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December 06, 2001

Sun and Fun in Tampa
By Rob Dibble

Hello from Tampa, F-L-A! Having a great time and the weather is beautiful. This town brings back a ton of memories for me. This is where I started my baseball career.

 Rob Dibble
Can you say... cheese? Rob Dibble, left, and Dan Patrick are broadcasting live from Tampa throughout Super Bowl week.

My first five spring trainings, including my first major league spring training, were in Tampa. I played for the Tampa Tarpons right at Al Lopez Field -- which was right where Raymond James Stadium now stands.

Tampa has a lot going on: a beautiful waterfront, Ybor City and Clearwater and St. Pete are only a half hour away. It's just a gorgeous part of Florida -- every bit as beautiful as the east coast of Florida, if you ask me.

We're going out tonight to check out some stuff around town -- I'll try to remember as many details as I can! I've already seen a bunch of cool cats in town for the big game.

Lesley Visser -- who is more beautiful in person than she is on television -- was on our radio show today. As was the very cool Jack Youngblood -- if Clint Eastwood had played football, he would have played like Jack Youngblood. Our old friends Sterling Sharpe, Joe Theismann and Chris Berman also stopped by. Overall, it was a great first day of Super Bowl week. I wish everyone could be here!

Oh yeah, you can. Well, sort of. Check out our live Web cam all week from 1-4 p.m. ET.

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Dan Patrick postcard: In Tampa with Iron Mike

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