By Kurt Snibbe
Special to Page 2

Let's face it, most Americans aren't in step with the rest of the planet when it comes to soccer. So, as a service to Page 2 readers during the biggest sporting event on Earth, cartoonist Kurt Snibbe details some of the intricacies you might otherwise miss while watching the World Cup.


Kurt Snibbe is a sports news artist for the Orange County Register, and his work will appear frequently on Page 2.


Kurt Snibbe Archive

Complete 2002 World Cup coverage

Davies Day 0: The 'other' football

Caple: No thugs in our house

Shanoff: What's hot, not for week of May 23-29

Sportoon: Getting drug down

Sportoon: That funky feeling

Sportoon, May 22: Probing Kobe Bryant

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