Weekly lineup

 Tuesday, December 28
Sprewell takes no special satisfaction
Associated Press

 EAST RUTHERFORD, N.J. -- Latrell Sprewell took no satisfaction in seeing the Golden State Warriors fire P.J. Carlesimo and doesn't believe his choking of his former coach sealed Carlesimo's fate.

Latrell Sprewell

"No one wants to see somebody fail or be put in a position where they are forced to leave their work," Sprewell said Tuesday night before the New York Knicks played the New Jersey Nets.

"I think we were struggling when I was there and we struggled a little bit before, so I think the problems were there before he got there and continued throughout his term," Sprewell added. "Now it's up to someone else to see if they can change it."

Carlesimo has gone out of his way since being fired not to blame Sprewell.

The two will forever be linked by the events of Dec. 1, 1997, when an enraged Sprewell grabbed Carlesimo around the neck during practice.

Sprewell was suspended by the NBA for a year and had his contract terminated. An arbitrator eventually reduced the suspension to 68 games and reinstated his contract.

Sprewell was traded to the Knicks in January and helped New York reach the NBA Finals in last year's lockout-shortened season.

Carlesimo was let go after a 6-21 start that included an 11-game losing streak and six defeats by 20-plus points. His overall mark was 46-113 since coming to Golden State in June 1997.

"I think we all try to do the best we can so that we accomplish what we set out to accomplish," Sprewell said. "When you don't achieve that, it's hard on you as an individual."

Sprewell said the news of the firing didn't come as a surprise because he had heard rumors a month ago that Carlesimo was in trouble.

"I don't know what to say about it," Sprewell said. "You know I haven't thought about the situation a whole lot. I've had enough things here to worry about with the Knicks.

"Honestly, I am so far away from Oakland I don't have a clue what is going on, the way they are playing or what's been happening."

While some experts think Carlesimo, a taskmaster who can annoy players, will never be a head coach again in the league, Sprewell isn't so sure.

"The way our league is, players and coaches are often given second and third opportunities to play and coach at other places," Sprewell said. "I would expect he would show up somewhere."

Sprewell didn't want to discuss how he felt about Carlesimo.

"Obviously it was a difficult time for me there," Sprewell said. "There are a lot of things that go through my mind. Like I said, I am away from that, past that, no need for me to be harping on that stuff any more."

Garry St. Jean, the general manager, took over as the Warriors coach. They lost to the San Antonio Spurs 105-83 Monday night in their first game since Carlesimo's ouster.

Canned Carlesimo says he'd like to coach again