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Monday, February 19
Updated: February 20, 1:28 PM ET
McSorley should return if he can still contribute


Marty McSorley's year-long suspension for his attack on Vancouver's Donald Brashear ends on Tuesday. While he's eligible to return to the NHL, ESPN's analysts differ on whether he should.

Barry Melrose
I would love to see Marty get another chance to play. He can still help an NHL team. This guy has always played his best hockey in the Stanley Cup playoffs. He has won Cups before and is another one of those guys with experience that you need sometimes to get teams over the top.

Marty is a big, physical defenseman that a lot of teams are lacking. There are a number of teams out there who are looking for a player like that. It wouldn't be a costly move for a team. They wouldn't have to give up any young talent to get him and it certainly wouldn't cost a lot financially.

Ottawa is a team that leaps to mind that could use a player like Marty. They are probably in the lead for his services since he is playing on an Ottawa farm team right now in Grand Rapids. Pittsburgh and Toronto, among others, are teams that could use a big defenseman who is tough, has a presence and can play situations. Marty is getting a bit old, but he has a lot to offer teams heading into the playoffs.

Bill Clement
Marty McSorley might be able to help some teams, but I can't see him helping a Stanley Cup contender. He might be able to help a middle-of-the-road team, such as the Boston Bruins or the Carolina Hurricanes. But I don't see him being a good enough player to help Ottawa or Detroit or St. Louis. He just doesn't have the skill or the quickness anymore. I thought he should have retired before the Donald Brashear incident. I can't tell an athlete what to do with his career. A lot of athletes think they can still play when time has passed them by. McSorley may prove me wrong, and for his peace of mind, I hope he does. But as an NHLer, I think Marty is done.

Brian Engblom
I would be surprised if nobody picked him up. There are always teams that are looking for more playoff experience on the blue line at this time of year and Marty McSorely has plenty of it. Ottawa was very interested and they are certainly a playoff contender.

The downside to McSorely, on the ice, is that he's been away from the game for so long it might not be easy for him to get back into the swing of things. It's not impossible, but I don't think any team that gets him is going to expect him to be a consistent guy in their top five from now until the end of the season.

Marty looks after himself and keeps himself in excellent shape, but that's not the same as being in game shape and having the feel for the game. When the games are so crucial, teams may not want him in their regular lineup. But, rest assured some team will pick him up and he will be able to help them. He has a big presence and there are teams that will always need that.

Darren Pang
It is very difficult for people to retire when they still feel they can bring something to the table. But a player should never hang on so long that everyone forgets what he brought to the table when he was in his prime. If McSorley can get himself in good shape, then he can probably still contribute. The will to come back is understandable, but it has to be for the right reasons: the love of the game and the belief that you can genuinely help a team.

Based on the way the game is headed right now, there seems to be a need for a heavyweight in the lineup. Six weeks ago it might have been a different story, but now there could be a team who can find room for a guy like McSorley. He could add credibility to a lineup.

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