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Tuesday, January 16, 2001
Camby 'lost cool,' ready to accept suspension

PURCHASE, N.Y. -- A contrite Marcus Camby awaited word Tuesday on punishment for throwing a punch at an opponent but instead decking his own coach.


"I regret that I lost my cool, because that's not me," Camby said at the Knicks' practice facility. "Those who have been around me since I've been here know that I'm an easygoing-type guy.

"I just lost it when I saw that blood, and I was truly, truly in the wrong."

Camby's punch did not strike Danny Ferry of San Antonio because coach Jeff Van Gundy stepped between them at the last moment. Camby's head collided with Van Gundy's, opening a cut above the coach's left eye that required 12-15 stitches.

Camby had scrapes above both his eyes Tuesday -- one from being poked by Ferry, one from colliding with his coach. Van Gundy's eye also remained swollen.

"Seeing Jeff today, I just feel sorry for the guy," Camby said. "Because if you look at him you'd think he's really been in a fight."

While jostling for rebounding position, Ferry struck Camby in the eye late in the fourth quarter of New York's 104-82 victory over the Spurs on Monday. After being restrained by one referee and speaking with another, Camby suddenly bolted toward Ferry near the scorer's table and threw a roundhouse punch.

If Van Gundy hadn't stepped in the way, the punch might have connected and Camby would be facing an even longer suspension

As Camby left the court, he grabbed a folding chair -- an action he admitted was "ridiculous" -- before a security official took it away from him. He stood outside the Spurs' locker room before being persuaded to leave, then spent another 20 minutes in a tunnel near where the Spurs' team bus was idling.

"My car was blocked in, so people thought I was down there waiting to start something. If you had seen (Knicks president) Dave Checketts trying to push this car out of the way to get my car out of there, it was the funniest thing," Camby said.

Camby met with Van Gundy on Tuesday morning after speaking with several teammates by telephone Monday night.

"We talked about everything, about suspensions and all that, and he (Van Gundy) said, 'Despite all that, you played the best defense on David Robinson of anyone I've ever seen,"' Camby said. "Coming from him, it was great ... and I respect him more today because of the conversations we had."

No announcement was forthcoming Tuesday from NBA vice president of operations Stu Jackson regarding a suspension, a league spokeswoman said.

The Knicks are entering a five-game stretch against Detroit, Indiana, Milwaukee, Charlotte and the Los Angeles Lakers.

"Whatever the league decides, I'm basically going to have to get over it and then get back there on the court and help my team win," Camby said.

Camby is averaging 10.6 points and 11.1 rebounds as the starting center for the Knicks, who have won nine of their last 10 games.

Camby clobbers Van Gundy in attempt to get at Ferry

 Marcus Camby throws a punch at Danny Ferry, but ends up head-butting Jeff Van Gundy.
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 Marcus Camby knows he was "in the wrong."
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 Danny Ferry never saw Marcus Camby's punch coming.
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 Jeff Van Gundy talks about his role of mediator when it comes to fighting.
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