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Mahan puts health before football
Associated Press

COLLEGE STATION, Texas -- Offensive tackle Michael Mahan is leaving the Texas A&M football team because of problems with his heart.

Mahan has undergone two surgeries this season to try to correct a heart irregularity known as Wolf-Parkinson-White Syndrome.

"I talked at length with coach (R.C.) Slocum last Saturday and after weighing my options I think it is best for myself and my health that I step away from playing football," Mahan said. "Having two heart surgeries that close together is risky. My health comes first and I think that in the long term I can live with my decision to hang it up."

Mahan, a 6-foot-6, 293-pound sophomore from Homer, La., started at left tackle in eight games this season and six games last year.

"It's disappointing for a young man of Michael's ability to have to stop playing this early in his career, but his health is a big concern. He was our starter at tackle and that's a big loss for us," Slocum said.

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