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ESPN The Magazine
Friday, July 14
Outtakes with Jamal Anderson

DP: Was there one thing at the Super Bowl last year that surprised you?

JA: There was so much hype and hoopla. Me and Terrell. Dan and Denver. In the tunnel before the game, I didn't have butterflies. I was just like, 'Let's go already!'

DP: Who was your sports hero growing up?

Jamal Anderson
Jamal Anderson wears No. 32 in honor of Jim Brown.
Jim Brown. He's the reason I've worn 32 since I was seven and a half. When other kids were watching cartoons, I was all about the old NFL films on Saturday.

DP: You know Ali, right?

JA: I grew up around him. My dad did security for him for a couple of years. At the time, I didn't realize his impact on people, but now he's one of my sports heros.

DP: Who else did you meet because your dad did security for athletes and stars?

JA: Sugar Ray Leonard. Mike Tyson. Byron Scott and Magic Johnson. The Jackson family. Donna Summer. It was something else.

DP: If we were going to watch a movie that defined you . . .

JA: The Godfather. The structure of the family in that movie reminds me of the way I was raised. The dad, the mom and all the brothers. It's just a great movie. Oh! Without all that violence, though.

DP: Is there a TV show you watch religiously?

JA: I used to love Good Times. I don't know a person out there who can't remember when James Evans died, and Florida dropped that punch bowl and said, "Damn, damn, damn." You felt Florida's pain.

DP: It still hurts you. Have you told Jimmie Walker that?

JA: Nope. Jimmie's gained weight though, hasn't he? He looks like a tight end.

DP: What other sport do you think you could play professionally?

JA: I love tennis. I started taking lessons when I was 11. I played with my dad all the time. When I finally beat him, I said, "I'm a man now. I've beaten my father."

DP: I'll put you with the Williams sisters.

JA: I'm ready for the Battle of the Sexes 2000. I'll be the 2000 version of Bobby Riggs with the Williams sisters. And I will dust them.

DP: Did you have a fashion phase that you never want to revisit?

JA: Oh, yeah. Cowboy boots and Wranglers. My dad had this thing with cowboy hats in the '80s, and he made us wear them, too. We looked like the black version of Alabama.

DP: Describe your running style.

JA: Baryshnikov. (Laughs) I'm just kidding. I never wanted to have one style. If I wanted to cut on a dime, or if I ran somebody over, or if I ran by somebody, I prided myself on doing everything well. Everything I saw Jim Brown do.

DP: Have you forgiven Dan Reeves?

JA: (Laughs) Now put in there that I laughed.

DP: I will. "Laughter."

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