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Answer Guy responds to your e-mail:
Seeing as it's wintertime, why is it "spring" training?
ESPN The Magazine
DWell: It's gotta be spring somewhere! That's true. It's also gotta be five o'clock somewhere. Punker: I think it came up from like, spring into action like u are springing to play ball hell who knows not I. What time ya got there, Punker? Joe Gudeman: Because we are SPRINGING out of winter?!?!?! Could be. That was a stupid answer. There are no stupid answers Joe. Just stupid people. SDoggs141: It's simple, really. Springs are basically coils, right? Like Slinkies! The players have to get "uncoiled" for the upcoming months. They stretch, and limber up and get into shape, so hence the term "spring training". Still with me, Joe? Sarah69: Here are my pictures! Zowie! Email your responses...only if you're serious. I can't wait to meet you in person! Gulp! Chris Aronchick: Back in the day, veterans put springs into the rookies' jock straps to train them to always check their jocks before putting them on. See? Spring. Training. See? For fun it's a wonderful toy. Robert M. Flaxman: I'm going to go out on a limb and guess that "spring training" means "training for spring" and not "training during spring." Just a guess, though. And a good one. Several people agreed ... ("Sometimes I sit at home and wonder if she's sitting at home thinking of me ..." Who, Sarah? "And wondering if I'm sitting at home thinking about her ..." Back off bub, she's all mine. "... or am I just wasting my time?" You got that right.) Barry Petchesky: Answer Guy, Answer Guy, Answer Guy. Barry, Barry, Barry. I can't believe you even need to ask this one. Believe it. They're not training IN spring, they're training FOR spring. That's funny. I thought they were training for BASEBALL SEASON. Marty Ronan: Why in the world do people enjoy baseball? You can get drunk on better beer in any bar for much less. But then again, you're in the bar. With Punker. Sarah69: Did you see my pictures? Zowie! I am single and have no children. Apparently. I can't wait to meet you! Sounds great. How 'bout a ballgame?

In his next outing, Answer Guy wonders why boxers get belts -- of all things -- when they win fights. Got an answer? E-mail

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