 degrees. This trick is performed forward to fakie or switchstance (fakie to forward).
  • EGGPLANT - A one-handed 180 degree invert in which the front hand is planted on the lip of the wall and the rotation is backside.
  • ELGEURIAL (BFM) - An invert where the halfpipe wall is approached fakie, the rear hand is planted, a 360 degree backside rotation is made, and the rider lands going forward.
  • EUROCARVE - A term used to describe a certain mode of riding in which the rider makes large and hard cutting turns; usually getting way up on the edge and leaning the body parallel to the ground. Certain equipment may also be associated with the Eurocarver - such as hard shell boots, plate bindings and certain clothing.
  • FAKIE - A term used to describe riding tail first (switch).
  • FALL LINE - The path of least resistance down any given slope.
  • FAT (PHAT) - A term used to describe how rad something is... Like a "fat air."
  • FLAT BOTTOM - The area in a halfpipe between the two opposing transitional walls.
  • FLATLAND - Term used to describe tricks performed on a flat slope without obstacles. (e.g. nose slide, blunt slide)
  • FREERIDING - Snowboarding on all types of terrain for fun, no rules.
  • FREESTYLE SNOWBOARDING - The kind of snowboarding which is mostly associated with riding the halfpipe or parks, but which may also be used to describe any type of snowboarding which includes tricks and maneuvers.
  • FRESH FISH AIR - The backside version of the Stale Fish.
  • FRONT HAND - The hand closest to the nose of the snowboard. Also called the lead hand.
  • FRONT FOOT - The foot mounted closest to the nose. A regular-footer's left foot and a goofy-footer's right foot.
  • FRONTSIDE AIR - Any air performed on the frontside wall of a halfpipe or quarterpipe. The trick can also be described as a grab. The frontside grab is with the rear hand between the bindings on the toe edge.
  • FRONTSIDE WALL - When standing at the top of the halfpipe and looking down towards the bottom, the frontside wall is the wall you would go up toeside.
  • GAY TWIST - Halfpipe fakie to regular 360 spin with a grab.
  • GOOFY FOOTED - Riding on a snowboard with the right foot forward.
  • GRAB - To grab the edge of the snowboard with one or both hands.
  • GRIND - To slide with the board parallel to the coping.
  • HAAKON FLIP - A halfpipe trick named after freestyle sensation Terje Haakonsen of Norway. A Haakon Flip is like an inverted switch rodeo.
  • HALF-CAB - It is a version of the Caballerial in which one rotates 180 degrees from fakie to forward.
  • HALFPIPE - A snow structure built for freestyle snowboarding. It consists of opposing radial transition walls of the same height and size. Snowboarders utilize the halfpipe to catch air and perform tricks by traveling back and forth from wall to wall while moving down the fall line.
  • HANDPLANT (Backside) - A 180 degree handplant in which both hands or the rear hand may be planted on the lip of the wall, and the rotation is backside.
  • HANDPLANT (Frontside) - A 180 degree handplant in which the front hand is planted on the lip of the wall and the rotation is frontside.
  • HANDPLANT (Layback) - A 180 degree handplant in which the rear hand is planted on the lip of the wall and the rotation is frontside.
  • HEEL EDGE - The edge closest to the heels.
  • HO HO - A general term given to any two handed handplant.
  • HUCK - To throw oneself into the air off a jump without regard for life and limb.
  • IGUANA AIR - The rear hand grabs the toe edge near the tail.
  • INDY AIR - An "Indy Air" is performed backside with the rear hand grabbing between the bindings on the toe edge while the front leg is boned.
  • INVERT - A trick where the head is beneath the board and the rider is supported on the lip by one or both hands.
  • INVERTED AERIAL - An air where the head is beneath the board.
  • INVERTED 180 - See Crippler.
  • INVERTED 540 - See McTwist.
  • INVERTED 720 (720 McTwist) - An inverted aerial where the rider performs a 720 degree rotational flip. The rider approaches the wall riding forward, becomes airborne, rotates 720 degrees in a backside direction while performing a front flip, and lands riding fakie.
  • JAPAN - The front hand grabs the toe edge between feet and the front knee is tucked towards the back foot.
  • JIB - Riding which closely resembles street skating. "Jibbers" commonly slide rails, bonk trees and perform flatland tricks.
  • KICKER - A name for a jump ramp.
  • LATE - A term used to describe incorporating something into a trick just before its completion and landing.
  • LEASH - A retention device used to attach the snowboard to the front foot so that it doesn't run away.
  • LIEN AIR - The front hand grabs the heel edge and the body leans out over the nose.
  • LIEN METHOD AIR - A lien grab on a frontside hit.
  • LIP - The top edge portion of the halfpipe wall.
  • LIP TRICK - Any trick performed on or near the lip of the wall of the halfpipe.
  • MASHED POTATO - A frontside alley-oop air in the halfpipe where the front hand grabs the toe edge in front of the front foot and the back hand grabs the heel edge in front of the front foot behind the back.
  • MCEGG - An invert where the rider plants the front hand on the wall, rotates 540 degrees in a backside direction and lands riding forward.
  • McTWIST - An inverted aerial where the rider performs a 540 degree rotational flip. The rider approaches the halfpipe wall riding forward, becomes airborne, rotates 540 degrees in a backside direction while performing a front flip and lands riding forward.
  • MELONCHOLLIE - The front hand reaches behind the front leg and grabs the heel edge in-between the bindings while the front leg is boned.
  • METHOD - The front hand grabs the heel edge, both knees are bent, and the board is pulled up behind the rider.This is the most classic snowboard trick and is tweaked many different ways.
    THE MICHALCHUK - Mike Michalchuk's signature halfpipe trick, self-described as "my backside flip - sort of like an inverted backside 540, or a backflip backside 540." Essentially a backside rodeo.
  • MILLER FLIP - An invert where the halfpipe wall is approached riding forward, the front hand is planted, a 360 degree frontside rotation is made, and the rider lands riding fakie.
  • MISTY FLIP - Same as a corkscrew. The freeriding version of the McTwist. It is a partially inverted 540 degree front flip that is performed off of a straight jump may be performed from forward to fakie or from fakie to forward.
  • MISTY - can also be used as an adjective to describe a spin that gets a bit sideways (somewhere between upright and inverted).
  • MOSQUITO AIR - The front hand reaches behind the front leg and grabs the heel edge between the bindings. The front knee is then bent to touch the board tuck knee style.
  • MUTE - The front hand grabs the toe edge between the feet.
  • NOLLIE - Much like an Ollie only you spring off of your nose instead of your tail.
  • NOLLIE FRONTFLIP - Springing off of the nose while going off a jump and leaning forward into a frontflip.
  • NOSE - The front tip of the snowboard.
  • NOSE BONK - To hit an object with the nose of the board.
  • NOSE GRAB - The front hand grabs the nose of the board.
  • NOSE POKE - Any maneuver where you bone your front leg and "poke" the nose of the board in a direction away from your body...usually while grabbing.
  • NOSE SLIDE - To slide along the ground or an object solely on the nose of the snowboard.
  • NUCLEAR AIR - The rear hand reaches across the front of the body and grabs the heel edge in front of the front foot.
  • OLLIE - A method to obtain Catching air by springing off of the tail of the board.
  • PALMER AIR - A kind of method where the grab is near the nose, the board is pulled perpendicular to the body. Named after Shaun Palmer.
  • PHILLIPS 66 - An invert where the rider approaches the halfpipe wall riding fakie, plants the rear hand on the lip of the wall while doing a "front flip" and lands on the transition riding forward.
  • POP TART - Airing from fakie to forward in the halfpipe without rotation.
  • QUARTERPIPE - A halfpipe with only one wall. A banked hit where you re-enter further down the bank from where you hit the wall.
  • RAIL - There are two rails on a snowboard; each comprised of a sidewall and an edge.
  • RAIL SLIDE - To slide the snowboard perpendicular onto almost anything, other than a flat slope. Some good rail sliding surfaces include fallen tree branches/logs, the coping of a halfpipe, a picnic table.
  • REAR HAND - The hand closest to the tail of the board.
  • REAR FOOT - The foot mounted closest to the tail.
  • REGULAR FOOTED - Riding on a board with the left foot in the forward position.
  • REVERT - Spinning the board 180 degrees while on the snow.
  • REWIND - A term used to describe any maneuver where a rotation is initiated, stopped, and its momentum reversed.
  • RIPPEY FLIP - Straight back flipping frontside 360, with a method grab (Jim Rippey).
  • ROAST BEEF - The rear hand reaches between the legs and grabs the heel edge between the bindings.
  • ROCK AND ROLL - A lip trick where the athlete rides up a wall, balances on the lip with the board perpendicular to the coping and re-enters the pipe rotating 180 degrees.
  • RODEO - Take off from the heel edge, throw back over your shoulder and spin backside all in one motion. The shoulders and back lead the rotation.
  • ROLLING DOWN THE WINDOWS - A phrase used to describe when someone is caught off balance, and they rotate their arms wildly in the air to try and recover.
  • SAD PLANT - A term used to describe a handplant where the front leg is boned for style.
  • SATO FLIP - Halfpipe trick done by Rob Kingwill (Sato - Japanese for "sugar"). Kind of like a frontside McTwist. Rider drops in fast, rides up the transition as if doing a frontside 540, pops in the air and grabs frontside, then throws head, shoulders, and hips down the hill. Rider leans forward and looks under the heelside edge and floats around upside down and tweaks.
  • SEATBELT - The front hand reaches across the body and grabs the toe rail behind the front foot while the front leg is boned.
  • SHIFTY - A no grab trick where the upper torso and lower body are twisted in opposite directions and then returned to normal.
  • SHOVEL - The lifted or upward curved sections of a snowboard at the tip and tail.
  • SICK - An expression used to describe something really cool.
  • SKETCHING - The act of riding along precariously and near falling.
  • SLOB AIR - A frontside air where the front hand grabs mute, the back leg is boned, and the board is kept parallel with the ground.
  • SPAGHETTI AIR - The front hand reaches between the legs and behind the front leg to grab the toe edge in front of the front foot while the back leg is boned.
  • STALE EGG - An eggplant with a stalefish grab.
  • STALEFISH AIR - A trick where the rear hand grabs the heel edge behind the rear leg and in between the bindings while the rear leg is boned.
  • STALEMASKY AIR - The front hand reaches between the legs and grabs the heel edge between the bindings while the front leg is boned.
  • STALLED - When a maneuver is performed such that the point of emphasis in the maneuver is held or "stalled" for an extended period of time.
  • STANCE - The position of one's feet on the snowboard.
  • STIFFY AIR - Any maneuver in which both legs are boned and a grab is incorporated.
  • STINKY - Riding with the knees pointing out.
  • SWISS CHEESE AIR - The rear hand reaches between the legs and grabs the heel edge in front of the front foot while the back leg is boned.
  • SWITCHSTANCE (Switch) - The term for performing a trick while riding tail first. The rider is going backwards as if he/she were a goofy-footer instead of a regular-footer, or vice-versa, hence the term 'switch stance.'
  • TABLETOP - Type of jump - with a ramp going up, flat on top, and a landing ramp on the far side.
  • TAIL - The back of the snowboard, or tail.
  • TAIL BONK - To hit an object with the tail of the snowboard.
  • TAIL GRAB - The rear hand grabs the tail of the snowboard.
  • TAIL POKE - Any maneuver where you bone your rear leg and 'poke' the tail of the snowboard in a direction away from your body usually while grabbing.
  • TAIL SLIDE - To slide along the ground or an object solely on the tail of the snowboard.
  • TAIL TAP - See Tail Bonk.
  • TAIL WHEELIE - To ride solely on the tail of the snowboard with the nose in the air.
  • TAIPAN AIR - The front hand reaches behind the front foot and grabs the toe edge between the bindings. The front knee is then bent to touch the board tuck knee style.
  • TOE EDGE - A snowboard has two different edges. The toe edge is the one at which the toes rest.
  • TOESIDE - The toeside of the snowboard is the side where the toes rest; and the frontside of the snowboarder is the side to which his/her chest faces.
  • TRANSITION (Tranny) - The radial curved section of a halfpipe wall between the flat bottom and the vertical. A snowboarder pumps and rides the transition to gain speed, catch air and land.
  • TRAVERSE - To ride perpendicular to the fall line. A halfpipe rider traverses from wall to wall in the halfpipe.
  • TUCK KNEE - A technique where one knee is bent, and the ankle is bent sideways in order to touch the knee to the snowboard between the bindings.
  • TWEAKED - A term used to explain the emphasis of style in a trick.
  • TWIN TIP - A type of snowboard designed for freestyle snowboarding. It has an identical tip and a tail so that the board may be ridden similarly in both directions.
  • VERTICAL - The vertical top portion of a wall in a halfpipe which allows the snowboarder to fly straight up into the air, and not out of the pipe or into the flatbottom.
  • WALL - The wall of a halfpipe is comprised of a transition and a vertical section.
  • 180 - The snowboarder rotates 180 degrees in the air and lands riding fakie. In the halfpipe, the rider approaches the wall riding forward, rotates 180 degrees and lands riding forward. Half a rotation.
  • 360 - The snowboarder rotates 360 degrees in the air and lands riding forward. In the halfpipe, the rider approaches the wall riding forward, rotates 360 degrees and lands riding fakie. A full rotation.
  • 540 - The snowboarder rotates 540 degrees in the air and lands riding fakie. In the halfpipe, the rider approaches the wall riding forward, rotates 540 degrees and lands riding forward. One and a half rotations.
  • 720 - The rider rotates 720 degrees in the air and lands riding forward. In the halfpipe, the rider approaches the wall riding forward, rotates 720 degrees, and lands riding fakie. Two rotations.
  • 900 - The rider rotates 900 degrees in the air and lands riding fakie. In the halfpipe, the rider approaches the wall riding forward, rotates 900 degrees, and lands riding forward. Two and a half rotations.
  • 1080 - The rider rotates 1080 degrees in the air and lands riding forward. In the halfpipe, the rider approaches fakie, rotates 1080 degrees, and lands riding forward. Three rotations.

    Board Terms

  • ABS (Acrylonitrile Butadien) - A hard tough lightweight plastic which remains flexible and maintains a shape memory when heated. Used in construction for tip-tail sidewalls and any area which needs reinforcement.
  • BI-AXIAL FIBERGLASS - A reinforcing cloth used in the production of snowboards. It provides excellent torsional stiffness compared to regular fiberglass weaves.
  • BOARD LENGTH - The measurement from the tip of a board to its tail.
  • CAMBER - The arched shape that is designed into the board's construction, creating a high point that lies on or near the midpoint of the board's running surface. To create spring or rebound in the flex of a board. Also used to preload a board to enhance tracking when weight is applied.
  • CAP CONSTRUCTION - A form of integrated structural design that uses the outermost material or skin to bear the load of strength of an object. Much like the shell of crab. To reduce weight and enhance torsional rigidity and edge responsiveness and eliminate the need for separate sidewall par material.
  • CARBON FIBER - A fibrous woven material produced from the mineral carbon. To stiffen and strengthen a board with a minimum of added weight.
  • CLOSED MOLD - A mold which holds all the pre-shaped components of a board in a sealed chamber which eliminates additional shaping after pressing. To mass produce snowboards more rapidly by containing the board shape and minimizing finishing and shaping steps.
  • CONSTANT FLEX - A uniform flex pattern from nose to center to tail. To balance the overall flex pattern of the board from the tip and tail to the center.
  • CONTINUOUS EDGE - Edges designed without small 'cracks' in the outermost contact area. To add strength and at times, stiffness to the edges.
  • DAMPENING - To control and minimize the amount of resonance of vibration created by the energy separated by board flex and surface of the snow. Any material-like rubber sheets, built into the edges, or core that keep the board quiet and more responsive.
  • DIRECTIONAL BOARD AND FLEX - A board designed to provide excellent characteristics when being ridden forward as opposed to backwards. Bindings are usually mounted farther back and the flex and sidecuts are altered accordingly, with the tail being a little stiffer.
  • DIRECTIONAL TWIN - A board that features designs of directional and twin tips to allow for a wider range of use, for example freeriding and halfpipe.
  • EFFECTIVE EDGE - The distance between the two contact areas beneath the tip and tail when the camber is depressed. A measurement used to define the actual length of the surface area that comes into contact on a perfectly flat surface.
  • ELECTRA BASE - An extremely hard sintered base material constructed with graphite to reduce friction. Generally black in color. Used on high speed boards on colder snow/ice conditions.
  • ELLIPTICAL FLEX - A flex pattern that is softer towards tip and tail, to create a smoother flex pattern than the mid section of the board.
  • EXTRUDED BASE - Particles of base materials are compressed and pushed out through a flat form to create a sheet of base material. This quality of base material is used for average temperature snow conditions and for easy base repair.
  • FIBERGLASS - A fabric of woven glass fibers that is available in different weave patterns and weights for a variety of applications, to strengthen board construction and control the flex attributes in a board.
  • FLEX PATTERN - The relative softness and stiffness of a board along its length, to allow for the proper distribution of energy to be transferred to the board in the proper location also its running length for more effective edge control.
  • FLOATING EDGE - When a board is constructed with a rubber strip separating the edge material and core material, to act as a shock absorber to smooth out the ride and a board to enhance its responsiveness.
  • FOAM - Polyurethane (P.U.) A synthetic resin material which is comprised of a base and a catalyst. When combined, expand to fill the cavity of a closed mold and bond. Used as a core and sometimes a bonding material in the construction of a snowboard. It provides the shape and thickness of a board, replacing the more commonly used wood core.
  • HELICOIL - A metal cylinder threaded on the outside for tightening into and threads on the inside for attaching a screw, to repair either a stripped insert or a drilled hole in a board which was used to attach a binding.
  • HORIZONTOL LAMINATION - Layers a component, most commonly wood, that are bonded together on top of each other to form a strong material from otherwise weak elements. Used as either the full deck material or the core in the construction of a board. This was the most common construction in the manufacturing of Snurfers and early model snowboards. It is the most common construction used for skateboard decks.
  • INSERT - A small cylinder, which is threaded on the inside of the board, that is installed reinforcement to attach bindings to. Used for attaching the bindings into the board.
  • INTERLOCK SYSTEM - The tip and tail sections, usually made of plastic, are mechanically locked to the core using a jigsaw puzzle type arrangement. Spreads out stress at the junctions of these materials.
  • KEVLAR - A man-made fibrous material that has a high strength to weight ratio, to strengthen a snowboard without adding weight and to enhance the performance of the flex action.
  • MONOCOQUE - A form of integrated structural design that uses the outermost material or skin to bear the load of strength of a object, to reduce weight and enhance torsional rigidity and edge responsiveness and eliminate the need for separate sidewall material.
  • OPEN MOLD - A form that is used to assemble and hold the parts of a snowboard during the pressing process that allows the expansion and bleeding of the bonding. This type of mold, most commonly used in layered or sandwich construction, allows unnecessary bonding materials and air to bleed out of the mold cavity during the pressing process. Eliminating some unnecessary weight and adding more hands on finishing.
  • P-TEX - One of several names for the plastic base material used on boards.
  • PRE-PREG FIBERGLASS - A stiff sheet of fiberglass, previously treated with epoxy resin. Used as an alternative to fiberglass. Generally a matter of manufacturer's production progress.
  • QUADRATIC SIDECUT - To soften the transition from the entrance to the exit of a turn and provide a more forgiving feel.
  • RUBBER DAMPENING SYSTEMS - Incorporating rubber (in various forms) into the construction of the board to dampen vibrations and provide certain perfomance characteristics, generally placed under the bindings.
  • SANDWICH CONSTRUCTION - Layers of materials, on top of each other, with additional components for side-wall strength and torsional flex patterning. Used to construct a board with different layers of materials on top of each other.
  • SHOVEL - The front of the board that rises up off the snow. Design is usually a result of board's intended use; powder boards have lots of shovel, race boards have very little.
  • SIDE CUT - The curve built into the sidewalls and edges of a board to enhance turning characteristics, to create a curve on the turning surface that is characteristic of the board's riding style. Deeper side cuts for freestyle type boards, long flat side cuts on race boards. Generally, measured in terms of the size of a radius, which is critical in determining how quickly a board will turn. The smaller the radius the quicker the turn.
  • SIDE WALL - The area between the topsheet and the base, and above the edges on a snowboard. Holds the core and other materials from shifting during the manufacturing process, and to protect them as a finished product.
  • SINTERED BASE - A form of polymer plastic that is compressed into a long shape, set on a roller and sliced into sheets of base material. A slightly harder, more porous form of base material used on performance snowboards. A good application when the board will be used in a variety of changing snow temperatures and wax is frequently used. It is a premium base because it holds wax better for faster speeds.
  • SUBLIMATED TOPSHEET - Topsheets that have had the graphics added through the sublimation process. Provides very durable graphics that are cooked right into the plastic.
  • SWING WEIGHT - The distribution of weight from the tip and tail to the center of the board, to balance a board and control its ability to initiate rotation or to stop rotation, in relationship to its overall weight.
  • SYMMETRICAL DESIGN - When all the design components of side cut, core and shape are parallel in design. The opposite of Asymmetrical, to position a rider on a board when less angulation or opposing angulation is necessary.
  • T-BOLT - A small metal inside threaded cylinder with a disk attached to the bottom, to prevent it from pulling up and out of the board. To repair or substitute the area of binding attachment to a board.
  • TAIL PROTECTOR/TIP PROTECTOR - Usually a metal plate built into the tail or tip of the board. To protect the tail or tip from damage, and to control swing weight.
  • TOP SHEET - Usually a form of flexible plastic that sits on top of the laminated or foam core. Also the material that is used as the cap in Monocoque Construction. To protect the core materials of the board, and to act as a material for graphic applications.
  • TORSION BOX CONSTRUCTION - When the core material is fully wrapped with a strength enhancing material like fiberglass. To manipulate the flex and torsional rigidity of a snowboard from the core construction.
  • TORSIONAL FLEX - The actual resistance to twisting a board from side to side. To define the flex of a board from side to side. The resistance to twisting and its responsiveness to initiating a turn and holding an edge. (Twist)
  • TWIN TIP - A board designed to perform equally well while ridden either forward or backward. Designs and construction are usually the same in the front and back, and bindings are mounted directly around the center of the length. The classic freestyle shape.
  • VARIABLE FLEX - When the tip, tail and middle of a board each have varying degrees of flex. To vary the overall flex of a board from the tip to the middle to the tail.
  • VARIABLE RADIUS - A side cut design that incorporates a changing radius size along the length of the board. To adjust a side cut design of a board by using many intersecting radius sizes, to enhance its turning characteristics.
  • VERTICALLY LAMINATED WOOD CORE - Pretty much the industry standard. Strips of wood ranging from 1/8" to 3/4" are bonded together side to side with the joints running vertically. This allows for several different woods to be used in each core to optimize performance characteristics.
  • WAIST - The width measurement taken at the narrowest part of the board.
  • WOOD CORE - Using different types of wood to provide the foundation or "guts" of the board.
  • 360 DEGREE CAP CONSTRUCTION - Cap construction that goes along the sides of the board and extends completely around the board including the tip and tail.