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 Friday, March 24
Sports medicine doctors warn Lindros
Associated Press

  PHILADELPHIA -- Knee and back pain. Eye and shoulder problems. A collapsed right lung. And now a fourth concussion.

Sports medicine doctors around the country on Friday sent a warning to Eric Lindros: His next injury might put him out of hockey for good.

And given Lindros' increasingly strained relationship with the Philadelphia Flyers, he could be close to retiring at 27 after an eight-year career.

Lindros' concussions alone could drive him from the game. Although he might not have permanent neurological damage from the March 4 concussion, after which he played four more games, he could be at risk for more serious brain damage next time he plays, doctors said.

"After three concussions, you're starting to get into the danger zone," said Kevin Stone, a San Francisco doctor and founder of The Stone Clinic, a leading center for the treatment of athletes.

The Flyers must face that danger as well as the possibility that might be interested in signing the restricted free agent who is under a one-year contract.

Dr. Donald Leslie is medical director of the brain injury unit at the Atlanta-based Shepherd Center, which has one of the country's largest brain injury rehabilitation programs.

"One more injury, and he may not be on the team," he said. "He may not even be able to take care of his own daily activities. ... I would recommend that someone with four consecutive concussions not put himself at further risk for a fifth."

Lindros' health, productivity and standing with the Flyers have done nothing but decline since his gloried 1995-96 season when he had 100 points.

He was diagnosed on Wednesday with symptoms of a moderate concussion, a mild bruising of the brain tissue caused by a blow to the head, which produces a change in mental function. Usually, the level of his concussion is accompanied by confusion, ringing in the ears, amnesia and nausea.

Lindros will be sidelined four to six weeks and will miss at least the first round of the playoffs.

His younger brother, Brett, was forced to retire from the NHL in 1996 after three concussions with the New York Islanders and an undetermined number of concussions in juniors.

Lindros' health problems are complicated by his relations with management. There is mutual dislike between Lindros and general manager Bob Clarke.

Lindros listed his complaints about the team Thursday. He said although he tried to minimize his head injury this month, trainer John Worley "knew what I had" and brushed off his injury. He criticized the team for not taking him out of the game sooner.

Lindros said he did not want to reveal the extent of the injury earlier because he had just returned from a back injury and did not want to miss more time.

He added that Clarke had not talked to him for three weeks during his last concussion.

"There are a lot of things that go on here that are good and there's a lot that goes on that isn't good," Lindros said. "I haven't said anything in the past, but I've just boiled over. I'm really unhappy about what's gone on here."

When asked if he wanted to stay in Philadelphia, he said "the cards are not in my hand." He left for Toronto to receive cranial massage treatment for his concussion.

Clarke, captain of the Flyers' last Stanley Cup championship team in 1975, praised the team's medical staff and said it had no idea of the severity of Lindros' injury. He has also said he wants to re-sign Lindros.

On Friday, the team canceled practice and declined to comment further.

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