What's hot, not for MLB All-Star Game
By Dan Shanoff
Page 2 columnist

If you find yourself at a cocktail party -- or by the water cooler or at the bar or across from someone on a first date -- and you want to wax wisely about the state of major-league baseball at the All-Star break, the conventional wisdom is very simple: 'Roids, 'roids, 'roids. Strike, strike, strike. You can't go wrong with that as your analysis.

But if you're looking for a few hip catchphrases to throw in the mix, use the list below of what's hot and what's not in baseball at the break to fuel your conversation:

What's Hot, What's Not at the baseball All-Star Game
Category Hot Not
What to do with Ted Williams' legacy "Ali"-style bio-pic Freeze him, then sell DNA
Labor-fight name to know League prez Bob DuPuy Union chief Don Fehr
Players' villain Rick Reilly Bud Selig
Managerial mind Jim Tracy Davey Lopes
Cubs go-to executive New GM Jim Hendry Old GM (still Prez) Andy McPhail
Future manager Paul Molitor Mitch Williams
Hip team to root for

Asian import
Kazuhisa Ishii

Chan Ho Park
Minor-league strategy Bring on the attendance gimmicks Place to train managers
Young flamethrower Brett Myers (Phillies Triple-A) Billy Koch
Pharmaceutical endorsement contract Viagra Claritin
Place to catch homers Minute Maid Park (Houston) Comerica Field (Detroit)
Hobby for ex-players Managing "Roving instructor"
Medical situation Steroids-induced hammy pull Off-field "freak" accidents
Derek Jeter social diva Jordana Brewster Joy Enrique
Brothers Giles (Brian, Marcus) Minor (Ryan, Damon)
Road-trip destination Fenway Park Any new ballpark
Red Sox star pitcher Derek Lowe Pedro Martinez
Clutch closer
Eric Gagne

Hideki Irabu
Movie subject "Like Ichiro" "The Rookie"
We're already sick of ...
Alfonso Soriano

Vladimir Guerrero
Rivalry Kent-Bonds Piazza-Clemens
Player fashion statement Double-wide wrist bands Excessive neck chains
Wily GM Omar Minaya (Montreal) Allan Baird (Kansas City)
Trade bait Frank Thomas Greg Vaughn
Player causes Steroid testing Payback for beanings
Torii Hunter

Moises Alou
New York relocation
Jason Giambi

Mo Vaughn
Barry Zito hair Normal Blue and shaggy
Jewish poster kid
Shawn Green

Gabe Kapler
World Series favorite New York Yankees Uh, odds that there won't be a Series this fall
Prospect Brandon Phillips Rick Ankiel
Unlikely home-run derby hero
Richie Sexson

Barry Bonds
Home-run derby "moral victor" Sammy Sosa Lance Berkman

Dan Shanoff is a columnist for Page 2. His "What's Hot, What's Not" trend-spotting list appears Thursdays. Got inside scoop on an up-and-coming trend? Want to declare something passé? Send this glimpse of your hipness to hotnotlist@yahoo.com.



Dan Shanoff Archive

Sports Guy: Satisfied with Miller Park

Sportoon: One in every crowd

Shanoff: What's hot, not for week of June 27-July 2

Shanoff: What's hot, not for week of June 20-26

Shanoff: What's hot, not for week of June 13-19

Shanoff: What's hot, not for week of June 6-12

Shanoff: What's hot, not for week of May 30-June 5

Shanoff: What's hot, not for week of May 23-29

Shanoff: What's hot, not for week of May 16-22

Shanoff: What's hot, not for week of May 9-15

Shanoff: What's hot, not for week of May 3-8

Shanoff: What's hot, not for week of April 26-May 2

Shanoff: 2002 NBA playoffs Hot 'n' Not List

Shanoff: 2002 NFL draft Hot 'n' Not List

2002 Stanley Cup playoffs Hot 'n' Not List

Shanoff: 2002 baseball Hot 'n' Not List

Shanoff: The Sweet 16 Hot 'n' Not List

Shanoff: The NCAA Hot 'n' Not List

Shanoff: The Hot 'n' Not List for Washington sports

Shanoff: The Hot 'n' Not List for NBA at midseason

The Hot 'n' not list for 2002 Winter Olympics

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Shanoff: The Hot 'n' Not List for 2002

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