What were the Vikings thinking?
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What the heck were the Minnesota Vikings thinking when they passed twice during the 2003 NFL Draft, slipping down from the No. 7 overall pick to No. 9?

Vikings draft
"Hold on, dude. I'll be with you right after this Jerry Garcia solo."
A. "There are so many colleges and so many names. . And then they have the nerve to stick that gosh-darned clock in your face. It's really not very conducive to sound decision-making."

B. "Even in the offseason, we're always practicing our passing game."

C. "No paper, no cards, no pens, no pencils. Damn intern had one job . . . "

D. "We thought we still had a lifeline."

E. "There were only six guys we really wanted. What were the odds they'd all be gone by the time we were on the clock?"

E. "That's the last time we get our helmet phone at a garage sale."


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