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Wednesday, November 8, 2000
Smith suffered concussion, head laceration

SAN JOSE, Calif. -- San Jose Sharks center Mark Smith was released from the hospital Sunday, a day after being hit by Carolina's Bates Battaglia.

Smith was kept at San Jose Medical Center overnight for observation.

The rookie was knocked unconscious by the hit midway through the second period of the Sharks' 4-1 victory over Carolina.

Smith, who also cut his head, lay motionless for several minutes. He was taken off the ice on a stretcher.

The crowd at the San Jose Arena, silenced by the hit, cheered when Smith moved his foot as he was being moved to the stretcher.

The Sharks said Sunday that Smith had a concussion and required stitches for the cut on his head.

He will be out at least a week, a team spokesman said. The Sharks played at Vancouver on Sunday night.

Battaglia was ejected and given a major penalty for charging. He said later he felt it was a clean hit, and was surprised when the penalty was called.

"It was a clean hit, the question is how late was it?" Hurricanes coach Paul Maurice said. "The guy wasn't in a position to protect himself."

Because of the game misconduct, the NHL will automatically review the hit.

Smith, a 1997 San Jose draft pick who made his NHL debut earlier this season, has one goal for the Sharks. Last season he had 61 points for Kentucky in the AHL.

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