Looking for The Answer
By Kurt Snibbe
Special to Page 2

If you've ever been puzzled by the actions and words of Philadelphia 76ers superstar Allen Iverson, then let Page 2 help you put the pieces together. Once you've completed the test, click on the link at the bottom to find the correct order.


Now that you've come up with the order for the pieces, see if you have the right answer to The Answer puzzle.

Kurt Snibbe is a sports news artist for the Orange County Register, and his work will appear frequently on Page 2. He can be reached at Sportoon@hotmail.com.


Kurt Snibbe Archive

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Sportoon: More than just Bol puckey

Sportoon: The toes know

Sportoon: Like pigskins in slop ...

Sportoon: Ooooooh, scary stuff

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