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 Tuesday, November 23
Numbers don't betray Gretzky's greatness
By Rob Neyer

 They referred to Wayne Gretzky simply as "The Great One," and if you ever saw him play in his prime, you know why. All that greatness on the ice resulted in some greatness in the record books, too. Gretzky owns any number of NHL records, but the two most impressive are his career marks for goals (894) and assists (1,963).

We decided to compare Gretzky's lead in goals and assists to other primary "counting stats" in other sports; that is, fundamental statistics in other sports that are not percentages.

We'll begin with the NFL, and career passing yards, listing the record holder, the No. 2 man on the list, and the percentage difference between the two.

NFL          Pass Yards   Lead?
Dan Marino      60,001    16.6%
John Elway      51,475

An impressive lead for Marino, especially when you consider the fact he's still active, while Elway is now retired. And although it appears likely that Marino won't add a lot of yards to his total, it also appears likely that by the time he hangs up his cleats, he'll be at least 20 percent ahead of Elway. And no active quarterbacks are anywhere near challenging Marino's record.

NFL          Rush Yards  Lead?
Walter Payton   16726    9.5%
Barry Sanders   15269

Speaking of retiring -- there's a lot of that going around -- Barry Sanders retired before this season, even though he had a good chance of passing Walter Payton for the all-time rushing mark. Sanders still might come back, of course, but until/unless he does, Payton's record is safe.

Now let's look at a pair of Major League Baseball records.

MLB              RBI    Lead?
Hank Aaron      2,297    3.8%
Babe Ruth       2,213

MLB             Runs    Lead?
Ty Cobb         2,246    3.3%
Aaron/Ruth      2,174

Interestingly, Aaron leads Ruth in RBI by about 4 percent, and Cobb leads Ruth and Aaron -- who finished their careers with an identical number of runs -- by about 3 percent. (And in case you're wondering, Pete Rose leads Cobb in hits by less than 2 percent.)

The gaps tend to widen when comparing NBA record-holders, however.

NBA               Points    Lead?
K. Abdul-Jabbar     38,387   22.2%
Wilt Chamberlain    31,419

Barring injury, Michael Jordan would undoubtedly have one day challenged Kareem Abdul-Jabbar for the all-time scoring title ... if he hadn't retired "early," which he did.

NBA              Rebounds   Lead?
Wilt Chamberlain   23,924   10.7%
Bill Russell       21,620

Chamberlain and Russell played in the days when top NBA centers would, fairly routinely, average 20-plus rebounds per game. Those days are gone, so it seems unlikely that anybody will threaten Chamberlain's record.

And now we come to Gretzky, who shattered the goals and assists records, both of them previously held by Gordie Howe. Let's take them one at a time, shall we?

NHL             Goals  Lead?
Wayne Gretzky    894   11.6%
Gordie Howe      801

Pretty impressive, eh? Gretzky finished with 11.6 percent more goals than Howe, currently the No. 2 man on the all-time list. That 11.6 percent is greater than all but two of the figures we've listed in the other sports, but it's certainly not particularly extraordinary.

But hold on to your helmet, because we ain't seen nothin' yet.

NHL            Assists  Lead?
Wayne Gretzky    1,963  77.9%
Paul Coffey      1,103  

In all of professional team sports, Gretzky's assists record just might be the most incredible. In fact, it might be the most incredible record since Babe Ruth retired in 1935 with 714 home runs, 336 more than any other player.

It's safe to say Gretzky's assist record will never be broken. The active leader in assists, fading 38-year-old Carolina defenseman Paul Coffey, is second on the all-time list and trails Gretzky by 860 helpers. Third-place Ray Bourque, 38, trails Gretzky by 869 assists, but the Boston great isn't a threat either.

Gretzky's assists mark is now 87.1 percent ahead of Howe's 1,049, which was the record before The Great One came along.

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