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Born on the Fourth of July: Pam Shriver
ESPN The Magazine

Pam Shriver (7/4/62)
Former Grand Slam doubles champ, ESPN tennis analyst


How will you spend the Fourth this year?
Since I'll still be over at Wimbledon, I'm going to a restaurant in Wimbledon village, at a restaurant with my boyfriend and few friends.

Does being born on the Fourth of July mean anything special to you?
It makes me more patriotic and more aware of how our country came to be. I think people born on the Fourth feel a little more connection with the country.

Best Fourth of July memory?
As a kid, we would have a big party in my backyard, with sack races, potato races, and all sorts of relay races. And it never failed -- one of the fireworks would get messed up and stuck on my father's hand and he'd nearly blow his hand up. I can remember there being some moments of panic in the backyard with everybody watching.

Worst part of having your birthday on FOJ?
The best part is everyone remembers your birthday. The worst part is you don't remember anyone else's birthday.

Are people born on the FOJ different from those with other birthdays?
I'd like to think we're more independent than other people. We're probably more fun-loving, maybe we have a longer fuse ...

Food, beverage of choice on the Fourth?
In the old days, we'd grill out hamburgers and hot dogs. Now, it would be a good old-fashioned meal and a good beer.

If you could only pick one on the fourth, would it be: Beach, BBQ, Baseball or Beer.
A BBQ with friends.

American History Quiz

1. Who wrote the national anthem?
2. What was the first capital of the US?
3. What are the first words of The Declaration of Independence?
4. Who sewed the American flag?

1.Francis Scott Key
2. I'd like to think it was Williamsburg, but I might be wrong. [Philadelphia]
3. "We the people ..." ["When in the course of human events..."]
4. Betsy Ross.

[Hey, two outta four ain't bad.]

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