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Friday, November 17, 2000
Smith considering rejoining T-Wolves

Joe Smith

DETROIT -- Free-agent forward Joe Smith, expected to announce a decision on his NBA future this week, might be considering rejoining the Timberwolves instead of taking more lucrative options with the Pistons or Mavericks.

The Fort Worth Star-Telegram, citing an unnamed source, reported Smith's personal manager Glen Graham might be trying to convince the player to re-sign with the Timberwolves. After spending Sunday and Monday with the Pistons, Smith visited the Timberwolves on Tuesday.

Smith, declared a free agent by the NBA because of the Timberwolves' salary-cap violations committed on his behalf, can earn only the league minimum of $611,000 by re-signing with Minnesota. With the Pistons or Mavericks, he can earn $2.25 million allowed under a salary-cap exception.

Smith's agent, Dan Fegan, said Sunday the Detroit Pistons are on the free agent's short list, and that Smith will be making "several decisions" about his future this week.

Smith and Fegan attended Sunday's game between the Pistons and Seattle SuperSonics, and they met with Pistons vice president Joe Dumars, whose team could use Smith's size and scoring ability.

Smith and Fegan met with Dallas owner Mark Cuban earlier this week and have more meetings scheduled.

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