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December 06, 2001

Nuttier than ever
By Rob Dibble

My first 4 baller and it's well deserved. I've seen lots of Eddie Murphy movies, and I think he's never been funnier.

Murphy plays several different characters so well you'd never know it's one guy playing all of them. Having seen how the movie was made (checkout HBO - Behind the Scenes) makes you appreciate Murphy's talent even more. He has to imagine when his characters are talking to each other when he's actually talking to himself - it amazes me when actors can do that.

Usually a sequel is no where near as funny as the first one, but I can honestly say that this movie blows away the first one. I think that EM took more time thinking along with the audience and giving them more credit as far as having a sense of humor goes. I hate when they have to explain stuff within the movie because people just don't get it.

I always go to a movie hoping for the next few days I will be thinking back on funny parts of the movie, and this one, I'm still thinking about funny parts and having a good laugh even when I'm by myself.

I can easily watch this movie again This movie was so funny, I'm sure that I missed a lot and I will need to see it over and over until I catch every little bit.

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