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December 06, 2001

Birthday wishes for Dibbs

On Jan. 24, 37 years ago, everyone's favorite ESPN Radio personality/former Cincinnati Reds reliever/Baseball Tonight analyst was born. We asked you to send Rob your most heartfelt birthday wishes, and this is what you said.

Happy Birthday, Dibbs! If you decide to go to the "art gallery," remember they have banned lap dances. However, you could probably talk Siragusa into one! -- Aaron from Sioux Falls

Dan Patrick and Rob Dibble
Only the brave dare to battle the elements of Tampa.
Hey Ron, go and visit the so-called art gallery and have fun on your birthday. I hated you when you faced the Cubbies. Be a man and jump in the pool. Keep Patrick's head under awhile for me. -- Dennis from Sauk City

Watching the Dan Cam, I noticed there's a whole lot of Dibble that needs to celebrate today. My ... what your mother must have gone through giving birth to all that! Have a great birthday! But don't celebrate too hard ... not much room left to pack anything else on! -- Polly from Tempe, Ariz.

Rob, just wanted to send you my birthday greeting. I'm a longtime fan of yours. I think instead of you getting a tattoo, either Dan or Joanne should get a tattoo at a place of your choice. Have a great birthday. -- Wayne from Grove City, Ohio

Have a nasty day, big boy! -- Denise from Iowa City

Hey Ron, Do yourself a favor this birthday and throw at somebody's head. You've earned it! -- Matt from Milwaukee

I'm 5-foot-11, 180 pounds and growing! I would check out the arts and get a tattoo! You are an outstanding personality, and I value your right-on opinions. Always do 90 mph with your hair on fire for us forty-something guys. -- Larry Watkins from Maywood, Ill.

May you ...
Throw at someone's head,
or spend the day in bed.
May you have a HAPPY BIRTHDAY
and a happy year ahead!

May you ...
Jump into the pool,
or get a new tattoo.
May you have a Happy Birthday
and a year that's Dibble cool!

Best wishes! -- Meg from Winthrop Harbor, Ill.

Rob, I wrote you a birthday poem to sit at home and read:

Some call him Rob
Some call him Ron
A purple speedo?
PLEASE keep those pants on!

Some say he's "huge"
That's not how he felt
Cuz according to Ronnie
he's not huge, he's "svelte."

So what should he do
on the big 37?
Well, reading's not great
and museums aren't Heaven

No new tattoo
or fancy new threads
could bring Ron the joy

HAPPY BIRTHDAY, RON! -- Ryan from Madison, Wis.

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