2017 SEC Baseball
Game Results
2017 SEC Baseball
Game Results for Missouri (as of Jun 28, 2017)
(All games)
Game date Opposing team Score r h e/ r h e Inns Overall SEC Pitcher of record Attend Time
--------- ------------- ----- --------/-------- ---- ------- -------- ---------------------- ------ ----
Feb 17, 2017 vs Eastern Michigan 2-6 L 2 11 1/ 6 10 2 9 0- 1- 0 0- 0- 0 HOUCK (L 0-1) 245 3:08
Feb 18, 2017 EASTERN MICHIGAN W 6-5 6 9 6/ 5 7 1 9 1- 1- 0 0- 0- 0 BARTLETT (W 1-0) 217 3:30
Feb 18, 2017 vs Eastern Michigan W 27-9 27 22 4/ 9 11 4 9 2- 1- 0 0- 0- 0 PLASSMEYER (W 1-0) 254 4:04
Feb 19, 2017 vs Eastern Michigan W 7-2 7 14 0/ 2 7 2 9 3- 1- 0 0- 0- 0 CARTER (W 1-0) 276 3:04
Feb 23, 2017 at Texas A&M CC W 7-6 7 13 3/ 6 10 2 9 4- 1- 0 0- 0- 0 Bartlett (W 2-0) 576 3:34
Feb 24, 2017 vs #25 Houston W 4-2 4 7 1/ 2 7 1 9 5- 1- 0 0- 0- 0 Toelken (W 1-0) 0 2:28
Feb 25, 2017 vs Texas A&M CC W 9-0 9 15 1/ 0 1 0 9 6- 1- 0 0- 0- 0 Plassmeyer (W 2-0) 2647 3:00
Feb 26, 2017 vs Illinois W 7-6 7 11 1/ 6 11 1 9 7- 1- 0 0- 0- 0 Sikkema (W 1-0) 0 3:15
Mar 03, 2017 UIC W 7-2 7 8 1/ 2 5 2 9 8- 1- 0 0- 0- 0 Houck (W 1-1) 708 3:08
Mar 04, 2017 UIC W 6-4 6 10 1/ 4 7 2 9 9- 1- 0 0- 0- 0 Sikkema (W 2-0) 1232 2:42
Mar 05, 2017 UIC W 11-10 11 11 0/10 14 0 9 10- 1- 0 0- 0- 0 Sharp (W 1-0) 811 3:28
Mar 07, 2017 EASTERN ILLINOIS W 10-1 10 15 0/ 1 4 3 9 11- 1- 0 0- 0- 0 Montes (W 1-0) 794 2:55
Mar 08, 2017 WESTERN CAROLINA W 7-6 7 12 2/ 6 8 0 (10) 12- 1- 0 0- 0- 0 Sikkema (W 3-0) 584 3:33
Mar 10, 2017 APPALACHIAN STATE W 4-0 4 8 3/ 0 4 2 9 13- 1- 0 0- 0- 0 Houck (W 2-1) 283 3:25
Mar 11, 2017 APPALACHIAN STATE W 7-1 7 7 0/ 1 3 2 9 14- 1- 0 0- 0- 0 Plassmeyer (W 3-0) 160 3:05
Mar 12, 2017 APPALACHIAN STATE W 3-2 3 10 1/ 2 3 0 9 15- 1- 0 0- 0- 0 Sikkema (W 4-0) 392 2:57
Mar 15, 2017 CHICAGO STATE W 7-6 7 13 7/ 6 9 5 (13) 16- 1- 0 0- 0- 0 Sharp (W 2-0) 293 4:40
*Mar 17, 2017 at Alabama W 3-0 3 3 2/ 0 2 2 9 17- 1- 0 1- 0- 0 Houck (W 3-1) 3194 3:38
*Mar 18, 2017 at Alabama W 7-4 7 12 0/ 4 7 0 9 18- 1- 0 2- 0- 0 Plassmeyer (W 4-0) 3428 3:36
*Mar 19, 2017 at Alabama W 9-5 9 12 1/ 5 9 4 9 19- 1- 0 3- 0- 0 Bartlett (W 3-0) 3418 3:52
Mar 21, 2017 LITTLE ROCK W 11-8 11 6 2/ 8 7 1 9 20- 1- 0 3- 0- 0 Montes (W 2-0) 672 3:34
*Mar 24, 2017 ARKANSAS 2-9 L 2 7 2/ 9 14 0 9 20- 2- 0 3- 1- 0 Houck (L 3-2) 638 3:07
*Mar 25, 2017 ARKANSAS W 7-2 7 11 1/ 2 8 1 9 21- 2- 0 4- 1- 0 Sikkema (W 5-0) 711 3:08
*Mar 26, 2017 ARKANSAS 8-9 L 8 11 3/ 9 12 1 9 21- 3- 0 4- 2- 0 Toelken (L 1-1) 2229 3:34
Mar 28, 2017 SOUTHEAST MISSOURI 5-6 L 5 9 0/ 6 9 2 9 21- 4- 0 4- 2- 0 Dulle (L 0-1) 479 3:13
*Mar 31, 2017 #9 FLORIDA 3-4 L 3 7 1/ 4 9 1 9 21- 5- 0 4- 3- 0 Houck (L 3-3) 1034 3:12
*Apr 01, 2017 #9 FLORIDA 1-2 L 1 3 0/ 2 8 1 9 21- 6- 0 4- 4- 0 Plassmeyer (L 4-1) 1264 2:35
*Apr 02, 2017 #9 FLORIDA 1-2 L 1 7 0/ 2 5 1 9 21- 7- 0 4- 5- 0 Montes (L 2-1) 658 2:55
Apr 04, 2017 vs Illinois 3-5 L 3 6 0/ 5 7 0 9 21- 8- 0 4- 5- 0 Gromacki (L 0-1) 2432 3:14
*Apr 06, 2017 at Georgia 0-3 L 0 3 1/ 3 6 2 9 21- 9- 0 4- 6- 0 Houck (L 3-4) 1650 2:36
*Apr 07, 2017 at Georgia W 8-5 8 6 1/ 5 14 3 9 22- 9- 0 5- 6- 0 Bartlett (W 4-0) 1759 3:28
%*Apr 08, 2017 vs Georgia W 6-1 6 8 2/ 1 4 1 9 23- 9- 0 6- 6- 0 Montes (W 3-1) 33025 3:21
Apr 11, 2017 ARKANSAS-PINE BLUFF W 13-1 13 14 1/ 1 2 1 9 24- 9- 0 6- 6- 0 Toelken (W 2-1) 539 2:34
Apr 12, 2017 ARKANSAS-PINE BLUFF W 15-6 15 14 2/ 6 5 4 9 25- 9- 0 6- 6- 0 Dulle (W 1-1) 584 3:08
*Apr 14, 2017 #10 KENTUCKY 2-5 L 2 8 2/ 5 6 0 9 25-10- 0 6- 7- 0 Houck (L 3-5) 2402 3:53
*Apr 15, 2017 #10 KENTUCKY W 9-8 9 12 0/ 8 9 0 9 26-10- 0 7- 7- 0 Sikkema (W 6-0) 1255 3:32
*Apr 16, 2017 #10 KENTUCKY 1-6 L 1 4 1/ 6 8 0 9 26-11- 0 7- 8- 0 Montes (L 3-2) 638 2:56
Apr 18, 2017 MISSOURI STATE 3-5 L 3 10 2/ 5 6 2 9 26-12- 0 7- 8- 0 Toelken (L 2-2) 1038 3:02
*Apr 21, 2017 at Ole Miss W 9-3 9 7 0/ 3 10 1 9 27-12- 0 8- 8- 0 Bartlett (W 5-0) 8004 2:39
*Apr 22, 2017 at Ole Miss 1-3 L 1 3 0/ 3 5 0 9 27-13- 0 8- 9- 0 Houck (L 3-6) 8129 2:29
*Apr 23, 2017 at Ole Miss 6-9 L 6 12 2/ 9 9 2 9 27-14- 0 8-10- 0 Montes (L 3-3) 7208 3:33
Apr 25, 2017 at Missouri State 1-5 L 1 4 0/ 5 9 1 9 27-15- 0 8-10- 0 Toelken (L 2-3) 5351 2:36
*Apr 28, 2017 TEXAS A&M 1-11 L 1 4 3/11 14 1 9 27-16- 0 8-11- 0 Bartlett (L 5-1) - 3:07
*Apr 28, 2017 TEXAS A&M 1-7 L 1 5 2/ 7 11 0 9 27-17- 0 8-12- 0 Houck (L 3-7) 838 2:56
*Apr 30, 2017 TEXAS A&M 2-7 L 2 4 2/ 7 8 3 9 27-18- 0 8-13- 0 Montes (L 3-4) 476 3:18
May 02, 2017 MURRAY STATE W 11-0 11 13 0/ 0 6 2 9 28-18- 0 8-13- 0 Toelken (W 3-3) 391 2:46
*May 05, 2017 at Vanderbilt 2-5 L 2 10 2/ 5 5 1 9 28-19- 0 8-14- 0 Bartlett (L 5-2) 2936 3:01
*May 06, 2017 at Vanderbilt W 2-1 2 7 0/ 1 7 0 (12) 29-19- 0 9-14- 0 Sikkema (W 7-0) 2960 3:14
*May 07, 2017 at Vanderbilt 5-14 L 5 4 1/14 15 0 9 29-20- 0 9-15- 0 Montes (L 3-5) 3012 3:34
*May 12, 2017 SOUTH CAROLINA 3-4 L 3 6 1/ 4 7 0 9 29-21- 0 9-16- 0 Sikkema (L 7-1) 1370 2:53
*May 13, 2017 SOUTH CAROLINA W 5-3 5 8 2/ 3 5 0 9 30-21- 0 10-16- 0 Houck (W 4-7) 1146 2:44
*May 14, 2017 SOUTH CAROLINA W 5-3 5 7 0/ 3 8 1 9 31-21- 0 11-16- 0 Toelken (W 4-3) 864 2:48
May 16, 2017 EASTERN KENTUCKY W 13-4 13 10 1/ 4 8 2 9 32-21- 0 11-16- 0 Plassmeyer (W 5-1) 475 3:23
*May 18, 2017 at Tennessee W 5-0 5 5 1/ 0 4 1 9 33-21- 0 12-16- 0 Sikkema (W 8-1) 1033 2:02
*May 19, 2017 at Tennessee W 2-0 2 6 1/ 0 1 0 9 34-21- 0 13-16- 0 Bartlett (W 6-2) 1703 1:57
*May 20, 2017 at Tennessee W 8-2 8 13 1/ 2 5 0 9 35-21- 0 14-16- 0 Montes (W 4-5) 2003 3:11
May 23, 2017 vs Texas A&M W 12-7 12 11 1/ 7 9 3 9 36-21- 0 14-16- 0 Toelken (W 5-3) 1610 3:25
May 24, 2017 vs LSU 3-10 L 3 8 2/10 11 1 9 36-22- 0 14-16- 0 Sikkema (L 8-3) 0 3:06
May 25, 2017 vs South Carolina 2-10 L 2 6 1/10 14 3 9 36-23- 0 14-16- 0 Bartlett (L 6-3) 7279 3:12
() extra inning game
Overall Statistics
2017 SEC Baseball
Overall Statistics for Missouri (as of Jun 28, 2017)
(All games Sorted by Batting avg)
Record: 36-23 Home: 19-13 Away: 10-6 Neutral: 7-4 SEC: 14-16
5 Brett Bond....... .307 58-54 215 41 66 13 0 10 45 109 .507 25 4 57 3 .385 3 1 4-6 373 39 9 .979
30 Kameron Misner... .282 58-58 213 39 60 12 1 7 34 95 .446 23 4 55 3 .360 2 3 17-23 79 2 2 .976
9 Robbie Glendinnin .274 56-54 201 36 55 13 2 7 30 93 .463 35 3 62 2 .386 2 0 7-10 90 143 15 .940
8 Connor Brumfield. .272 55-55 217 37 59 9 3 1 28 77 .355 33 5 45 2 .376 3 3 11-17 126 4 2 .985
22 Trey Harris...... .268 52-50 183 35 49 8 0 12 48 93 .508 32 6 27 5 .388 3 3 9-12 57 2 0 1.000
24 Chris Cornelius.. .260 55-55 181 25 47 12 3 2 31 71 .392 19 3 50 5 .332 5 6 2-3 70 135 16 .928
4 Brian Sharp...... .246 52-48 167 30 41 11 1 4 19 66 .395 31 1 57 2 .358 5 1 4-8 398 37 7 .984
3 Alex Samples..... .202 56-49 173 30 35 11 0 1 23 49 .283 22 2 46 1 .294 4 1 3-4 28 105 9 .937
12 Nelson Mompierre. .327 38-26 98 14 32 6 0 4 21 50 .510 17 1 19 0 .427 1 1 0-1 116 16 2 .985
7 Kirby Mcguire.... .291 41-35 127 25 37 4 0 2 9 47 .370 15 5 34 0 .388 0 2 10-14 33 1 3 .919
10 Matt Berler...... .242 38-27 99 18 24 8 0 2 15 38 .384 11 7 31 2 .353 2 1 4-4 146 44 2 .990
23 Johnny Balsamo... .235 32-5 34 10 8 1 0 0 2 9 .265 6 3 10 2 .395 0 0 4-5 9 0 0 1.000
16 Alex Del Rio..... .167 6-0 6 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 .167 0 0 2 0 .167 0 0 0-0 0 0 0 .000
6 Ian Nelson....... .146 27-9 48 2 7 0 1 0 5 9 .188 3 1 5 1 .212 0 0 0-0 6 28 4 .895
1 A.J. Lewis....... .043 17-4 23 2 1 1 0 0 1 2 .087 3 0 12 0 .154 0 0 0-1 6 2 0 1.000
19 Armaan Painter... .000 11-0 8 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 .000 2 0 2 0 .200 0 0 0-0 16 1 0 1.000
36 Cole Bartlett.... .000 2-2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 .000 0 0 0 0 .000 0 0 0-0 3 18 1 .955
Totals.............. .262 59-59 1993 347 522 109 11 52 311 809 .406 277 45 514 28 .360 30 22 75-108 1596 661 79 .966
Opponents........... .228 59-59 1968 272 449 81 7 45 241 679 .345 192 69 505 39 .316 16 30 46-69 1554 582 78 .965
LOB - Team (469), Opp (411). DPs turned - Team (50), Opp (39). CI - Team (4), BOND 3, MOMPIERRE 1, Opp (3). IBB - Team (2),
(All games Sorted by Earned run avg)
17 Tj Sikkema....... 2.72 8-2 22 3 1 1/1 4 79.1 52 26 24 18 81 9 1 2 279 .186 0 7 0 3 3
2 Andy Toelken..... 2.80 5-3 16 11 1 0/1 0 70.2 59 31 22 24 52 11 0 9 265 .223 2 8 0 0 4
36 Cole Bartlett.... 3.19 6-3 19 5 2 1/0 0 79.0 76 41 28 22 53 9 2 7 293 .259 4 6 2 4 7
11 Tanner Houck..... 3.33 4-7 14 14 3 0/2 0 94.2 78 45 35 24 95 16 1 5 354 .220 5 18 1 3 4
43 Bryce Montes De O 4.43 4-5 15 12 0 0/1 0 61.0 43 40 30 42 61 11 1 3 210 .205 7 11 0 4 6
37 Evan Stoll....... 0.00 0-0 2 0 0 0/0 0 1.2 1 0 0 1 3 0 0 0 7 .143 0 0 0 0 0
48 Ryan Lee......... 2.87 0-0 10 1 0 0/1 0 15.2 14 5 5 7 18 4 0 0 55 .255 3 1 0 1 2
4 Brian Sharp...... 3.38 2-0 9 0 0 0/1 1 13.1 6 5 5 5 11 3 0 0 45 .133 0 0 0 1 0
44 Luke Boyster..... 3.52 0-0 5 0 0 0/0 0 7.2 7 3 3 5 12 0 0 0 31 .226 2 2 0 0 0
35 Cameron Dulle.... 4.08 1-1 12 0 0 0/0 0 17.2 18 10 8 9 19 1 0 4 68 .265 0 1 0 0 1
27 Nolan Gromacki... 4.34 0-1 22 0 0 0/3 1 18.2 14 11 9 11 23 5 1 4 71 .197 2 4 0 0 0
26 Michael Plassmeye 4.83 5-1 19 10 0 0/1 1 54.0 58 33 29 9 54 8 0 7 213 .272 2 7 4 0 2
40 Ty Shoaff........ 5.59 0-0 15 0 0 0/2 0 9.2 10 7 6 6 16 1 0 2 39 .256 0 3 1 0 0
28 Liam Carter...... 14.00 1-0 5 3 0 0/0 0 9.0 13 15 14 9 7 3 1 2 38 .342 1 1 0 0 1
Totals.............. 3.69 36-23 59 59 7 6/4 7 532.0 449 272 218 192 505 81 7 45 1968 .228 28 69 8 16 30
Opponents........... 4.88 23-36 59 59 2 1/1 14 518.0 522 347 281 277 514 109 11 52 1993 .262 67 45 12 30 22
PB - Team (9), BOND 8, MOMPIERRE 1, Opp (9). Pickoffs - Team (5), BOND 1, BARTLETT 1, TOELKEN 1, PLASSMEYER 1, MONTES 1, Opp
(6). SBA/ATT - BOND (35-46), MONTES (17-19), MOMPIERRE (11-16), HOUCK (9-16), SIKKEMA (5-9), BARTLETT (5-7), TOELKEN (1-5),
GROMACKI (3-3), DULLE (2-3), PLASSMEYER (2-3), CARTER (0-1), SHOAFF (0-1), BOYSTER (1-1), Lee (1-1).
2017 SEC Baseball
Overall Statistics for Missouri (as of Jun 28, 2017)
(All games Sorted by Fielding pct)
22 Trey Harris...... 59 57 2 0 1.000 0 0 0 --- 0 0
26 Michael Plassmeye 20 7 13 0 1.000 0 2 1 .667 0 0
19 Armaan Painter... 17 16 1 0 1.000 0 0 0 --- 0 0
43 Bryce Montes De O 13 2 11 0 1.000 0 17 2 .895 0 0
35 Cameron Dulle.... 9 4 5 0 1.000 1 2 1 .667 0 0
23 Johnny Balsamo... 9 9 0 0 1.000 0 0 0 --- 0 0
1 A.J. Lewis....... 8 6 2 0 1.000 0 0 0 --- 0 0
28 Liam Carter...... 4 2 2 0 1.000 0 0 1 .000 0 0
44 Luke Boyster..... 3 1 2 0 1.000 0 1 0 1.000 0 0
27 Nolan Gromacki... 3 1 2 0 1.000 0 3 0 1.000 0 0
40 Ty Shoaff........ 3 1 2 0 1.000 0 0 1 .000 0 0
37 Evan Stoll....... 1 0 1 0 1.000 0 0 0 --- 0 0
10 Matt Berler...... 192 146 44 2 .990 19 0 0 --- 0 0
12 Nelson Mompierre. 134 116 16 2 .985 1 11 5 .688 1 1
8 Connor Brumfield. 132 126 4 2 .985 1 0 0 --- 0 0
4 Brian Sharp...... 442 398 37 7 .984 35 0 0 --- 0 0
5 Brett Bond....... 421 373 39 9 .979 0 35 11 .761 8 3
30 Kameron Misner... 83 79 2 2 .976 2 0 0 --- 0 0
11 Tanner Houck..... 24 8 15 1 .958 0 9 7 .563 0 0
36 Cole Bartlett.... 22 3 18 1 .955 1 5 2 .714 0 0
9 Robbie Glendinnin 248 90 143 15 .940 37 0 0 --- 0 0
3 Alex Samples..... 142 28 105 9 .937 5 0 0 --- 0 0
24 Chris Cornelius.. 221 70 135 16 .928 33 0 0 --- 0 0
2 Andy Toelken..... 25 11 12 2 .920 0 1 4 .200 0 0
7 Kirby Mcguire.... 37 33 1 3 .919 0 0 0 --- 0 0
6 Ian Nelson....... 38 6 28 4 .895 1 0 0 --- 0 0
17 Tj Sikkema....... 23 3 17 3 .870 2 5 4 .556 0 0
48 Ryan Lee......... 3 0 2 1 .667 0 1 0 1.000 0 0
16 Alex Del Rio..... 0 0 0 0 .000 0 0 0 --- 0 0
Totals.............. 2336 1596 661 79 .966 50 46 23 .667 9 4
Opponents........... 2214 1554 582 78 .965 39 75 33 .694 9 3
Hitting minimums - 75% of Games 2.0 AB/Game 3.0 TPA/Game
Pitching minimums - 1 Games 1.0 IP/Game
Category Leaders
2017 SEC Baseball
Batting Leaders for Missouri (as of Jun 28, 2017)
(All games)
Hitting minimums - 75% of Games 2.0 AB/Game 3.0 TPA/Game
Pitching minimums - 1 Games 1.0 IP/Game
Batting avg
1. 5 Brett Bond....... .307
2. 30 Kameron Misner... .282
3. 9 Robbie Glendinnin .274
4. 8 Connor Brumfield. .272
5. 22 Trey Harris...... .268
6. 24 Chris Cornelius.. .260
7. 4 Brian Sharp...... .246
8. 3 Alex Samples..... .202
Slugging pct
1. 22 Trey Harris...... .508
2. 5 Brett Bond....... .507
3. 9 Robbie Glendinnin .463
4. 30 Kameron Misner... .446
5. 4 Brian Sharp...... .395
6. 24 Chris Cornelius.. .392
7. 8 Connor Brumfield. .355
8. 3 Alex Samples..... .283
On base pct
1. 22 Trey Harris...... .388
2. 9 Robbie Glendinnin .386
3. 5 Brett Bond....... .385
4. 8 Connor Brumfield. .376
5. 30 Kameron Misner... .360
6. 4 Brian Sharp...... .358
7. 24 Chris Cornelius.. .332
8. 3 Alex Samples..... .294
Runs scored
1. 5 Brett Bond....... 41
2. 30 Kameron Misner... 39
3. 8 Connor Brumfield. 37
4. 9 Robbie Glendinnin 36
5. 22 Trey Harris...... 35
6. 3 Alex Samples..... 30
4 Brian Sharp...... 30
8. 7 Kirby Mcguire.... 25
24 Chris Cornelius.. 25
10.10 Matt Berler...... 18
11.12 Nelson Mompierre. 14
12.23 Johnny Balsamo... 10
13. 6 Ian Nelson....... 2
1 A.J. Lewis....... 2
19 Armaan Painter... 2
1. 5 Brett Bond....... 66
2. 30 Kameron Misner... 60
3. 8 Connor Brumfield. 59
4. 9 Robbie Glendinnin 55
5. 22 Trey Harris...... 49
6. 24 Chris Cornelius.. 47
7. 4 Brian Sharp...... 41
8. 7 Kirby Mcguire.... 37
9. 3 Alex Samples..... 35
10.12 Nelson Mompierre. 32
11.10 Matt Berler...... 24
12.23 Johnny Balsamo... 8
13. 6 Ian Nelson....... 7
14. 1 A.J. Lewis....... 1
16 Alex Del Rio..... 1
Runs batted in
1. 22 Trey Harris...... 48
2. 5 Brett Bond....... 45
3. 30 Kameron Misner... 34
4. 24 Chris Cornelius.. 31
5. 9 Robbie Glendinnin 30
6. 8 Connor Brumfield. 28
7. 3 Alex Samples..... 23
8. 12 Nelson Mompierre. 21
9. 4 Brian Sharp...... 19
10.10 Matt Berler...... 15
11. 7 Kirby Mcguire.... 9
12. 6 Ian Nelson....... 5
13.23 Johnny Balsamo... 2
14. 1 A.J. Lewis....... 1
1. 5 Brett Bond....... 13
9 Robbie Glendinnin 13
3. 24 Chris Cornelius.. 12
30 Kameron Misner... 12
5. 3 Alex Samples..... 11
4 Brian Sharp...... 11
7. 8 Connor Brumfield. 9
8. 22 Trey Harris...... 8
10 Matt Berler...... 8
10.12 Nelson Mompierre. 6
11. 7 Kirby Mcguire.... 4
12. 1 A.J. Lewis....... 1
23 Johnny Balsamo... 1
1. 24 Chris Cornelius.. 3
8 Connor Brumfield. 3
3. 9 Robbie Glendinnin 2
4. 30 Kameron Misner... 1
6 Ian Nelson....... 1
4 Brian Sharp...... 1
Home runs
1. 22 Trey Harris...... 12
2. 5 Brett Bond....... 10
3. 9 Robbie Glendinnin 7
30 Kameron Misner... 7
5. 12 Nelson Mompierre. 4
4 Brian Sharp...... 4
7. 7 Kirby Mcguire.... 2
10 Matt Berler...... 2
24 Chris Cornelius.. 2
10. 8 Connor Brumfield. 1
3 Alex Samples..... 1
Total bases
1. 5 Brett Bond....... 109
2. 30 Kameron Misner... 95
3. 9 Robbie Glendinnin 93
22 Trey Harris...... 93
5. 8 Connor Brumfield. 77
6. 24 Chris Cornelius.. 71
7. 4 Brian Sharp...... 66
8. 12 Nelson Mompierre. 50
9. 3 Alex Samples..... 49
10. 7 Kirby Mcguire.... 47
11.10 Matt Berler...... 38
12. 6 Ian Nelson....... 9
23 Johnny Balsamo... 9
14. 1 A.J. Lewis....... 2
15.16 Alex Del Rio..... 1
1. 9 Robbie Glendinnin 35
2. 8 Connor Brumfield. 33
3. 22 Trey Harris...... 32
4. 4 Brian Sharp...... 31
5. 5 Brett Bond....... 25
6. 30 Kameron Misner... 23
7. 3 Alex Samples..... 22
8. 24 Chris Cornelius.. 19
9. 12 Nelson Mompierre. 17
10. 7 Kirby Mcguire.... 15
11.10 Matt Berler...... 11
12.23 Johnny Balsamo... 6
13. 1 A.J. Lewis....... 3
6 Ian Nelson....... 3
15.19 Armaan Painter... 2
Hit by pitch
1. 10 Matt Berler...... 7
2. 22 Trey Harris...... 6
3. 8 Connor Brumfield. 5
7 Kirby Mcguire.... 5
5. 5 Brett Bond....... 4
30 Kameron Misner... 4
7. 24 Chris Cornelius.. 3
9 Robbie Glendinnin 3
23 Johnny Balsamo... 3
10. 3 Alex Samples..... 2
11.12 Nelson Mompierre. 1
4 Brian Sharp...... 1
6 Ian Nelson....... 1
Sac bunts
1. 24 Chris Cornelius.. 6
2. 30 Kameron Misner... 3
8 Connor Brumfield. 3
22 Trey Harris...... 3
5. 7 Kirby Mcguire.... 2
6. 3 Alex Samples..... 1
12 Nelson Mompierre. 1
4 Brian Sharp...... 1
10 Matt Berler...... 1
5 Brett Bond....... 1
Sac flies
1. 4 Brian Sharp...... 5
24 Chris Cornelius.. 5
3. 3 Alex Samples..... 4
4. 22 Trey Harris...... 3
8 Connor Brumfield. 3
5 Brett Bond....... 3
7. 9 Robbie Glendinnin 2
30 Kameron Misner... 2
10 Matt Berler...... 2
10.12 Nelson Mompierre. 1
Stolen bases
1. 30 Kameron Misner... 17
2. 8 Connor Brumfield. 11
3. 7 Kirby Mcguire.... 10
4. 22 Trey Harris...... 9
5. 9 Robbie Glendinnin 7
6. 10 Matt Berler...... 4
23 Johnny Balsamo... 4
5 Brett Bond....... 4
4 Brian Sharp...... 4
10. 3 Alex Samples..... 3
11.24 Chris Cornelius.. 2
Caught stealing
1. 30 Kameron Misner... 6
8 Connor Brumfield. 6
3. 7 Kirby Mcguire.... 4
4 Brian Sharp...... 4
5. 22 Trey Harris...... 3
9 Robbie Glendinnin 3
7. 5 Brett Bond....... 2
8. 24 Chris Cornelius.. 1
3 Alex Samples..... 1
23 Johnny Balsamo... 1
1 A.J. Lewis....... 1
12 Nelson Mompierre. 1
Steal attempts
1. 30 Kameron Misner... 23
2. 8 Connor Brumfield. 17
3. 7 Kirby Mcguire.... 14
4. 22 Trey Harris...... 12
5. 9 Robbie Glendinnin 10
6. 4 Brian Sharp...... 8
7. 5 Brett Bond....... 6
8. 23 Johnny Balsamo... 5
9. 3 Alex Samples..... 4
10 Matt Berler...... 4
11.24 Chris Cornelius.. 3
12. 1 A.J. Lewis....... 1
12 Nelson Mompierre. 1
Stolen base pct
1. 22 Trey Harris...... .750
3 Alex Samples..... .750
3. 30 Kameron Misner... .739
4. 9 Robbie Glendinnin .700
5. 5 Brett Bond....... .667
24 Chris Cornelius.. .667
7. 8 Connor Brumfield. .647
8. 4 Brian Sharp...... .500
1. 9 Robbie Glendinnin 62
2. 5 Brett Bond....... 57
4 Brian Sharp...... 57
4. 30 Kameron Misner... 55
5. 24 Chris Cornelius.. 50
6. 3 Alex Samples..... 46
7. 8 Connor Brumfield. 45
8. 7 Kirby Mcguire.... 34
9. 10 Matt Berler...... 31
10.22 Trey Harris...... 27
11.12 Nelson Mompierre. 19
12. 1 A.J. Lewis....... 12
13.23 Johnny Balsamo... 10
14. 6 Ian Nelson....... 5
15.2 tied at........... 2
Grounded into DP
1. 24 Chris Cornelius.. 5
22 Trey Harris...... 5
3. 5 Brett Bond....... 3
30 Kameron Misner... 3
5. 4 Brian Sharp...... 2
10 Matt Berler...... 2
9 Robbie Glendinnin 2
23 Johnny Balsamo... 2
8 Connor Brumfield. 2
10. 6 Ian Nelson....... 1
3 Alex Samples..... 1
Total plate appearances
1. 8 Connor Brumfield. 261
2. 30 Kameron Misner... 248
5 Brett Bond....... 248
4. 9 Robbie Glendinnin 241
5. 22 Trey Harris...... 227
6. 24 Chris Cornelius.. 214
7. 4 Brian Sharp...... 205
8. 3 Alex Samples..... 202
9. 7 Kirby Mcguire.... 149
10.10 Matt Berler...... 120
11.12 Nelson Mompierre. 118
12. 6 Ian Nelson....... 52
13.23 Johnny Balsamo... 43
14. 1 A.J. Lewis....... 26
15.19 Armaan Painter... 10
At bats
1. 8 Connor Brumfield. 217
2. 5 Brett Bond....... 215
3. 30 Kameron Misner... 213
4. 9 Robbie Glendinnin 201
5. 22 Trey Harris...... 183
6. 24 Chris Cornelius.. 181
7. 3 Alex Samples..... 173
8. 4 Brian Sharp...... 167
9. 7 Kirby Mcguire.... 127
10.10 Matt Berler...... 99
11.12 Nelson Mompierre. 98
12. 6 Ian Nelson....... 48
13.23 Johnny Balsamo... 34
14. 1 A.J. Lewis....... 23
15.19 Armaan Painter... 8
Games played
1. 5 Brett Bond....... 58
30 Kameron Misner... 58
3. 9 Robbie Glendinnin 56
3 Alex Samples..... 56
5. 24 Chris Cornelius.. 55
8 Connor Brumfield. 55
7. 22 Trey Harris...... 52
4 Brian Sharp...... 52
9. 7 Kirby Mcguire.... 41
10.10 Matt Berler...... 38
12 Nelson Mompierre. 38
12.23 Johnny Balsamo... 32
13. 6 Ian Nelson....... 27
14. 1 A.J. Lewis....... 17
15.19 Armaan Painter... 11
Game starts
1. 30 Kameron Misner... 58
2. 24 Chris Cornelius.. 55
8 Connor Brumfield. 55
4. 9 Robbie Glendinnin 54
5 Brett Bond....... 54
6. 22 Trey Harris...... 50
7. 3 Alex Samples..... 49
8. 4 Brian Sharp...... 48
9. 7 Kirby Mcguire.... 35
10.10 Matt Berler...... 27
11.12 Nelson Mompierre. 26
12. 6 Ian Nelson....... 9
13.23 Johnny Balsamo... 5
14. 1 A.J. Lewis....... 4
15.36 Cole Bartlett.... 2
Games as sub
1. 23 Johnny Balsamo... 27
2. 6 Ian Nelson....... 18
3. 1 A.J. Lewis....... 13
4. 12 Nelson Mompierre. 12
5. 19 Armaan Painter... 11
10 Matt Berler...... 11
7. 3 Alex Samples..... 7
8. 16 Alex Del Rio..... 6
7 Kirby Mcguire.... 6
10. 4 Brian Sharp...... 4
5 Brett Bond....... 4
12.22 Trey Harris...... 2
9 Robbie Glendinnin 2
2017 SEC Baseball
Pitching Leaders for Missouri (as of Jun 28, 2017)
(All games)
Hitting minimums - 75% of Games 2.0 AB/Game 3.0 TPA/Game
Pitching minimums - 1 Games 1.0 IP/Game
Earned run avg
1. 17 Tj Sikkema....... 2.72
2. 2 Andy Toelken..... 2.80
3. 36 Cole Bartlett.... 3.19
4. 11 Tanner Houck..... 3.33
5. 43 Bryce Montes De O 4.43
Opposing bat avg
1. 17 Tj Sikkema....... .186
2. 43 Bryce Montes De O .205
3. 11 Tanner Houck..... .220
4. 2 Andy Toelken..... .223
5. 36 Cole Bartlett.... .259
Won-loss pct
1. 17 Tj Sikkema....... .800
2. 36 Cole Bartlett.... .667
3. 2 Andy Toelken..... .625
4. 43 Bryce Montes De O .444
5. 11 Tanner Houck..... .364
1. 17 Tj Sikkema....... 8
2. 36 Cole Bartlett.... 6
3. 26 Michael Plassmeye 5
2 Andy Toelken..... 5
5. 43 Bryce Montes De O 4
11 Tanner Houck..... 4
7. 4 Brian Sharp...... 2
8. 28 Liam Carter...... 1
35 Cameron Dulle.... 1
1. 11 Tanner Houck..... 7
2. 43 Bryce Montes De O 5
3. 2 Andy Toelken..... 3
36 Cole Bartlett.... 3
5. 17 Tj Sikkema....... 2
6. 35 Cameron Dulle.... 1
26 Michael Plassmeye 1
27 Nolan Gromacki... 1
1. 17 Tj Sikkema....... 4
2. 4 Brian Sharp...... 1
27 Nolan Gromacki... 1
26 Michael Plassmeye 1
Innings pitched
1. 11 Tanner Houck..... 94.2
2. 17 Tj Sikkema....... 79.1
3. 36 Cole Bartlett.... 79.0
4. 2 Andy Toelken..... 70.2
5. 43 Bryce Montes De O 61.0
Batters struck out
1. 11 Tanner Houck..... 95
2. 17 Tj Sikkema....... 81
3. 43 Bryce Montes De O 61
4. 26 Michael Plassmeye 54
5. 36 Cole Bartlett.... 53
6. 2 Andy Toelken..... 52
7. 27 Nolan Gromacki... 23
8. 35 Cameron Dulle.... 19
9. 48 Ryan Lee......... 18
10.40 Ty Shoaff........ 16
11.44 Luke Boyster..... 12
12. 4 Brian Sharp...... 11
13.28 Liam Carter...... 7
14.37 Evan Stoll....... 3
1. 17 Tj Sikkema....... 22
27 Nolan Gromacki... 22
3. 26 Michael Plassmeye 19
36 Cole Bartlett.... 19
5. 2 Andy Toelken..... 16
6. 43 Bryce Montes De O 15
40 Ty Shoaff........ 15
8. 11 Tanner Houck..... 14
9. 35 Cameron Dulle.... 12
10.48 Ryan Lee......... 10
11. 4 Brian Sharp...... 9
12.44 Luke Boyster..... 5
28 Liam Carter...... 5
14.37 Evan Stoll....... 2
Games started
1. 11 Tanner Houck..... 14
2. 43 Bryce Montes De O 12
3. 2 Andy Toelken..... 11
4. 26 Michael Plassmeye 10
5. 36 Cole Bartlett.... 5
6. 17 Tj Sikkema....... 3
28 Liam Carter...... 3
8. 48 Ryan Lee......... 1
Games finished
1. 17 Tj Sikkema....... 15
2. 36 Cole Bartlett.... 8
3. 27 Nolan Gromacki... 7
4. 26 Michael Plassmeye 4
4 Brian Sharp...... 4
6. 44 Luke Boyster..... 3
35 Cameron Dulle.... 3
40 Ty Shoaff........ 3
9. 48 Ryan Lee......... 2
10.28 Liam Carter...... 1
37 Evan Stoll....... 1
2 Andy Toelken..... 1
Games in relief
1. 27 Nolan Gromacki... 22
2. 17 Tj Sikkema....... 19
3. 40 Ty Shoaff........ 15
4. 36 Cole Bartlett.... 14
5. 35 Cameron Dulle.... 12
6. 48 Ryan Lee......... 9
4 Brian Sharp...... 9
26 Michael Plassmeye 9
9. 44 Luke Boyster..... 5
2 Andy Toelken..... 5
11.43 Bryce Montes De O 3
12.37 Evan Stoll....... 2
28 Liam Carter...... 2
Wild pitches
1. 43 Bryce Montes De O 7
2. 11 Tanner Houck..... 5
3. 36 Cole Bartlett.... 4
4. 48 Ryan Lee......... 3
5. 2 Andy Toelken..... 2
27 Nolan Gromacki... 2
26 Michael Plassmeye 2
44 Luke Boyster..... 2
9. 28 Liam Carter...... 1
1. 26 Michael Plassmeye 4
2. 36 Cole Bartlett.... 2
3. 11 Tanner Houck..... 1
40 Ty Shoaff........ 1
Hit batters
1. 11 Tanner Houck..... 18
2. 43 Bryce Montes De O 11
3. 2 Andy Toelken..... 8
4. 17 Tj Sikkema....... 7
26 Michael Plassmeye 7
6. 36 Cole Bartlett.... 6
7. 27 Nolan Gromacki... 4
8. 40 Ty Shoaff........ 3
9. 44 Luke Boyster..... 2
10.35 Cameron Dulle.... 1
48 Ryan Lee......... 1
28 Liam Carter...... 1
Intentional BB allowed
1. 2 Andy Toelken..... 1
40 Ty Shoaff........ 1
17 Tj Sikkema....... 1
Runners picked off
1. 36 Cole Bartlett.... 1
43 Bryce Montes De O 1
26 Michael Plassmeye 1
2 Andy Toelken..... 1
5 Brett Bond....... 1
Batters SO out looking
1. 11 Tanner Houck..... 31
17 Tj Sikkema....... 31
3. 26 Michael Plassmeye 19
4. 2 Andy Toelken..... 17
5. 36 Cole Bartlett.... 14
6. 43 Bryce Montes De O 11
7. 48 Ryan Lee......... 7
8. 40 Ty Shoaff........ 5
9. 35 Cameron Dulle.... 3
27 Nolan Gromacki... 3
37 Evan Stoll....... 3
28 Liam Carter...... 3
13.44 Luke Boyster..... 2
14. 4 Brian Sharp...... 1
Sac bunts allowed
1. 36 Cole Bartlett.... 7
2. 43 Bryce Montes De O 6
3. 2 Andy Toelken..... 4
11 Tanner Houck..... 4
5. 17 Tj Sikkema....... 3
6. 26 Michael Plassmeye 2
48 Ryan Lee......... 2
8. 35 Cameron Dulle.... 1
28 Liam Carter...... 1
Sac flies allowed
1. 36 Cole Bartlett.... 4
43 Bryce Montes De O 4
3. 11 Tanner Houck..... 3
17 Tj Sikkema....... 3
5. 48 Ryan Lee......... 1
4 Brian Sharp...... 1
Hits allowed
1. 43 Bryce Montes De O 43
2. 17 Tj Sikkema....... 52
3. 2 Andy Toelken..... 59
4. 36 Cole Bartlett.... 76
5. 11 Tanner Houck..... 78
Runs allowed
1. 17 Tj Sikkema....... 26
2. 2 Andy Toelken..... 31
3. 43 Bryce Montes De O 40
4. 36 Cole Bartlett.... 41
5. 11 Tanner Houck..... 45
Earned runs allowed
1. 2 Andy Toelken..... 22
2. 17 Tj Sikkema....... 24
3. 36 Cole Bartlett.... 28
4. 43 Bryce Montes De O 30
5. 11 Tanner Houck..... 35
Walks allowed
1. 17 Tj Sikkema....... 18
2. 36 Cole Bartlett.... 22
3. 11 Tanner Houck..... 24
2 Andy Toelken..... 24
5. 43 Bryce Montes De O 42
Doubles allowed
1. 17 Tj Sikkema....... 9
36 Cole Bartlett.... 9
3. 2 Andy Toelken..... 11
43 Bryce Montes De O 11
5. 11 Tanner Houck..... 16
Triples allowed
1. 2 Andy Toelken..... 0
2. 17 Tj Sikkema....... 1
11 Tanner Houck..... 1
43 Bryce Montes De O 1
5. 36 Cole Bartlett.... 2
Home runs allowed
1. 17 Tj Sikkema....... 2
2. 43 Bryce Montes De O 3
3. 11 Tanner Houck..... 5
4. 36 Cole Bartlett.... 7
5. 2 Andy Toelken..... 9
2017 SEC Baseball
Fielding Leaders for Missouri (as of Jun 28, 2017)
(All games)
Hitting minimums - 75% of Games
Pitching minimums - 1 Games 1.0 IP/Game
Fielding pct
1. 22 Trey Harris...... 1.000
2. 8 Connor Brumfield. .985
3. 4 Brian Sharp...... .984
4. 5 Brett Bond....... .979
5. 30 Kameron Misner... .976
6. 9 Robbie Glendinnin .940
7. 3 Alex Samples..... .937
8. 24 Chris Cornelius.. .928
1. 4 Brian Sharp...... 442
2. 5 Brett Bond....... 421
3. 9 Robbie Glendinnin 248
4. 24 Chris Cornelius.. 221
5. 10 Matt Berler...... 192
6. 3 Alex Samples..... 142
7. 12 Nelson Mompierre. 134
8. 8 Connor Brumfield. 132
9. 30 Kameron Misner... 83
10.22 Trey Harris...... 59
11. 6 Ian Nelson....... 38
12. 7 Kirby Mcguire.... 37
13. 2 Andy Toelken..... 25
14.11 Tanner Houck..... 24
15.17 Tj Sikkema....... 23
1. 4 Brian Sharp...... 398
2. 5 Brett Bond....... 373
3. 10 Matt Berler...... 146
4. 8 Connor Brumfield. 126
5. 12 Nelson Mompierre. 116
6. 9 Robbie Glendinnin 90
7. 30 Kameron Misner... 79
8. 24 Chris Cornelius.. 70
9. 22 Trey Harris...... 57
10. 7 Kirby Mcguire.... 33
11. 3 Alex Samples..... 28
12.19 Armaan Painter... 16
13. 2 Andy Toelken..... 11
14.23 Johnny Balsamo... 9
15.11 Tanner Houck..... 8
1. 9 Robbie Glendinnin 143
2. 24 Chris Cornelius.. 135
3. 3 Alex Samples..... 105
4. 10 Matt Berler...... 44
5. 5 Brett Bond....... 39
6. 4 Brian Sharp...... 37
7. 6 Ian Nelson....... 28
8. 36 Cole Bartlett.... 18
9. 17 Tj Sikkema....... 17
10.12 Nelson Mompierre. 16
11.11 Tanner Houck..... 15
12.26 Michael Plassmeye 13
13. 2 Andy Toelken..... 12
14.43 Bryce Montes De O 11
15.35 Cameron Dulle.... 5
1. 24 Chris Cornelius.. 16
2. 9 Robbie Glendinnin 15
3. 3 Alex Samples..... 9
5 Brett Bond....... 9
5. 4 Brian Sharp...... 7
6. 6 Ian Nelson....... 4
7. 17 Tj Sikkema....... 3
7 Kirby Mcguire.... 3
9. 30 Kameron Misner... 2
10 Matt Berler...... 2
12 Nelson Mompierre. 2
8 Connor Brumfield. 2
2 Andy Toelken..... 2
14.3 tied at........... 1
Fielding double plays
1. 9 Robbie Glendinnin 37
2. 4 Brian Sharp...... 35
3. 24 Chris Cornelius.. 33
4. 10 Matt Berler...... 19
5. 3 Alex Samples..... 5
6. 17 Tj Sikkema....... 2
30 Kameron Misner... 2
8. 8 Connor Brumfield. 1
12 Nelson Mompierre. 1
6 Ian Nelson....... 1
35 Cameron Dulle.... 1
36 Cole Bartlett.... 1
Stolen bases against
1. 5 Brett Bond....... 35
2. 43 Bryce Montes De O 17
3. 12 Nelson Mompierre. 11
4. 11 Tanner Houck..... 9
5. 36 Cole Bartlett.... 5
17 Tj Sikkema....... 5
7. 27 Nolan Gromacki... 3
8. 35 Cameron Dulle.... 2
26 Michael Plassmeye 2
10. 2 Andy Toelken..... 1
44 Luke Boyster..... 1
48 Ryan Lee......... 1
Caught stealing by
1. 5 Brett Bond....... 11
2. 11 Tanner Houck..... 7
3. 12 Nelson Mompierre. 5
4. 2 Andy Toelken..... 4
17 Tj Sikkema....... 4
6. 36 Cole Bartlett.... 2
43 Bryce Montes De O 2
8. 26 Michael Plassmeye 1
35 Cameron Dulle.... 1
28 Liam Carter...... 1
40 Ty Shoaff........ 1
Steal attempts against
1. 5 Brett Bond....... 46
2. 43 Bryce Montes De O 19
3. 12 Nelson Mompierre. 16
11 Tanner Houck..... 16
5. 17 Tj Sikkema....... 9
6. 36 Cole Bartlett.... 7
7. 2 Andy Toelken..... 5
8. 35 Cameron Dulle.... 3
26 Michael Plassmeye 3
27 Nolan Gromacki... 3
11.48 Ryan Lee......... 1
40 Ty Shoaff........ 1
28 Liam Carter...... 1
44 Luke Boyster..... 1
Passed balls
1. 5 Brett Bond....... 8
2. 12 Nelson Mompierre. 1
Catchers interference
1. 5 Brett Bond....... 3
2. 12 Nelson Mompierre. 1
Season Game Highs
2017 SEC Baseball
Season Game Highs for Missouri (as of Jun 28, 2017)
(All games)
At bats: 49 - vs Chicago State (Mar 15, 2017)
Runs scored: 27 - vs Eastern Michigan (Feb 18, 2017 at Fort Myers, Fla.)
Hits: 22 - vs Eastern Michigan (Feb 18, 2017 at Fort Myers, Fla.)
RBIs: 26 - vs Eastern Michigan (Feb 18, 2017 at Fort Myers, Fla.)
Doubles: 7 - vs Eastern Michigan (Feb 18, 2017 at Fort Myers, Fla.)
Triples: 2 - vs Eastern Michigan (Feb 18, 2017 at Fort Myers, Fla.)
Home runs: 5 - vs Kentucky (Apr 15, 2017)
Total bases: 36 - vs Eastern Michigan (Feb 18, 2017 at Fort Myers, Fla.)
Walks: 14 - vs Chicago State (Mar 15, 2017)
Strikeouts: 17 - at Georgia (Apr 06, 2017)
Sac hits: 2 - (4 games )
Sac flies: 4 - vs Eastern Michigan (Feb 18, 2017 at Fort Myers, Fla.)
Stolen bases: 9 - vs Chicago State (Mar 15, 2017)
Hit by pitch: 4 - vs Eastern Michigan (Feb 18, 2017 at Fort Myers, Fla.)
Caught stealing: 2 - (6 games )
Runners LOB: 21 - vs Chicago State (Mar 15, 2017)
Hit into DP: 3 - vs UIC (Mar 04, 2017)
3 - at Alabama (Mar 18, 2017)
Putouts: 39 - vs Chicago State (Mar 15, 2017)
Assists: 19 - at Ole Miss (Apr 21, 2017)
19 - at Vanderbilt (May 06, 2017)
Errors: 7 - vs Chicago State (Mar 15, 2017)
Passed balls: 1 - (9 games )
DPs turned: 4 - vs Florida (Apr 02, 2017)
4 - at Ole Miss (Apr 21, 2017)
Innings pitched: 13.0 - vs Chicago State (Mar 15, 2017)
Runs allowed: 14 - at Vanderbilt (May 07, 2017)
Earned runs: 12 - at Vanderbilt (May 07, 2017)
Walks allowed: 8 - at Alabama (Mar 19, 2017)
8 - vs Arkansas-Pine Bluff (Apr 12, 2017)
Strikeouts: 16 - vs Chicago State (Mar 15, 2017)
Hits allowed: 15 - at Vanderbilt (May 07, 2017)
Doubles allowed: 6 - at Vanderbilt (May 07, 2017)
Triples allowed: 1 - (7 games )
Homers allowed: 4 - vs Kentucky (Apr 15, 2017)
4 - vs South Carolina (May 25, 2017 at Hoover, Ala.)
Wild pitches: 2 - (6 games )
Hit batters: 4 - vs UIC (Mar 03, 2017)
2017 SEC Baseball
Season Game Highs for Missouri (as of Jun 28, 2017)
(All games)
At bats: 7 - Matt Berler vs Chicago State (Mar 15, 2017)
Runs scored: 5 - Brett Bond vs Eastern Michigan (Feb 18, 2017 at Fort Myers, Fla.)
Hits: 5 - Brett Bond vs Eastern Illinois (Mar 07, 2017)
5 - Connor Brumfield at Alabama (Mar 18, 2017)
RBIs: 5 - Nelson Mompierre vs Eastern Michigan (Feb 18, 2017 at Fort Myers, Fla.)
5 - Trey Harris vs UIC (Mar 05, 2017)
5 - Robbie Glendinning vs Texas A&M (May 23, 2017 at Hoover, Ala.)
Doubles: 2 - (11 games )
Triples: 1 - (11 games )
Home runs: 3 - Trey Harris vs Kentucky (Apr 15, 2017)
Total bases: 12 - Trey Harris vs Kentucky (Apr 15, 2017)
Walks: 3 - (12 games )
Strikeouts: 4 - (4 games )
Sac hits: 2 - Chris Cornelius vs Western Carolina (Mar 08, 2017)
Sac flies: 1 - (30 games )
Stolen bases: 3 - Kameron Misner vs UIC (Mar 04, 2017)
3 - Connor Brumfield vs Arkansas-Pine Bluff (Apr 11, 2017)
Hit by pitch: 2 - Matt Berler vs Eastern Michigan (Feb 19, 2017 at Fort Myers, Fla.)
2 - Matt Berler vs Murray State (May 02, 2017)
Caught stealing: 1 - (33 games )
Runners LOB: 8 - Alex Samples at Alabama (Mar 17, 2017)
Putouts: 17 - Brett Bond vs Chicago State (Mar 15, 2017)
Assists: 8 - Alex Samples at Ole Miss (Apr 21, 2017)
Errors: 2 - (5 games )
Passed balls: 1 - (9 games )
Innings pitched: 9.0 - (5 games )
Runs allowed: 7 - Cole Bartlett vs Texas A&M (Apr 28, 2017)
7 - Bryce Montes De Oc at Vanderbilt (May 07, 2017)
7 - Tanner Houck vs Texas A&M (May 23, 2017 at Hoover, Ala.)
Earned runs: 6 - Tanner Houck vs Texas A&M (May 23, 2017 at Hoover, Ala.)
Walks allowed: 5 - Bryce Montes De Oc at Ole Miss (Apr 23, 2017)
Strikeouts: 10 - Tanner Houck vs South Carolina (May 13, 2017)
Hits allowed: 10 - Cole Bartlett at Ole Miss (Apr 21, 2017)
Doubles allowed: 3 - Tanner Houck vs Texas A&M (Apr 28, 2017)
3 - Bryce Montes De Oc at Vanderbilt (May 07, 2017)
3 - Tj Sikkema vs South Carolina (May 12, 2017)
Triples allowed: 1 - (7 games )
Homers allowed: 3 - Michael Plassmeyer vs Kentucky (Apr 15, 2017)
3 - Cole Bartlett vs South Carolina (May 25, 2017 at Hoover, Ala.)
Wild pitches: 2 - Tanner Houck at Georgia (Apr 06, 2017)
2 - Bryce Montes De Oc vs Georgia (Apr 08, 2017 at Atlanta, Ga.)
Hit batters: 3 - Bryce Montes De Oc vs Eastern Illinois (Mar 07, 2017)
3 - Tanner Houck vs Kentucky (Apr 14, 2017)
3 - Tanner Houck vs Texas A&M (May 23, 2017 at Hoover, Ala.)