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Tuesday, April 16
Sac-town smack directed at you know who


'Bout damn time we get some respect! This team has never played better as they have in the last two weeks (and up 'till then they were in first place). They are playing to the level the Lakers were playing last year. It doesn't matter who the opponent is -- bring it on! We're ready!
Dixie Prosser
Sacramento, Calif.

Vlade Divac
Ranking Vlade Divac and the Kings below No. 1 "would be madness," writes Porfirio Diaz of Davis, Calif.
Now what Faker fans? We've played all the same teams in all the same places -- plus your Fakers play two less road games than any other team. Just like I told all you "real" Faker fans in Section 302 of Staples on that November night, "Luck Faker Fans!" And you know you remember me 'cause that No. 4 jersey on my back was the most class that joint's ever seen.
Alex Gonzalez
Sacramento, Calif.

Thank you ESPN.com! As Northern California begins to heat up, so do those Kings. ... 17,317 (Arco Arena maximum seating capicity) of the NBA's greatest fans are ready to roll over those Lakers. Utah Jazz? Bring em' on. Dallas Mavericks? We would love Cuban in our house. And the Los Angeles Lakers? We ain't scared! Phil Jackson may think Sacramento is a cow town, but as Kings fans and ESPN.com knows, this year we bring home the bacon.
Mattew Ippolito
Modesto, Calif.

It's about time Sac-town gets some respect. Make no mistake about it, the Kings are for real. ... The Kings will earn their due respect in the playoffs and finally get credit for the unbelieveable season they have put together. The real "showtime" is right here in Sacramento, baby. This is the year ... and they are still soooo young. Can you say "dynasty!"
Pat Vosburg
Stockton, Calif.

Sacramento deserves the throne, and everyone knows it. You too L.A. If you can name a team that could hold the best record in the league, without their best player, I'll give you your props, maybe! Celtics without Pierce, NO! Nets without Kidd, NO! Even Lakers without Shaq, NO! But the Kings proved that they could win without Webber for a third of the season, and be afraid, they win with him, too.
Carey Williams
Auburn, Calif.

Lakers rebuttals
Kings fans, don't fall all over yourself. Until someone takes from the champions what they have already earned (TWICE!!!), L.A. is the team to beat. Remember, DEFENSE wins championships. Not fancy passing, pointing to the sky after a meaningless first-quarter basket (Christie), flopping or crying.
Gary Willis
Colton, Calif.

There is no way the Kings should be ahead of the Lakers. I don't care if the Kings win 20 in a row. The fact of the matter is that when it comes to beating the Lakers, they choke!
James Springs
Redding, Calif.

Well, to all the Western Conference teams out there, here's your one shot to dethrone the Lakers! It won't last long if you can accomplish it this year. Take your best shot because it may very well be your last for sometime. Sacramento and San Antonio are playing great ball right now but clearly don't have the same ability the Lakers do to "turn it on" whenever they need to. So laugh it up Sac-towners but not too hard, you'll need to save your tears for later!
Scott Hayes
Hampton, Virginia

Are you guys kidding? Thought the Lakers' 15-1 playoff record leading to our second championship would have influenced your rankings. Until some other team knocks off the world champs, I could care less what regular-season record they have!
Bryant Eng
Torrance, Calif.

You know about a month or two ago, Vlade Divac said the Lakers had better get homecourt advantage or they couldn't beat the Kings. Well as a Laker fan I say, back it up Vlade! See you in the playoffs! Hopefully you guys can beat the Lakers once.
Dave Wigginton, New York, N.Y.

Dumbfounded about Dallas
How in the world are you gonna put the Mavericks at No. 4 and the Spurs at No. 3 in your Power Rankings? Yeah, I know the Spurs beat the Mavericks last Saturday, but when ya come down to it, the Mavericks are way better than the Spurs (even with Tim Duncan). I mean they have more complete players. In my book, the Mavs are better than even the "Great Lakers."
Jeff Spikes
Emory, Texas

Glass slipper fits Pistons
It is great to see the Pistons at No. 6! Can someone say, "New England Patriots of the NBA?" I know I can. Expectations in Motown are for an NBA crown!!!
John Johannides
Lexington, Ky.

I would be scared to play against the Pistons in the playoffs (not if they were in the West, though). Against a weaker East, there only a few teams that can play with Ben and Co. I really think it is great that you guys gave some props to the new Bad Boys. Watch these guys in the playoffs. They just might make it to the conference finals if they play it right.
Aaron Pratt
Morgantown, W.Va.

End of the road for Blazers?
I am glad to see that the Blazers are were they are supposed to be. They got hot, you all ranked them too high, and now they are playing like the team they are.
Tony Ramsey
Denton, Texas

Straight shooting about Seattle
Finally you guys give some credit to the Sonics. ... That said, the Sonics should be ranked over the Celtics because they are the best shooting team in the league (finger pointing at your direction, "I-Can-Shoot-The-3?" Antoine Walker). Maybe Walker can learn a thing from Brent Barry and Rashard Lewis -- excellent shooting percentage beyond the arc = you can call yourself a 3-point shooter.
Bob Yang
St. Paul, Minn.

Dissing Orlando?
Wow! What is this? You rank the Sixers ahead of the Magic when the Magic have a higher playoff seed and have won the season series. Something is really wrong with you guys. Also the Magic finished with a week record better than the Sixers. Also ranking the Sixers ahead of the Hornets that too is sick. Come on, open your eyes and see what is going on.
Sitar Bhatt
Scottsdale, Ariz.

You have a personal bias against the Magic, don't you? Thirteenth? We have owned Philly three times this year.With homecourt in the first round, no one can stop us.
Rob Love
Melbourne, Fla.

Orlando Magic is definitely better than Charlotte. You guys don't have any respect for the Magic.
Emmett Montgomery
Harrisonburg, Va.

And some hot air from Windy City
I'm sick and tired of you guys rating the Bulls No. 29. Come on, give 'em some credit. With the lack of talent they got, especially on defense, they play hard every game. I think they should at least be ranked No. 23! As for next year, I won't be surprised if you rank the Bulls within the top 12 because they're gonna be good when Jason Williams comes here! Watch out for the Bulls next year! No joke!
Ahmed Khan
Chicago, Ill.

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