- OLY - Demonstrators, journalists detained

Wednesday, July 11
Demonstrators, journalists detained

MOSCOW -- Russian riot police broke up a protest of Beijing's bid for the 2008 Olympics, detaining at least six demonstrators and two journalists Wednesday minutes after the demonstration began.

The swift crackdown sparked questions by reporters to Francois Carrard, director-general of the International Olympic Committee, whose executive commission was meeting in Moscow.

The full IOC is to vote on Friday in Moscow on who holds the 2008 Games. Beijing is the leading contender among five candidates, but opponents say China should not get the games because of its intolerance of dissent and repression of national minorities, including Tibetans.

The detainees, who included an Associated Press photographer and a U.S. free-lancer, were released late Wednesday after about 12 hours in custody and told to appear in court Thursday.

Asked to comment on the police action in light of concerns about China's tough stance toward protesters, Carrard said: "The status of demonstrations is a matter of national law. We're certainly not going to interfere with any of these procedures."

"If there was violation of the law that's one thing; if it was abuse and not a violation, that's another," he said.

China is exerting heavy pressure on Russia to stifle protests, a group opposing Beijing's bid has claimed.

About 15 demonstrators tried to unfurl a banner while standing on a sidewalk along the Moscow River, several hundreds yards away from the conference center where IOC officials were meeting.

The banner, nearly seven feet high, had a picture of five bullet holes in place of the Olympic logo of five linked circles. Riot police immediately broke up the protest and tried to seize the banner.

"This is the same thing that would happen in China," shouted protest leader Yangzom Brauen.

After the demonstrators continued to resist, trying to unfurl the banner again and speak with journalists, police detained several of them, including Brauen. They carried her, weeping, by the arms and legs into a waiting police bus.

Police also detained Associated Press photographer Maxim Marmur and Ilana Ozernaya, an American citizen of Russian origin working as a free-lancer with Hong Kong's TV-B.

All remained in custody Wednesday evening.

The well-guarded conference center where the IOC is meeting was abuzz with talk of the arrests on Wednesday, more attention than the demonstration probably would have received if it had been allowed to proceed.

"The arrests occurred under a climate of heavy intimidation from the Chinese government that has permeated Moscow during the IOC meeting," said a statement from the group, the Free Tibet Campaign.

Tibetans said that the Chinese Embassy had previously attempted to block a news conference organized by the Tibetans and pressured the city authorities to deny them a permit to demonstrate near the IOC meetings.

Beijing is widely expected to win Friday when the IOC votes. The other candidates are Paris; Toronto; Istanbul, Turkey; and Osaka, Japan.

Tibetans and other human rights activists oppose awarding the games to Beijing, saying the move would be seen by the Chinese government as tacit endorsement of its hard line against dissent and repressive policies in Tibet and Inner Mongolia.

But advocates of the bid say having the games in Beijing would encourage China to liberalize because of the intense attention that the Olympics would focus on the country.

Those detained included Karma Yeshi of the Tibetan Youth Congress in India, an ethnic Tibetan resident of Moscow and four Swiss residents, including Brauen, according to the Tibetan Culture and Information Center in Moscow.

A number of Tibet groups have sent representatives to Moscow to protest the Beijing bid. The groups planned to demonstrate in front of the conference center Friday, but Moscow authorities have denied them a permit, said Ann Callaghan of the Free Tibet Campaign.

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