What was Jae-kuk Ryu thinking?
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Ospreys are recognized by Florida as a species of special concern.
What the heck was Jae-kuk Ryu, a 19-year-old South Korean pitcher for the Class A Daytona Cubs, thinking when he fatally wounded an osprey with a thrown baseball during pregame warmups?

A. "Bet I can hit that pigeon by the dugout, too."

B. "This is not good. The only species more endangered in Florida than an osprey is the Tampa Bay Devil Ray."

C. "Top that, Randy Johnson!"

D. "If my manager doesn't send me up to AA by June, his pet parakeet is next."

E. "I'll stop killing ospreys when North Korea suspends its nuclear program."

F. "Maybe now we'll get some of those naked PETA supermodels to come out and protest."


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