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King's column lives ...

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USA Today announced this week that after two decades it will no longer run Larry King's weekly column. "Larry King has been in the paper for a very long time," a USA Today spokesperson told The Washington Post. "But we want the news to be trendier, newsier and to have greater impact than it does now."

Larry King
Larry King
Only USA Today would announce it wants "newsier" news, but hey, that's why it's the most widely read newspaper of nonweekend newspapers purchased in bulk by hotel chains to leave outside the rooms of travelers for free. At least I think it is -- I don't have any cute little pie charts to back up that statement.

But fear not, Kingaholics and three-dottters, Page 2 has hired The King to bring our readers his cutting-edge, hard-hitting take on sports and all things celebrity-related.

Larry King's things (as dictated to Jim Caple) ...
Keep your eye on this young man, Ripken. He's a gamer. ... I don't know about you, but I believe Pete Rose. What a hitter. ... Bob Hope, 98 years old and dying in a hospital bed on a respirator and a dialysis machine, still makes me laugh. For my money, his one-liners with all those Kodak All-Americans were 17 times funnier than anything Dennis Miller comes up with on "Monday Night Football."

Speaking of "MNF," whatever happened to Alex Karras? ... Don't you wish Shaq would make another movie? ... Sure, George W. Bush might be in bed with the oil industry, and he has an embarrassingly inadequate vocabulary for the most powerful man in the world, but isn't it comforting to have a baseball fan back in the White House? And his mother is such a nice woman. ... Is there a better name for a fruit than orange? ... Those NBA draft picks sure seem young these days, don't they? ... Or am I just getting old?

If you haven't checked out the HBO series on the Baltimore Ravens, you should check it out. I would love to get Brian Billick on my show with Shirley MacLaine. ... This might not be the politically correct thing to say, but I miss the Negro Leagues . ... My dream foursome? Tiger Woods, Jack Nicklaus, Ben Hogan and Jan Stephenson . ... Vanilla is a very underrated ice cream. ... Nobody asked me, but Rae Carruth couldn't carry O.J. Simpson's jockstrap. ... Have you ever had a burning sensation when you urinate?

I prefer watching hockey in person instead of watching it on TV. ... It's a sad story but the Almontes wouldn't have tried that if Janet Reno still was attorney general. ... Best college football helmets? Michigan. I remember interviewing Gerald Ford about his days with the Wolverines. Politics aside, he was a much better football player than Jimmy Carter... . When you heard about Dale Earnhardt, did you immediately think of Thurman Munson like I did? ... That H. Ross Perot. What a strange, arrogant, paranoid little man. But I love him!

I just saw a sneak preview of "Hardball," the new baseball movie starring Keanu Reeves. He's a terrific actor. ... Or am I thinking of Josh Hartnett? ... Why do hot dogs taste so much better at a ballgame? ... Had lunch this week with James Carville, Gerry Spence and Sandra Day O'Connor and we got to talking about the Philadelphia 76ers. ... I can't get enough of Bob Uecker and The Chicken.

I wouldn't want to be Dan Duquette's receptionist right now. ... Ziplock storage bags. Gotta love 'em. ... Don't you just hate it when a movie about Washington politics inserts the obligatory scene where I interview the lead actor on my show? I don't! ... That Morganna -- Yowsa!. ... You know, I think I misplaced my integrity somewhere. Let's see. I know I had it during an interview about 10 years ago. ... The Mariners are my pick to win the AL West. ... What's all this fuss about this grunge music I keep hearing about? ...

Jim Caple is a senior writer for

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